In the face of Jiang Ting's inquiry, elder Zhang Jia was silent for a while, but he still chose to answer.

"I see." Jiang Ting nodded gently, and his heart became more and more happy. Finally, he had it. I'm afraid that the Li family and Zhang's thought are the same. It's not necessarily difficult to stir up a fight between the two families. Maybe it's very simple.

They are short of fuse.

And Zhang Yuze also said at this time: "continue to bid. It doesn't matter whether I can get it or not, but I can't let the Li family get it. Otherwise, once Li Han's smelly bitch is refined, the scope controlled by my Zhang Jia will surely decline."

"Understand... I'm offering six million stone!" At the end of the day, elder Zhang Jia is already making an offer.

"Seven million God stone... I'll let Koizumi take it. If anyone still grabs it from me, don't blame me for being rude!" A cold voice rang out, only to hear the voice, not to see the person.

Li Han's voice was as cold as before: "seven million three hundred thousand God stone, my Li family would like to know, how do you want to be rude!"

Zhang Yuze's face became irritated: "damned Li Han, he's bidding all the time. Is it because he wants to deal with my family after he gets the bloody shadow?"

"7.4 million stone." Elder Zhang continued to bid.

"It should be so. I'm afraid the Li family has long wanted to expel my Zhang family and control FengMo City alone." Jiang Ting began to apply eyedrops without any trace.

"Damn it Zhang Yuze clenched his fists more and more tightly.

"Ten million God stone, I want the bloody God!"

With a low roar, the original Xueyan God whispered again: "Zhang Jia Li family, if you give up the fight, my Xueyan God owes you a favor, but if you continue to fight... Your two families are powerful, but there are many ants in your two families. I'm afraid our Xueyan God is hiding in the dark, which will be enough to make your two families lose their vitality!"

"Xueyan God, are you provoking my family?" The elder of Zhang Jia drank cold for a moment.

However, to Zhang's surprise, Li Han's cold voice suddenly softened: "blood burning God, do you mean what you say? It happens that my Li family is going to do something next. If you help me, I'll leave it out of my Li family. "

"Ha ha, it's still the master Li who knows the truth." Xueyan God began to laugh.

"Now that the Li family's owners have all quit, my Zhang family has also quit the fight for it. It's your blood burning God. I've written it down!" But Zhang Yuze suddenly made a sound.

The elder of Zhang Jia frowned and whispered: "master, the strength of Xueyan God is not low, but he is a lonely family, and I need the master of Zhao behind Zhang Jia to give him ten courage. He doesn't dare to seal the magic city. Why give up?"

Zhang Yuze is to restore calm: "this thing, I Zhangjia get it, Li get it, do you think it can live?"

Zhang Jia elder is a Zheng at first, immediately pupil tiny a shrink: "home Lord is to say, city Lord?"

Zhang Yuze nodded gently: "yes, whether I get it from Zhangjia or the Li family, it must be the property of the city leader in the end. In this case, it's better to give up now. It's not only in the name of Zhangjia loving the children of the family, but also in the name of Xueyan God's lack of human feelings. Killing two birds with one stone is not bad."

The elder of Zhang Jia nodded: "I see. This time, the owner of the family will take part in it to make sure that it doesn't fall into the hands of the Li family. It doesn't matter who gets it. Anyway, such a treasure will fall into the hands of the city master. Just make sure that the hand given to the city master is not the hand of the Li family."

"It's true." Zhang Yuze nodded gently and said nothing.

They give up, but Jiang Ting's mind is sinking... He thought, if Zhangjia got it, then he would try to get it from Zhangjia, but now Zhangjia would give up?

As for the words of elder Zhang Jia, Jiang Ting knows very well that although the city leader Zhao Yan didn't come to the auction, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the city leader Zhao Yan is the seventh level God, the strongest one in this magic city and even in the surrounding areas!

When Zhao Yan learned about it, no matter who got the blood shadow, he either died in Zhao Yan's hand or could only give it to Zhao Yan.

"It seems that this thing is not for me." Jiang Ting sighed in his heart. He was not thinking. If he fell into Zhao Yan's hands, he would not be a God at the moment, and there was still a problem with his divine power. There was no chance to get any from Zhao Yan.

Soon, about a quarter of an hour later.

Because of the withdrawal of Zhang Jia and Li Jia, the fight for the separation of blood shadow soon fell to the ownership, and finally was defeated by Xueyan God at the price of 15 million God stone.

As for the follow-up, Jiang Ting did not know.

Because after Zhang Yuze confirmed the ownership of Xueying Fenshen, he left the auction with Jiang ting and returned to Zhang Jia.


deep in the Zhangjia mansion.

Zhang Yuze, the elder of Zhang, and the three elders of Zhang are all here.

"Master, Xueying was taken away by Xueyan God. Shall we find a way..." Zhang Rui said that he finally made a neck wiping move, obviously trying to win the separation.

"This..."After pondering for a while, Zhang Yuze shook his head slightly: "the strength of Xueyan God is not low, and he will get it. If he does not succeed, he will hide in the dark and plot against my family. At that time, once the Li family adds fuel to the flames, we will be in trouble."

"That's all." Zhang Rui showed a pity, but did not entangle.

The elder of Zhang Jia smiles: "it's nothing if he's not ready to get the blood shadow part, but it's not all without happiness. Zhang Ming dealt with Zhang Siyuan's affairs very well before. Jiang Ting called himself a disciple of Zhang Jia many times at the auction today. It's obvious that he's not far away from his complete return. Although he's nothing at the moment, he can use his spiritual power once his cultivation is sudden If you break it, you will be promoted to the second grade and third grade master of Shendan. It will be of great use to my family at that time. "

Zhang Yuze also showed a smile: "and the master behind it, if you make a good plan, you won't join my family. At that time, my family will crush the Li family."


Zhangjia belongs to the other garden of Jiangting.


the other garden is closed. Jiang Ting returns to the pavilion and looks at the sky quietly. Then he takes out the Liuyun sword and begins to refine.

When he thoroughly refines the Liuyun sword, he can find a way to keep in touch with Zhang's senior management and stir up hostility to the Li family. With the previous auction, it should not be difficult to stir up.

When Jiang Ting was concentrating on refining, with the gray weapons, Dan Heng's illusory figure appeared in the courtyard.

First, he looked at Jiang Ting quietly for a long time, then he looked into the sky: "blood shadow separation... No, the once-in-a-hundred-year auction, no matter what planet, is basically a means of collecting money by the Shendan Association. Only once in thousands of years can there be great treasures. At that time, there will be powerful people with great wealth. Such treasures as blood shadow separation should not appear here. ”

Dan Heng is puzzled.

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