Because the two level four gods were killed by Jiang Ting face to face, Han long was not only palpitating, but also angry. After all, if the two level four gods were not careless, they would not be killed instantly.

Later, a series of more and more monster roars awaken Jiang Ting, Dong Hanhai and Han long.

Here, but one day, once the monster comes and they haven't left, they will die!

"Brother Dong, let's go." Jiang Ting immediately drank low.

With the roar of the animals, he could feel the palpitations coming from both sides of the canyon. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

"If you want to leave, leave it for me!" But Han long burst out in an instant, locking the exit of the canyon with his powerful power.

Dong Hanhai was a little annoyed: "Damn, do you want to burn both jade and stone?"

No wonder he is so. Dong Hanhai is just a five level God. Although he has some other secrets, it is almost impossible to defeat Han long with the momentum of crushing.

Once you're stuck here... There's not much time left for the beasts to come.

"Ha ha, you are the only ones who will die, but I will not!" Han long retreats quietly, and at the same time decides not to compete with Dong Hanhai, but to keep his strength to cope with the coming tide of beasts.

It is enough for him to insist on more time.

In contrast, Jiang Ting's face suddenly sank after an initial moment of confusion. Dong Hanhai was not confident that he would survive the next animal tide, and Han long was no exception.

Han Long's posture, which seems to be burning both jade and stone, should not be. After all, even if he and Han Ye want to live or die separately, he has nothing to do with Han long. He has not even seen Han long before. It is reasonable that Han long should not burn both jade and stone.

Unless Han long is sure he won't die.

In the realm of five gods, he can't survive the tide of animals, so the only exception is that the Han family still has support on the way. It's also because of that support that he decides to block the exit by force.

Maybe it's impossible for the support to defeat the beast tide, but it should be no problem to escape.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting's face sank three points again... Things are in trouble.

A little later.

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and pressed down his thoughts. Liuyun sword slowly clenched: "since you are looking for death, Jiang, I will complete you!"

Now that the exit is blocked, unless Han long is solved, it is impossible to leave the canyon. In this case, we can only kill Han long before the tide of animals. Only in this way can we get away.

But Dong Haihai misunderstood: "brother Jiang, it's not suitable to love war at the moment."

The situation is urgent, and Jiang Ting is not polite: "now unless you kill him, how can you leave?"

Dong Hanhai fell into silence, but he nodded in an instant: "I'm dealing with him head-on, brother Jiang is on the side."

He didn't think Jiang Ting's strength was strong at first, but just after Jiang Ting killed two level four gods with a posture of almost second killing, he knew that Jiang Ting had enough strength to fight with level five gods.

Even if only the realm of the third level God, but also can fight with the fifth level God!

"Good." Jiang Ting will not refuse.

"Die With a low drink, Dong Hanhai's body flashed out, and the folding fan filled with the cold light of metal whirled around, attacking with the extremely terrifying cutting force.

Han long immediately began to sneer: "want to kill me? Ridiculous

If it's a frontal fight, it's really hard for him to pick up, but he's not ready to fight hard. He just drags them down here!

A magic power flashed by. When Han long arrived, the magic power turned into a wave and hit the folding fan. Then he gently touched the void three times. Three cold men appeared and fought back towards Dong Hanhai.

"Boom..." the air wave and folding fan collided together, the strong afterwave spread, and countless rocks fell on both sides of the canyon.

If the ordinary mountains are so close to each other, they will be affected by the aftereffect of the battle between two five level gods. Not to mention the collapse of the whole mountains, at least the surrounding mountains will become vermilion, and the place where the aftereffect passes will become plain!

However, this line of sky Canyon may have other mysteries. The emission of that afterwave does not show much except that it shakes down some rocks.

However, Dong Hanhai has no time to pay attention to the unusual situation of the canyon. Facing the three cold lights, he pushes forward with his cold palms, and then the big waves burst forward.

With a bang, Han Long's three cold lights were directly thrown away. The magic power did not stop, but roared toward Han long.

"I underestimated you." Han Long's face changed slightly, but he didn't panic. Instead, he folded his palms three inches in front of him, and his magic power flashed into a round shield to protect him.


Dong Hanhai, however, seemed to have expected it, and drank coldly: "ink dye!"

After seeing that, the metal folding fan, which has broken the air wave, trembles slightly, then spins rapidly, breaking the sky with a strong cutting force, and then attacks Han Long's real body."Hum, ridiculous!" Han long waved his hand slightly and hit another air wave, trying to let the air wave block the folding fan.

"Brother Jiang, help!" Dong Hanhai roared.

"Here we are." With the simple answer, Jiang Ting, who has been paying attention to the battle, moves in an instant. With a twinkle of his body, he flies to the canyon, and then Liuyun sword cuts hard in front of him.

"Yi" of a crisp ring, that obstructs the folding fan of the air wave has not been able to approach, then by the River Court of the cloud to divide into two directly scattered.

Han Long's strength would not be so bad, but at the moment, Han long is still resisting Dong Hanhai's tidal power attack, and the power of the wave can't be the peak. In addition, Liuyun sword's sharpness is enough to break the power of the third level God at will. Under various factors, Jiangting can break the wave in an instant.

Also because the air wave was broken, the folding fan appeared on Han Long's side with a flash.

"Zizizi..." the metal of the fan bone of the folding fan crossed the shield, and countless sparks appeared strangely from the contact point, continuously flashing on the surface of the shield.

"Damn it Han long stares at Jiang Ting fiercely. It's hard to suppress his anger and concentrate on maintaining the existence of the shield. He can feel Dong Hanhai's troubles. If he continues to be distracted, he may die.

Looking back at Dong Hanhai, he suddenly laughs: "Han long... I didn't want to kill you. After all, Han Ye's reputation is there, but since you are determined to die, Dong, I will help you!"

"Arrogance Han long gives a sneer that he does not lose the battle array. The magic power in his body breaks out to maintain the shield. At the same time, he is ready to fight back again to relieve his pressure.

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