After Dong Hanhai arrived at the palace, he couldn't guess the truth from the scenery in the palace, but he didn't hesitate to kill Xueyan God and Ren Koizumi.

Two six level gods are in a coma, and don't kill him at this time... Dong Hanhai is not stupid, so he won't wait until the two six level gods wake up to attack him.

As for what happened before the palace, it's not that Jiang Ting was also in a coma. He can find out later by asking Jiang ting. Moreover, Jiang Ting has only the realm of a second level God. He has more than advanced and retreated no matter whether he is in the process of seizing treasure or making friends.

In a flash, the cold light from the folding fan reached the place where the belly of Xueyan God was less than one Zhang.

The blood inflammation God, who was already on the edge of waking up, was suddenly covered with chilly hair. It was clear that there was still a period of time for him to wake up. He suddenly woke up under the killing.

Then he saw the cold light coming.

Without hesitation, he rolled directly to the side. Although it seemed wasteful, the effect was remarkable.

With a bang, the folding fan attacked the white jade floor, bringing out bursts of sparks. The white jade floor was made of unknown materials, but Dong Hanhai's strike failed to leave a trace.

It's normal to think about it carefully. Before, Xueyan God and Ren Koizumi had a big fight against the skeleton. The fighting between the two sides was so fierce, but they didn't leave any traces on the floor.

"Who!" The violent explosion immediately awakened Ren Koizumi, who was still in a coma, and he got up directly with a toss.

Then... Xueyan God and Ren Koizumi all saw the person who shot at the same time, Dong Hanhai!

What's more, we can see that this is the lucky second level God who should have died before. But why did the dead people survive now, and why did they change from the second level God to the fifth level God?

They didn't ask, because it was no different from nonsense. Either the person under their hands caught their attention when they were catching someone, or they were lurking close on purpose, or it was for other reasons.

Ren Koizumi subconsciously turned his head to take a look, and then drank coldly: "hand over the things, I may be able to spare you from death."

The blood burning God was slightly stunned, and suddenly looked deep into the palace... Well, a wooden table that looked ordinary was standing quietly in the deepest place. As for the light ball on the wooden table, it had already disappeared.

"What is it?" Dong Hanhai was a little surprised. He really didn't know anything.

After he came in, the first thing he did was to attack Xueyan God. At the critical moment, Xueyan god suddenly woke up... He wanted something in it, but the problem was that he hadn't found it yet.

"Play dumb?"

As the rhetorical question fell, Ren Koizumi's fist slowly clenched: "let's take it together, don't give it a dead hand."

"Good." Blood inflammation God nodded, then gently waved, one after another blood flame floated up.

"I really think I can't bully you!" Dong Hanhai retreats suddenly... Roaring is false, preparing to retreat is true.

He is not stupid. He is a level five God. Although his strength is not low, he can compete with two level six gods. How stupid a level five God can be.

However, Ren Koizumi's action is faster, a flash will appear in the palace gate, and then a knife split instantly.

"Damn, overestimate their injuries." Donghai South Korea heart secretly scolds a, want to also don't want of block that folding fan in front of the body.

"Boom..." the blade of the knife is hard on the folding fan.

I don't know what material the folding fan is made of. Although the fan bones are obviously cold and the description is extraordinary, except for all the fan bones, the fabric of the folding fan doesn't look strange... However, it seems that the ordinary folding fan is not simple at all. It's hard to block Ren Koizumi's knife, and the folding fan can't even see any damage.

"No wonder you have the courage to follow in. As expected, there are some means..." before the voice falls, Ren Koizumi's face suddenly turns pale, and a little faint bloodstain fills the corner of his mouth.

He was injured.

Dong Hanhai is puzzled. He just resisted in a hurry and didn't fight back. How did Ren Koizumi get hurt?

Although he didn't know, it didn't prevent him from fighting back in an instant... He was sick and killed!

"Die The cold drink of Xueyan God sounded.

"Damn it Dong Hanhai doesn't have to look back to know that it must be the fire of Xueyan that the God of Xueyan is famous for. Even the God of level 6 and level 7 dare not face up to the strange fire of Xueyan. He is only the God of level 5, so he won't be stupid enough to meet it.

Although it's a pity, Dong Hanhai can only give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight against Ren Koizumi and leap to the right, which is dangerous and dangerous to avoid.

Next, let's face the fire.

If the God of blood inflammation has a heart to kill Ren Koizumi, then Ren Koizumi is suddenly injured, and he will be hit in the front by the butcher. There is no doubt that he will die at that time... But Jiang Ting guessed correctly before, and their relationship is not simple.

Xueyan God realized that he was disappointed, but he still quickly controlled the fire of Xueyan and changed the direction to avoid hurting Ren Koizumi.

Ren Koizumi is the first to block: "wait a minute."Xueyan God was stunned at first, and then his throat suddenly became sweet. He knew the reason why Ren Koizumi was blocking. Then he forced down the blood in his throat to avoid emerging, and dissipated the fire of Xueyan.

Their injuries are too serious.

At the moment, he even recalled the tragic situation of fighting with Baigu before, and finally fell into syncope with a long cry, which means that their injuries have reached a very serious level, and they don't even have the strength to fight again.

The time of coma didn't last for half an hour. It's reasonable that they still can't keep their strength at the moment. It's just that during the period of coma, there seems to be a soul force entering their bodies. It's also the soul force that makes their injuries recover and reluctantly keep the power of fighting again.

It's still possible to keep on shooting, but the injury will be more and more serious, and it won't take long for them to lose their power again.

I'm afraid that Ren Koizumi was also blocked because he thought about it.

"Boy, give it up and we'll let you go!" Although Dong Hanhai couldn't be left behind, Xueyan God still made a sound with cold Yin.

At the moment, we can't show anything different. If we don't, Dong Hanhai will find out the truth. The two level six gods say that they won't die here.

Dong Hanhai was not afraid: "I'm afraid your injury is very serious. Do you want to scare me now? If I were really afraid, I would not be here! "

However, his mood is in the rapid flow, thinking about how to get away.

The two level six gods have woken up. It's too bad for him to stay. Although he knows that they are seriously injured, they are still level six gods. If the battle between life and death breaks out, his chance of survival as a level five God is too low.

"It's a joke. It's not funny!" Xueyan God and Ren Koizumi are filled with countless annoyances.

They beat to death, and finally survived, the skeleton also died... But now, the fruit of victory has been stolen by a thief.

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