Because Jiang Ting turns around and leaves, Zhang Jia's disciples, who use the magic power to gather the giant sword, become stiff and even more at a loss.

Elder Zhang had ordered him to stop Jiang ting from entering Zhang's family. At the same time, he also told him how to do it no matter Jiang Ting was explaining, angry or calm.

However, what he didn't tell him was how to turn around and leave directly.

He had the intention to stop Jiang ting from leaving, but he just scolded Jiang ting for not letting him get close to him. Is it not self contradictory to stop him now? Just sit and watch Jiang Ting leave.

Inside the closed door.

Standing in the dark place on the wall of the courtyard, the three elders of Zhang Jia looked at Jiang ting and turned away without hesitation. His face was also quite stiff. He didn't expect Jiang ting to have such a reaction.

But as a three elder, he is different from ordinary people.

Just a moment later, Zhang Rui frowned: "master, I'll go out?"

"No, continue to explore. Judging from his reaction, this man should be arrogant. With his alchemy skills, we can't neglect him after entering Zhangjia. It's not convenient to knock at that time. We should just knock at this moment." With a whisper, a middle-aged man with a moustache appeared beside Zhang Rui, and there was also a sense of dignity.

Judging from Zhang Rui's address, this middle-aged man is probably Zhang Yuze, the head of Zhang's family.

At the gate of Zhangjia mansion.

Zhang Jia's disciple who blocked Jiang ting from entering Zhang Jia was at a loss. Suddenly he was shocked. He received a voice, a voice from Zhang Jia's great man.


first he swallowed his saliva, then the Zhang disciple looked up and said, "stop!"

"What else?" Jiang Ting turns around quietly, at the same time, he is more and more sure that this is Zhang's trial. If not, why stop him from leaving.

"The land of my family is where you can come and go as you like!" That Zhang's disciple drank again. From the fact that he took the lead in speaking out every time, he should be the leader of the four Zhang's disciples guarding the gate.

"Not bad!" At the same time, the remaining three Zhang's disciples who guard the gate should also make peace with each other. At the same time, their hands are all blaring, and a sense of solemnity begins to spread.

"What do you want?" Jiang Ting was not angry either.

"If I abandon my arms, I may be able to bypass your crime of trespassing on my Zhangjia mansion!" Zhang's disciples, the leader, showed their coldness.

"My arms are broken... Ha ha." In a smile, Jiang Ting glances inside the residence without any trace. However, to his disappointment, he does not see the existence of the strong in the magnificent roof of the residence or other gaps.

The Zhang's disciple said angrily, "boy, what are you dawdling about?"

"If you want to abolish Jiang Ting's arms, you have to see if your strength is enough." Jiang Ting closed his eyes and clenched his fist quietly.

On the other side.

The head guard's face froze again. It's different from the voice transmission just now. It's not that he can't do it, but how can Jiang Ting identify himself now?

Just the transmission didn't tell him if Jiang Ting pointed out his own identity.

But soon, the first disciple shook his head slightly and pressed down his thoughts: "boy, you want to die!"

No matter what, he decided to do it according to the voice transmission just now, and ignore the rest.

At this point, the head disciple's feet jumped out in an instant, and the huge sword that had not been scattered was directly cleaved towards the river court.

"To die!" The cold light of Jiang Ting's eyes broke out in an instant. Even though his divine power was obscure, it was not just a first-class God that could clean up!

He knew that it was Zhang's test. If the disciple didn't do it, he would be OK. But since he did it, don't blame him for being rude. He wanted to see what Zhang wanted to test.

Think of here, Jiang Ting no longer hesitated, the mind of the surge of divine power in an instant burst.

The idea of God is invisible, but at the moment, Jiang Ting is stirring up, but it condenses into essence, and turns into a shape like a torrential flood, pressing toward the Zhang's disciples.

"Bang..." shennian first collided with the giant sword.

If they have the same strength, the mind will be damaged if they collide with the blade, but the strength of Jiangting and the guard is obviously not in the same level.

After the huge sword collided with the idea, the short video was directly broken into fluorescence by the tide of the idea, and then it fell like the tide of the idea.

In the face of the incoming tide, the Zhang disciple's face fell into panic: "no... impossible! You are only a first-class God. How can you have such a strong idea? No, I don't want to die...

no wonder he is so strong. Once he falls, the Zhang's disciple has no doubt that he will be crushed by the tide of the idea. He can't stop the idea like the waves!

You're going to die!

As the same level God, how could Jiang Ting be so terrible?

"Who dares to be presumptuous in my Zhangjia mansion?" An old rage suddenly rang out.Also at the moment of the roar, Jiang Ting felt that a powerful force was rushing towards his mind. However, the person who made the move obviously had the power to control the move, which was enough to dissolve his mind, but he would not be seriously injured.


Although he could fight back, Jiang Ting didn't fight back, because it was an acquaintance who came. The angry voice just now was Zhang Rui's voice.

Obviously, he burst out with all his strength, and Zhang Rui, who didn't know where he was hiding, made a move when Zhang's disciples were dying.

Because of Jiang Ting's cooperation, shennian tide was repelled, or he took the initiative to disperse, and the peace of Zhangjia mansion was restored. Only three shocked Zhangjia gatekeepers and the guard captain, who had nearly died because of fighting with Jiang Ting, were left.

Of course, there is Zhang Rui who suddenly appears at the door to save the Zhang's disciple.

At this moment, Zhang Rui is turning his head and showing an angry face: "who dares to be presumptuous in my Zhangjia..."

before the words are heard, Zhang Rui looks slightly stunned: "manager Jiangting, how are you?"

If you look at Zhang Rui's angry face and turn it into a daze, you will not doubt that there is something false in it. Instead, you will mistakenly think that Zhang Rui discovered the dispute at the gate of his residence and only when he came out did he find that it was Jiang ting.

Although knowing that Zhang Rui was pretending, Jiang Ting pretended not to know: "three elders."

Zhang Rui nodded gently, then turned his head and yelled: "Zhang Bo, I didn't tell you before. If Jiang Ting came, he would immediately enter the mansion. How could you fight with Dan Shi?"

"Three elders forgive me. I didn't know his identity before and mistakenly thought that he wanted to break into Zhang's house. When he reported his name later, I forgot because I was angry." Zhang Bo immediately is very simply bow, as if very innocent.

"So it is, this..." Zhang Rui looks at Jiang ting and shows his embarrassment.

"What do the three elders think about this?" Jiang Ting's face was smiling, as if he was not angry.

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