After man Luo Yin left the shop, Jiang Ting didn't care, but turned to enter the inner hall.

The inner hall has the same artistic conception as the outer hall.

An individual garden stands quietly in the deep. There is a pavilion in the courtyard and an unknown ancient tree of the size of three people.

The secret fragrance.

Looking carefully for a long time, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth showed a smile: "I didn't expect that the chubby shopkeeper had good taste. I thought he changed hands because he lost money and couldn't continue to operate. The furnishings here must have paid a lot of hard work. It seems that he didn't lie about leaving Sirius in an emergency."

Of course, this idea just flashed away in Jiang Ting's mind. Soon he stopped thinking and began to ponder about how to find map fragments next.

The reason why he opened a shop is to gain a firm foothold in this magic city, and it is more convenient to find map fragments. This is his purpose, not to seriously believe in opening a shop here.


starlight, a planet unknown to Sirius.

Unburned City, the deep place of Shendan Association.

A rather remote courtyard, there is a little anxious young people are walking around in front of the courtyard.

I don't know how long later, the anxious young man's face was slightly pleased: "master, you have finally come back."

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

With a whisper, a man in black appeared quietly in front of the courtyard, and then whispered: "I went to close the blue star as a teacher. I met some accidents, so I came back later."

If Jiang Ting were here, he would find that this black robed man was the one he met before.

"So it is..."

at the end of the speech, the young man suddenly showed his incomprehension: "master, it's just a barren planet. How can you go there in person? Why don't you let the disciples do it for you? "

"Before going to blue star to become a God, the situation of Shendan master is different. With your ability, you can't completely close it."

After that, the man in black robe entered the courtyard: "agency is false. I want to know why the closure is true."

"Master's eye is like a torch. Everything can't be concealed from master's eye. I admire him." The young man gave a smile.

The man in black robe didn't turn around: "I told you many years ago that you are not in a good state at the moment. When you are in a good state, I will tell you why you need to worry... What's the matter with you waiting here to be a teacher."

The young man immediately straightened out: "master, there is news from the Dragon Star. The dragon clan of the Dragon Star has found a powerful woman and wants her to inherit the throne. The invitation of the Dragon Star is sent to all sides. The disciple wants to ask Master whether we should go to the Dragon Star to observe the ceremony."

The man in black robe had entered the courtyard with a slight step. After a long time, he turned around and said, "it's something fishy."

"Catchy?" The youth began to be dazed.

The black robed man's eyes narrowed slightly: "Xinghui Shenxing is not close to Shenglong star. Shenglong star just sends an invitation to the strong nearby. This invitation should not be here by reason."

The young man showed a look of Indifference: "master joked, Nuo big endless God domain, God King does not come out, who does not know the name of master Heiyu God, Saint Dragon Star sent invitation is normal."


Sirius, the infinite realm of God, is not known where it is.

FengMo City, a shop bought by Jiangting, has now been renamed danyao Pavilion.

The inner hall in the depths of the danyao Pavilion.

Jiang Ting quietly lying on the top of the pavilion, looking at the sky: "almost three months."

It has been three months since he came to seal the magic city. After he bought the shop, he opened it soon. Although he ran the shop, he didn't receive it in person, but let the man Luo Yin handle it. Only the lowest second level God and the stronger one would receive it in person.

At the time of alchemy, because of the help of Danheng, what he could refine was not just the elixir that the alchemist could refine. Now his elixir Pavilion is not well-known in FengMo City, but most people have heard of the name of elixir Pavilion.

After all, he became famous only in three months. However, he failed to find the map fragments. For three months, he did not find any clues.

It can only be inferred from the breath and perception that the map fragment is still somewhere in the magic city.

He was not in a hurry, but because of the divine power in his body, he always felt very urgent, so even if it was only three months ago, he felt very anxious and didn't want to continue to delay.

"Shopkeeper." The voice of man Luo Yin came from the connection between the inner hall and the lobby.

Jiang Ting jumped down from the pavilion and said, "what's the matter?"

"Creak..." between the words, the small door was opened by his divine power.


Luo Yin saluted at the door, then whispered: "the people of Zhangjia are coming."

"Zhang Jia? Trouble... "Jiang Ting's brow suddenly wrinkled.

For him, it's a bit of trouble.It's not that Zhang Jia wants to trouble him, but because he sells pills of high quality. Zhang Jia has been sending people to solicit him. With his temperament, it's impossible to join the so-called Zhang Jia.

But he also knows that he can't refuse to be too straightforward. If he doesn't annoy Zhang Jia, he is not afraid, but now he has no clue about the whereabouts of the map fragments. If he quarrels with Zhang Jia, he may not have the chance to stay in Fengmo city to look for the fragments.

Therefore, in the face of Zhang's solicitation, he has always declined, however, Zhang, who has not been explicitly refused, has been sending people to solicit.

After a moment's silence, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "you go to tell the people of Zhang Jia that I'm in alchemy at the moment. It's not convenient to see guests."

"Good." Luo Yin nodded and withdrew from the inner hall.


With a whisper, Jiang Ting closed the inner hall with a wave: "old man, do you want me to go to tiandaofu?"

"From what I knew about you before, you shouldn't be such an acute person." Dan Heng's calm voice rang out.

"I can't wait."

After a pause, Jiang Ting looked up at the sky: "since January ago, Zhang Jia has been sending people to solicit me. I'm determined to recruit me to Zhang Jia and continue to refuse. I'm afraid Zhang Jia will directly trouble me in a fit of anger. I think about it. Maybe I should go to tiandaofu to try my luck."

Another thing Jiang Ting didn't say is that you have been unable to cure the disease because of the obscurity of your divine power. He can't waste his time in vain... Because of running a shop, he has not been able to practice in this March.

He didn't want to spend too much time on cultivation. After all, only when he reached a higher level could he know more secrets and try to solve the mystery of the divine power in his body.

Although Dan Heng subconsciously wanted to stop him, he couldn't help swallowing his words... He thought of the problem of the divine power in Jiang Ting's body at the moment, and naturally understood why Jiang Ting was worried.

Jiang Ting couldn't get the answer, so he got up and left the shop by the back door and went to tiandaofu in Fengmo city.

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