"It's more and more remote. Has he noticed my tracking?" Hiding in the dark, Jiang Ting was alert.

As if knowing what Jiang Ting was thinking, the young man said in a cold voice: "come out, sneaky. I can't be blind!"

"Was it really discovered?" Jiang Ting's face was stunned, and he was ready to appear.

However, someone moves faster than him.

"Waste, you are much more alert than before!" With some ferocious laughter, five figures appeared in the alley quietly.

No one is as big as a man with a beard, and all are the same, the second-class gods.

Jiang Ting, who was just about to show up, was stunned and then hid himself again. At the same time, he secretly blamed himself. Because he had noticed the huge clues of map fragments, he followed the young man behind him. With great joy, he didn't find anyone else hiding here.

However, it is no wonder that all the five people here are second-class gods. In addition, Jiang Ting's attention is on the young people, so it is normal that he can't find them without vigilance.

In the alley.

The young man stares at the five people coldly, and his eyes are a little fierce, as if there is a feud between them?

One of the five people showed a ferocious look: "what are you looking at, you will lose your eyes!"

The youth known as Yu Fei just looked coldly and didn't say anything.

Jiang Ting, who is hiding in the dark, is slightly happy at the moment. He seems to have found an opportunity. Yu Fei and the other five people have a grudge. The five people deliberately lie in ambush here... No matter what the five people want to do, they will fight each other later. If he comes out to help the youth, he will surely be able to make some friends.

Although those five people are all secondary gods, Jiang Ting is only a primary God... But Jiang Ting is confident that he can abolish the five secondary gods by himself, which is his confidence in his own strength!

Once Yu Fei is saved, it will be much more convenient to inquire about the map fragments in the friendship. Involuntarily, Jiang Ting looks at the other five people and shows some kindness.

When sleepiness comes, there will be pillows. These five people are all good people. Nowadays, there are not many good people like this.

On the other side.

Youth Yu Fei coldly stares at five people, after a long time presses down the violent in the eye: "today have no time to accompany you to play, roll."

"I haven't seen you for three days. You've got a lot of guts. It seems that you're going to learn some lessons to let you know what waste is. Waste is always waste!" One of the five faces showed ferocious, hands began to grip, waves began to spread.

It's like you have to do it at any time.

"I said I don't have time to play with you today, but since you are determined to die, I will help you!"

As the cold voice fell, Yu Fei's five rings formed a mysterious gesture: "Tiangang ghost, kill!"

"Zizizi..." a sharp sound that could pierce the eardrum appeared, and then Jiang Ting, who was hiding in the dark, saw that five black Qi appeared from Yu Fei's hands, and then a flash came into the five men's bodies.

"Ah..." five screams rang out at the same time, the five people fell to the ground and began to twitch, and then just in a moment, the five people's bodies lost their vitality at the same time, and their hair and beard turned white into mummies.

When they die, the five second level gods die out in an instant. They are not crushed, but they are sucked away. They can't die any more. They are simply killed before they can play their second level gods' powerful ability.

"The ability to be overbearing." Hidden in the dark, the pupil of Jiang Ting shrinks slightly.

He was aware of the strong threat in the dark air, and his intuition told him that although Yu Fei was only a second-class God, he was not easy to communicate at all.

If there is a fight, he may not be able to tell Yu Fei how.

Jiang Ting, who was afraid, did not expect that Yu Fei was a second-class God and he was a first-class God. There was a gap between the two realms.

Deep in the alley.

Yu Fei kicks five mummies to the dark side of the alley with his right foot: "five ridiculous rubbish. I said I don't have time to play with you today. Why should I seek my own death?"

"Bang..." five mummies were smashed into the corner and pushed together. Because of the remoteness here, no one came to check them.

Yu Fei, the creator of the terracotta Figurine, did not look at it. Instead, he stared at the location of Jiangting: "do you need Yu to ask you to come out?"

"Really exposed." Aware of Yu Fei's sight, Jiang Ting does not doubt the fact that he has been exposed, and then removes the hidden state and appears.

Yu Fei saw Jiang Ting appear, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and some fear flashed in his squinting eyes.

"I said, I'm just passing by. Do you believe it?" Jiang Ting shows his innocent face at the moment. Although he doesn't think Yu Fei will believe it, he can only try.

After all, I haven't understood the relationship between the map fragment and Yu Fei, so it's not appropriate to have a bad relationship.

"Passing by..."

after a long time, Yu Fei sneered: "the reason why I'm following behind me is that I must be aware of the smell of debris... But you think only you can detect the smell of debris!"Jiang Ting's face, who was going to switch the topic, became calm in a moment, and his plan couldn't keep up with the change. He didn't expect that the youth could also detect the smell of debris... Also, he followed Yu Fei because he felt the smell of debris.

He can feel the fragmentary smell of Yu Fei at the gate of tiandaofu. I'm afraid that the reason why Yu Fei came to this remote place is to lead him here. As for the five people before, it can only be said that they happened to encounter a disaster.

But it doesn't matter. If the soldiers come to cover up the water and the land, it's no more than a war. What's his fear.

Thinking of this, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth rises and smiles: "you are so straightforward."

"It's not like you beat around the bush." Yu Fei began to sneer, but in fact, his heart was full of dignity.

In fact, he didn't find Jiang Ting's tracking at all. The reason why he knew Jiang Ting's existence was not because he found the breath of Jiang Ting, but because he felt that the breath of map fragments was not far behind him all the time.

The breath of map fragments can't be concealed by the method of concealment. Otherwise, Yu Fei didn't find a first-class God tracking him. I'm afraid that many people's big teeth would be laughed off if he said it!

Yu Fei can kill five secondary gods in the same realm, which shows his strength.

The two started a silent confrontation, and no one spoke.

I don't know how long later, Yu Fei took the lead in humming: "no hand?"

Jiang Ting still had a smile on his lips: "I'm not sure. Why do you want to do it?"

"If you don't, I'll go." Yu Fei's face was overcast again.

Jiang Ting stepped back slightly: "please help yourself."

Yu Fei quietly stares at Jiang ting for a while, and then his feet turn into shadow.

He really left.

This time, Jiang Ting did not continue to follow, but slightly frowned.

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