Fang Rulang saw Jiang Ting's change of direction, his attack failed, and the seven elders of Fang's family were dismembered in a flash, leaving only the divine personality still strong. He roared loudly without thinking about it. His voice was full of anger, and his mood was full of horror.

However, is there time?

"The Liuyun sword is in the hands of Jiang. Do you still want to save people? How ridiculous With Jiang Ting's cold voice, the sword suddenly burst into a cold light.

With a click, the spirit of the seven elders of the Fang family was directly cut into pieces by Liuyun, and then the extremely hard spirit of the previous moment turned into fluorescence and dissipated.

"Old seven..." Fang Rulang and many other elders of Fang family showed endless anger and sadness.

God, life is related to God.

If the divinity is not broken, it will be like the old Fangjia elder Fangge. Even if the body is cut open by Jiangting, Fangge is still alive because the divinity is not destroyed.

But now, the divine spirit of the seven elders of the Fang family has been broken... The divine spirit is broken, and the life is gone. The spirit is gone, and no longer exists.

In short, the seven elders of the Fang family have died. They can't die any more. There is no possibility of resurrection.

A light sense of sadness rose quietly with the change of the look of many elders in the Fang family.

Looking at Jiang Ting again, I saw his cold face unchanged: "don't show that Jiang Mou seems to have done something outrageous. This dispute was started by you from the beginning. You deserve to die!"

"Jiang Ting!" Fang Rulang raised his head with anger, and a faint anger began to rise.

"Is it counterproductive?" Jiang Ting didn't answer, just thinking in secret.

As if knowing what he thought, Fang Rulang clenched his fist slowly: "kill him, avenge Laoqi!"


In a flash, Jiang Ting suddenly felt that the hairs of his body began to stand up... Before, because of Fang Jie, the people of Fang family didn't completely kill him. Instead, they wanted to capture Jiang ting to vent their anger with Fang Jie. Now, because of the death of the seven elders of Fang family, Fang Rulang was angry and knew Jiang Ting's strength. He gave up the plan to capture Jiang Ting's spirit and wanted to kill him directly.

It's just like when he hit Fangge hard before, the reason why Jiang Ting dared to resist Fang Rulang's divine power with his back without any protective means is not only his self-confidence in his own divine power, but also because he knew that he would not die.

And now, although they are still the same people before, the threat they pose will increase geometrically!

Regret killing the seven elders of the Fang family?

No, when Jiang Ting was in trouble, he just felt that it was difficult... Since Fang family came to seek trouble, they naturally had to have the consciousness of death!

Although the situation is still difficult, it is actually much better than just now!

There are nine elders in the Fang family. The ten elders are protecting Fang Jie and can't get away. The four elders are entangled with Dong Hanhai and can't fight Jiang ting.

When dealing with the eight people in Jiangting, the elder lost his fighting power. When the seven elders were killed, there were still five elders and six Fang Rulang left. As long as one or two of them were killed or severely damaged, the situation would be completely safe.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting's eyes flashed a little: "well, you will be the breakthrough next..."

the other parents didn't know what Jiang Ting was thinking. This time, they moved their hands to kill all over the sky, and the mighty power spread. Jiang Ting clearly knew that if there was a slight mistake, he would be seriously injured.

"Broken star!" With Jiang Ting's low drink, countless sword lotus rose again.

"Boy, do you really think you can succeed in sneak attack?" Fang Rulang's nose is almost crooked by Qi. Every time it's the beginning of Jianlian's game, and then he takes advantage of the gap to attack and kill... Do you really think his Fang family can't be flexible?

"Whether you can succeed or not, you can use it." Jiang Ting didn't answer. He flashed to the three elders of the Fang family, the woman who followed them before, Fang Hui.

"Watch out for his sword!" Fang Hui drinks in a moment... No wonder she is so. The sword that looks ordinary is the one that breaks the square and kills the seven elders. Who dares to underestimate it?

"It's much better than before. Unfortunately, who can stop me... Breaking the sky!" Jiang Ting suddenly stopped, and his long sword stood up in front of him, holding a sword formula.

But in a moment, in the sharp sound of the sword, a shadow of the sword appeared, which could be called a big Mac. Then he chopped at the elder beside Fang Hui, and Jiang Ting made a gesture of rushing towards the elder.

"Damn boy, I've been guarding against you for a long time. I'll die!" Fang Hui and several elders were angry for a moment, and then she flashed out several magic powers. If Jiang Ting really continued to attack, she would be hit by those attacks and die on the spot.


JIANG Ting suddenly sneered: "why don't you have a long memory?"

After that, Jiang Ting suddenly stopped to rush out, and his figure flashed over Fang Hui: "the pole of the sword!"

A bland sword cuts down and breaks the sky.

"Damn it Fang Hui was shocked. She thought it was another elder who would be attacked this time. The fact seems to be true. The obvious and extraordinary sword shadow and Jiang Ting's action have fully explained. Therefore, she prepared for support according to the scattered protection force.But as a result, Jiang Ting's target is her?

Even if her mood reacts, the power in her body can't react... He has just launched an attack to support another person. Now, she is in a very short vacuum period of divine power convergence.

Even if she reacts, she can't make a deterrent action.

With a sword, Fang Hui's body is cut instantly.

"Zizizi..." the edge of the sword strikes the spirit.

"Dare you Fang Rulang was completely angry, and with a roaring voice, he was ready to rescue... A seven elder had died, how could he die again!

"In time?" Jiang tingpiantou snorted coldly, and then he controlled the sword shadow that had not fallen completely. He slashed three feet behind him to kill at intervals.

"Boom..." Fang Rulang's attack hit Jianying's huge body, but it didn't have any greater effect except to make Jianying flash.

Just when Jianying was ready to fight back, the attack of the other elders of the Fang family came... Jianying disappeared in an instant.

The advantage of the number of people and the suppression effect are displayed incisively and vividly by the Fang family at this moment.

"Bang..." a low muffled sound appeared, and then the people of Fang family showed a little sadness again... Fang Hui, the third elder of Fang family, had been destroyed by Jiang ting.

"Jiangting children!" I don't know whether it's because of the extreme anger or other reasons, Fang Rulang's voice sounds hoarse.

Jiang Ting didn't answer. Instead, he began to distance himself from the other members of the Fang family with his feet. At the same time, he was grateful for the sharpness of Liuyun sword in his hand. If it wasn't for Liuyun sword's extreme sharpness, instead of ordinary long sword, he wanted to smash the three and seven elders of the Fang family.

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