After Jiang Ting leaves, when Han Ye is angry, all the people watching the war from a hundred miles away keep making incredible noises. It seems that only by constantly talking with other people can they express the shock they felt in the first World War.

In the voice, some people feel afraid of Han Ye's fighting power, while some feel unbelievable that Jiang Ting, who is only a third level God, can entangle with Han Ye.

On the other side.

"Damn it Han Ye is still roaring.

"Your heart is a little too agitated at the moment!" A murmur of displeasure rings out beside Han Ye.

Han Ye instantly looks at him with fury. He just sees a middle-aged man in a purple robe not far away from him.

Seeing this, Han Ye forced down his anger and arched his hand: "my father."

His father, known throughout Hancheng, is the head of the Han family, Han Ning, who has the powerful state of a six level God.

After appearing, Han Ning said nothing: "who is that man? Why did you fight with him for no reason? What's more, it's just a third level God. It can fight with you. "

"His name is Jiang Ting, as for the origin..." at the end, Han Ye shakes his head slightly and doesn't answer.

"It's not convenient to say..."

Han Ning's brow slightly wrinkled and stretched for a long time: "I want to have something to do with your mysterious master. If you want to kill him, do you want me to send someone to help you hunt him down?"

"He has nothing to do with my master, but if I kill him, my master will be very happy, so I really want to kill him."

After a little pause, Han Ye's face completely calms down: "father and elder don't want to take part in this matter. That boy has other secrets like me. Father and elder are level six gods. If they take part in this matter, they will bring disaster."

Han Ning frowned, then whispered: "although the boy's hiding action is extraordinary, it can't escape my eyes... I'll go back to the city to find some five level God elders to help block his way first..."

"father, I said, don't interfere with this matter with the elder."

Without waiting for an answer, Han Ye whispered: "my master's strength is beyond my father's imagination... Even if it's just a little sign, it will violate the hidden rules of their existence. In addition, the people behind Jiang Ting are not simple. Once Jiang Ting dies, even if he is crushed, the people behind him will be able to find out all the details... Next, father and elder Bento If you don't know about it, you can

After that, Han Ye's figure flashed back to the city.

Han Ning looks at Han Ye's disappearing back. After a long time, he looks to a certain direction in the wilderness: "ye'er is no more than a fourth level God, but he has enough fighting power to make me feel frightened, even to sweep many fifth level gods. But you are only a third level God, and you can still entangle with him... What kind of people will you have behind your back...

the whole Han family's real understanding of Han Ye Li Jin is not clear. Only Han Ning and the elder of the Han family know that what Han Ye has learned is taught by a terrible strong man. As for who the strong man is... Han Ye doesn't tell them, just tells them.

In their view, perhaps only the eighth level God or even the Ninth level God, which the whole Sirius never had, could be able to teach such ability.

A moment later, the corner of Han Ning's mouth rose again: "unfortunately, this Han City is the land of our Han family... Boy, you may have no less talent than ye'er, but with the help of our Han family, you will surely die."

Isn't it? What if he and the elder of the Han family don't interfere? His Han family has five gods and four gods. With support, Jiang Ting is doomed.

As for why he is a level 6 God who can't intervene, but a level 5 God whose realm is far beyond Jiangting can intervene... It's not hard to guess. No surprise, the reason should be that although Jiangting is only a level 3 God, it has enough fighting power to rival level 5 God. Therefore, level 5 God can intervene.

As for whether it is true, Han Ning can't be sure, but even if it isn't, it's almost the same.


there is a dense forest quite far away from the battlefield.

Jiang Tingyin looks at Han Ye's back in the dense forest and frowns slightly: "shouldn't..."

he has seen Han Ye's anger after he left. It's impossible for him to simply go back to the city and give up. What he should do is to track him.

Although he hides his breath when he leaves, and in addition, he is not found by Han Ye in the blind spot of Han Ye's sight. Jiang Ting doesn't think that there is no way to trace Han Ye's combat power before. Even if he doesn't, he can't simply give up.

If he didn't give up...

after pondering a little, Jiang Ting's face was slightly cold: "so, he is the one who is going to mobilize the Han family now?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting doesn't hesitate. With a flash of body, he stealthily disappears behind the jungle... Hancheng is not a place to stay for a long time, with the existence of the Han family. In addition, Han Ye's own strength is too strong, so it's not easy to get the fragments in a short time. Next, he'd better go to other cities to get the fragments. Hancheng is here, and he'll come back later.I just hope that I can leave smoothly next time. If not, once I am caught up, it will be very difficult to get away with the help of other strong members of the Han family.

Originally, according to Jiang Ting's idea, he went to the nearest city except Han City. However, he thought that he was worried that Han family would follow him. Instead of choosing the nearest one, Jiang Ting chose the second nearest one.

In this way, even if the Han family set up an ambush on the road, he could avoid it. He would not be against the Han family at the moment.


Han family.

When Han Ning, the owner of the Han family, returns to the Han family, Han Ye has already summoned five other elders, from the second elder to the sixth elder.

They are all five level gods. Most importantly, according to the Han family's seniority, they are all the elders of Han Ye.

Seeing the master turning around, the five elders who were called frowned: "master, what's the matter with us in such a hurry?"

The name of Han Ye calling them is in the name of Han Ning. After all, his secret is unknown to other Han family strongmen. If he calls them in the name of Han Ye, who knows whether these elders will come or not.

Han Ning is also a wise man. He knows the reason as soon as he turns his mind, so he doesn't deny it. Instead, he shows his seriousness: "next, you help Xiao Ye to kill someone. All kinds of twists and turns of this matter are too complicated. Let's make it clear in a few words. When it's over, our owner will tell you."

"Who? Isn't it related to Han Ye's battle before? " There are also many wise men among these elders.

"Yes, that's him." Han Ye admits it directly.

Then he clenched his fist slowly: "next, I'd like to ask the sixth elder to take some disciples of the fourth level God's family to the Xuanwu city by means of teleportation. The boy is only a third level God, and he doesn't know the way of space. There won't be any friends around here, so he can't escape across the space."

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