Seeing the harmony here, Jiang Ting immediately confirmed that his previous guess was right. If he didn't take the initiative to come here, I'm afraid all the people here would eventually go to him, and at that time, he would be under Siege!

In a myriad of moods, Jiang Ting's face didn't show any difference: "what's your name?"

In front of him was a five level God, dressed in green clothes, with a handsome face, who was the one who spoke before. Of course, it was not important. What was important was that Jiang Ting felt the breath of death in the young man.

If he fights with this young man, he may not be his opponent, but will die in his hands.

"Next, Lin Yi." The young man in green responded with a very approachable atmosphere.

At the end of the speech, the young man, who called himself Lin Yi, whispered again: "it's probably time for you to leave."

"Brother Jiang, what's this Dong Hanhai looks a little stunned, and his eyes are full of fear. Obviously, he also realizes that Lin Yi is not easy to provoke.

Before Jiang Ting had time to answer, a cold voice rang out: "let you go, then go, where come so much nonsense!"

Looking at the voice, it was a young man sitting at the top of the canyon cliff. Well, it should be said that all the people in the light curtain were young men or women with beautiful faces.

There is no one who looks old.

Another thing in common is that Jiang Ting doesn't know any of them.

Lin Yi turns his head slowly at the moment: "Wang Xuan, maybe you should change your temperament. I'm afraid this person has no secret. At least, I can feel that he is not simple."

"It's not easy?" With a whisper, the man called Wang Xuan left the light curtain with a flash.

A moment later, Wang Xuan returned to the light curtain: "he has no fragments, no qualification to participate... So much time has been wasted. Let's start earlier. I don't want to stay in Sirius any more."

Lin Yi smiles, but does not respond. He turns back to the light curtain: "you must be Jiang Ting, the God elixir who defeated Han Ye. This person is not qualified to participate. It is meaningless to go or stay. However, if he moves his mind, everyone will not look good at that time, and it will also lead to meaningless disputes."

At the end of the speech, as soon as Lin returns to the light curtain, his body also appears on a cliff at the top of the canyon. He closes his eyes and adjusts his breath, as if waiting for Jiang ting to enter.

"Brother Jiang, what's the matter?" Dong Hanhai still looks confused.

And Jiang Ting's brow is slightly wrinkled... The reason why he promised Dong Hanhai to go with him is not as simple as friendship, but now it seems that there are other changes.

At least, people in the light curtain think that Dong Hanhai is not qualified to enter.

"Did I guess wrong..."

after a long time, Jiang Ting looked up and said, "brother Dong, I have some disputes with them that need to be cleared up. At this time, brother Dong doesn't need to intervene, because it doesn't involve gratitude, resentment and hatred... I'm not sure how long it will take. If brother Dong has other things, he can leave first. When it's over, Jiang is looking for brother Dong."

After that, Jiang Ting leaped towards the light curtain with his feet a little bit... Although the light curtain didn't look simple, it would be very difficult to leave once he entered it, Jiang Ting still entered it without any hesitation.

If many of the people here are extremely powerful at first sight and all design him as a person, then he will also recognize him.

Seeing this, Dong Hanhai said: "brother Jiang, Dong is waiting for you here..."

JIANG Ting smiles and doesn't answer, because he has entered the light curtain.

In the light curtain, it seems that there is no other change. At least, Jiang Ting doesn't feel other changes!

His mind can leave the light curtain, but also can feel, he can leave the light curtain at any time, and can feel the smell of many monsters on both sides of the canyon, and can hear the roar of animals from time to time.

Does this light curtain seem to have no effect other than isolation?

As if he knew what he thought, Lin Yi, who was the first to talk to him, chuckled: "it seems that Lin underestimated your courage. You don't even know us, but you have the courage to come in without hesitation. I admire you."

"Your honor is too much." Jiang Ting nodded gently, and his heart was thinking about the people here, who do you know?

Maybe it's impossible to know each other completely, but I'm afraid some of them know each other in twos and threes. They may not be friends. In this way, it's impossible to fight between life and death.

In line with the atmosphere here... Perhaps, people here have already discussed how to decide the final victory or defeat?

Wang Xuan, who had left the light curtain for a short time before, glanced at him and then snorted: "everyone, we have all the people. Let him have a day off. Tomorrow, we will start to fight until the last one!"

There was no response. Most of the people glanced at Jiangting with a little curiosity and then withdrew their eyes. A few people didn't look at Jiangting at all. They kept closing their eyes all the time. They didn't know whether they were cultivating their spirits or practicing, or simply didn't want to open their eyes.

Lin Yi floats close to Jiang Ting, his face is still smiling: "you look confused."Jiang Ting did not hide: "it's really some doubts. It seems that you have decided to decide the outcome in some way?"


First of all, he nodded. Although Lin Yi chuckled: "I forgot to explain, but it's not Lin's... You may understand that there are many people here, such as you and me, who have great origins, or there are some talented people who have risen for countless people, but no matter who they are, their strength must be extraordinary."

After a pause, Lin Yi smiles even more: "if you decide on life and death... Many people can leave even if they fail. If you leave with fragments, the day when the fragments gather is far away. What's more, there are many friends here, people behind you, and friends... Therefore, if you decide on life and death, it's too hurtful."

"So?" Jiang Ting looks the same.

"So maybe it's a point to stop here."

After a little pause, Lin Yi shook his head: "of course, there is no absolute... In your future, we have already negotiated to wager a random battle with fragments as a bet. The loser needs to pay a fragment to the winner."

Jiang Ting directly asked the most concerned question: "if the loser doesn't want to give the fragment?"

Lin Yi took a deep look, and then whispered: "if you don't abide by the rules, you'll attack them. Since you break the rules, you'll have to pay the price. Even if you have something to save your life, you'll die if you surround it."

Jiang Ting didn't care: "is there anything else?"

He likes this rule, and if there is a so-called "point to stop" rule, then he is not worried about safety.

Because it's useless for people here to look at their realm. No matter they are level 4 gods or level 5 gods, there is no good match at all. Without exception, they all make Jiang Ting feel that they are very dangerous.

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