Dong Hanhai takes a very careful look around and confirms that no one is paying attention to him and Jiang ting. Then he whispers.

"Before, I was still curious about why the blood burning God was in the realm of the sixth level God, and why he didn't attack the monster of the fifth level God. When I came into the swamp, I found that this place had an extremely powerful suppression effect on the divine power. Even if I kept running my skills, my divine power could only barely flow 30%."

Jiang Ting smell speech, eyes slightly a flash, thirty percent?

At the moment, only 30% of his divine power is suppressed... While Dong Hanhai is less than 30% mobile... Compared with other people, the extent of his suppression is much lighter.

Is it because of the special formula of chaos?

Dong Hanhai didn't find anything strange about Jiang Ting, but continued to spread his voice: "after I came into the swamp, I realized that although Xueyan God was powerful, it might have the same suppression effect on him here. In addition, there were many monsters hidden in the swamp, so Xueyan God didn't want to fight. Instead, he chose to feed the monsters with the lives of innocent people and then open the way."

"It's true to feed the monster... But I didn't understand why the monster just devoured seven people and didn't show up?" Jiang Ting voiced his doubts.

It's true... Before, the God of blood inflammation took 30 Zhang as the boundary. Obviously, he thought that the monster would swallow it if it was less than 30 Zhang... But now most of the teams have entered the light, and the leader of the God of blood inflammation has already exceeded the scope of 30 Zhang.

But the monster did not move at all, as if there was nothing else here.

"Blood gas."

After a little pause, Donghai Han Chuanyin's voice was even lower: "there are too many people in our team, and there is a hidden sixth level God, the other fifth level God, the fourth level God and hundreds of people who have been arrested. Although this blood gas has a huge temptation to the monster, it also has a terrible deterrent effect. The monster devours seven people I'm afraid I won't take a risk when I get the spirit of those seven people. Instead, I choose to hide and digest the blood of those seven people. "

"I see." Jiang Ting's mood suddenly brightened.

It turns out that blood gas not only has temptation to demons, but also has deterrence once it becomes huge. We know that both deterrence and temptation exist. The huge blood gas is like a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it is the supreme weapon to deter demons. If it is not used well, it is the death of the swamp disaster.

Dong Hanhai then asked, "what did brother Jiang guess before?"

"Very simple..." Jiang Ting did not hide.

Hearing the speech, Dong Hanhai nodded gently: "I understand... Although the consumption of teleportation to divine power is very low, the swamp is not safe, and the divine power is suppressed, so I will not speak for the time being."

"Good." Jiang Ting nodded, but he was surprised.

After he made a guess before, he clearly saw that there was a flash of disappointment in Dong Hanhai's eyes... Obviously, Dong Hanhai should have guessed it before.

Dong Hanhai is just a second-class God. Is it too fast? And do you know more about Mishin?

Soon Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly and doesn't think about it. He has his own opportunities and secrets, and others are just like that. It's impossible for everyone in nuota's endless divine realm to be ordinary people. Dong Hanhai may also have some secrets. There's no need to study them here and now.

In a flash, about five days passed.

People are still in the swamp, but they don't know how far they have gone.

The road is full of blood.

It seems that it is not the first time for Xueyan God to come to the swamp. After a while, he will order several people to the front, and every time Xueyan God stops calling, there must be demons in front.

There are nearly two hundred people buried in demons.

But at the same time, there are also people who leave. Whenever the God of blood inflammation calls on the person who feeds the demons to survive, as long as the person vows to rot things in the bottom of his heart, then the person can leave.

The team of more than 500 people has shrunk by less than half. Panic is spreading, but no one dares to resist. Everyone tries to fight for the number of people who can survive.

The most ridiculous thing is that no one can clearly see the appearance of those monsters. Because of the mud, the only thing that can be distinguished is that the most active monsters in the swamp are the dark monsters of snakes, insects, mice and ants.

Perhaps, this situation will continue until the end of Xueyan God's journey, or new changes will appear after Xueyan God's early death as a blood eater feeding the monster.

Walking, I don't know how long after walking in the swamp, Xueyan God stopped again.

In an instant, the huge team stopped, and greater fear spread in the team.

Xueyan God didn't seem to see it. He turned his head with indifference: "you, you, you and you, you four go to the front, take the place where our God stands as the boundary. According to the old rule, if you come back safely, you can choose to leave."

Is it time to feed monsters?

The faces of the three people who were named suddenly turned pale... According to the tragedy of death all the way on the road, those who came forward for the first time almost all died.Only the second time and the third time can we live. As for the four times of death, the most area on the road was only fed three times. In that time, three of the first four people survived and left.


Now they have come here. If they resist, even if Xueyan doesn't start, the rest of the captured people behind them will not let them go.

After all, if other people die, their chances of survival are high.

Xueyan God points to four people, the reason is that three people look changed greatly, because there is another look that is not afraid, just a little ugly... And that person is Jiang ting.

At the moment, Dong Hanhai has quietly distanced himself from Jiangting, and other people who are close to Jiangting have all retreated.

Because Jiang Ting didn't move, blood inflammation God slowly tilted his head, eyes a cold: "hmm?"

"This luck..." Jiang Ting also has some helplessness at the moment.

He has just specially stood at the back of the crowd, but he was ordered by the God of blood inflammation... What's the matter.

There are only two ways to lose in front of Jiang ting.

First of all, he made a bold move. Because of the particularity of Liuyun sword, and because his divine power was suppressed less than everyone else, and because of his extraordinary fighting power, he retreated after the first World War.

Second, like other people, go forward to deal with the monster. Although the first wave will almost die, there are exceptions. If the monster occupying the power range is small, then its appetite will not be too big, and it will not necessarily die.

It's just that Jiang Ting doesn't want to choose either of these two roads.

If it is the first choice, Jiangting will face the siege of two level 6 gods and other level 5 gods and level 4 gods. Even if the fighting power is enormous, it will not help. It is highly possible to drink and hate a single game.

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