Jiang Ting can't figure out why the map fragments are scattered around Sirius instead of gathering together, because Yunxi's voice suddenly looks up and reveals his incomprehension.

It's Yunxi who comes to Sirius for training. Just arriving at Sirius, Yunxi says he wants to leave. Is there something else that he doesn't know?

"I have some private business to deal with."

After a pause, Yunxi showed a little smile: "I'll look for you after I finish my work."

After that, without waiting for Jiang Ting's reaction, Yunxi waves his hand and turns the warship, obviously going to other places.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting suddenly realized that Yunxi might have made up his mind, but he didn't know when to make up his mind. If it was normal, maybe he would find out when Yunxi was different.

But before, because of the problem of divine power, he had been thinking about whether there were other countermeasures besides condensing the kingdom of God, so he didn't realize that Yunxi was different, why he suddenly left, naturally he didn't know.

Although he didn't understand, Jiang Ting didn't ask. Since Yunxi didn't say it, his asking would have no result. It's better not to ask.

Therefore, Jiang Ting left the warship a little bit: "no accident, I will stay in Sirius for some time in the future. If things are not easy to handle or need help, come to Sirius to find me. Don't be polite."

"I wrote it down." After that, Yunxi takes a deep look at Jiangting, as if to reflect the face of Jiangting in his heart, and then controls the warship to break through the starry sky and escape into the space node.

When the warship disappears, Jiang Ting takes back his eyes and falls to Sirius below.

Although he didn't know what Yunxi's private affairs were, he didn't think it would be safe. I'm afraid he didn't trust him because he was in a lower state at the moment.

Although his strength is far more than one level God, it's just that the things Yunxi has to deal with are not simple. He didn't forget that the reason why he met Yunxi is because Yunxi appeared in Bluestar before and lost her memory. Maybe the reason why she lost her memory is related to the things she is going to deal with at this time.

It's all about strength.

At the same time, when Jiangting enters Sirius, the distant space node.

The warship that is about to enter the node suddenly stops. Yunxi also turns to look at Jiang ting and enters Sirius's back. She can see clearly with her level Four spirit.

Looking at it quietly, I don't know how long Yunxi turned to control the warship to enter the space node: "I hope everything goes well... If I can solve it, I will come back to find you. If I can't solve it, I don't think anyone will know that I have a long relationship with you and will not involve you.."

in the whispering, Yunxi controlled the warship to disappear in the space node and lose all trace Trace and breath.


somewhere in Sirius, a huge city stands on the earth, covering an area of unknown number. The huge city gate is full of people coming and going.

Jiang Ting, who just arrived at Sirius, looked at the city in front of him: "seal the magic city."

It's not that Jiang Ting came to this magic city, but because he can see the word "magic city" above the gate at a glance.

It is obvious that the level of the people who carve those three characters is not low. Even if it's just the handwriting that doesn't know how long it exists, Jiang Ting can also feel the meaning from it, which is extremely powerful!

If he was an ordinary person, he would not be able to extricate himself from it. However, Jiang Ting's mind was extraordinary, and he soon stopped watching, because it seemed that he just swept by, but he didn't attract any other attention.

Then Jiang Ting began to line up to enter the city in a low-key way. He could feel that one of the map fragments was in the magic city, and the reason why he appeared here was because of the map fragments!

The strength of this city is not low.

Although there are many people who have not become gods, there are just as many who have become gods. Even Jiang Ting can easily feel that there are many secondary gods, tertiary gods and even tertiary gods in this magic city.

Because of the strength of the city, the realm of the first level God of Jiangting will not attract other people's attention. After all, the first level God like him is like a carp crossing the river in this magic city. It's not too simple.

Inside the city.

After entering the city, I was ready to feel the detailed whereabouts of the map fragments, but for a while, Jiang Ting quietly opened his eyes, showing some faint helplessness.

He found that he could perceive the debris in the city, but he could not perceive the detailed whereabouts, not because of the map debris, but because of the city.

This magic city is shrouded in a huge array, which affects Jiang Ting's perception of map fragments, so he can't determine his whereabouts.

"It seems that if you want to get the map fragments, you have to find a way to get a firm foothold in the city first, and then you are slowly trying to trace your whereabouts." With the whisper, Jiang Ting's body flickered and disappeared in the crowd.

He should first inquire about the distribution of power in the city and all kinds of information.

........Three days later, there was a wine shop in FengMo City, a window seat.

"Step, step..." with the sound of footsteps, a man with a face full of flesh came to the window.

The man was going to sit down, and then frowned: "I like this position. Go away."

The man's poor sight was looking at a young man who was drinking slowly.

"I'll give you a chance to say it again." With a whisper, the young man slowly looked up, his eyes filled with cold, vaguely as if he could see a kind of soul killing, ferocious eyes.

The man was staring at him, and he felt numb all over. His intuition told him that the youth in front of him was not easy to provoke.

"No, it's OK. You go on." The man sneered, turned to another table, obviously did not want to make friends with the young people who were not easy to provoke.

And the youth is Jiang Ting!

Jiang Ting didn't care about the man. He drank the wine slowly again. As soon as the wine entered his body, it was dissolved by his divine power.

For the past three days, he has been in this wine shop. Compared with asking for information in the street, this wine shop is more useful. He just needs to sit here quietly and listen to the conversation of other people, and naturally he can get the information he wants.

Although a lot of news is unimportant, it is enough for him.

Not to mention much, at least in the past three days, he knew that the Lord of this magic city was named Zhao Yan. His realm was extremely powerful seven level God, which suppressed the whole magic city.

There are only a few gods in the whole endless God realm. Under the God realm, there are nine level gods. The strong ones like the nine level gods must live deep and shallow, and rarely appear. This magic city is just a city above Sirius, and Sirius is just a planet in the endless God realm.

It is not surprising that it can suppress the whole Fengmo city.

However, Jiang Ting was surprised that

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