After Xu Wenfei arrived in mid air, the sound of dragon chanting broke out constantly, which shocked the sky.

Then Xu Wen's body stopped in the air, countless ripples rolled down, and a somewhat illusory dragon appeared. His body was silvery white, and he didn't recognize what kind of longjiangting was.

"If you can defeat the dragon soul, Xu will present it with both hands!" With the voice, Xu Wen retreated again.

"High!" The deafening sound of the Dragon once again rings out, and the unreal dragon with random body shape pours out towards Jiangting... With the virtual dragon pours out, its body solidifies rapidly.

By the time of saving half the distance, the whole body of the dragon has been completely solidified. Looking at the appearance, I'm afraid everyone will mistakenly think it's a real dragon!

"The Dragon..." Jiang Ting's figure flashed slightly and suddenly retreated. He didn't want to compete with the dragon's claws.

"Boom..." the Dragon hit the ground with one blow, and countless cracks emerged from the ground.

Jiang Ting saw this, a touch of cold sweat appeared: "this blow... I'm afraid it's going to reach the sixth level God's power."

Is this dragon a little too strong!

He's only the third level God!

"High!" The Dragon took off and attacked again.

"I hide..." Jiang Ting evades again.

But this time, the Dragon seems to be learning well, or Xu Wen is in control. Jiang Ting just shows his evasive posture. The dragon's tail suddenly pulls out, and the Dragon breathes out. In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ting's retreat is blocked.

Jiang Ting's talent is limitless, but the people here are also geniuses, not good friends!

"I'm afraid you can't do it!" Although I don't want to fight hard, I can't avoid it at the moment. Jiang Ting can only grit his teeth and decide to fight hard.

When the dragon claw comes closer again.

"The end of the sword!" With a low roar, Jiang Ting rises with his sword and cuts it down.

"Ding..." the sword and the dragon claw collided, and the sound of gold and iron came out. Countless sparks broke out where the sword hit.

"Break it for me!" Jiang Ting was fierce, and his inner power burst out.

The cold light of the sword broke out, and then instantly broke through the defense of the dragon's claw and penetrated into the dragon's claw for more than half.

Dragon lost?


Before Jiang Ting's joy appeared, he suddenly felt an endless palpitation rising... Before this condensed dragon, there were dragon breath and dragon tail blocking his retreat.

So now the palpitations are dragon breath and dragon tail?

Think of here, Jiang Ting's pupil shrink, want to also don't want to take back Liuyun suddenly turn around, Liuyun also in an instant horizontal stand in front of the body.

"Bang..." Jiang Ting just turned around, the big white dragon breath just hit the sword edge, a huge force beat Jiang Ting back in an instant, at the same time, the dragon tail also turned into a shadow, and pulled toward his waist. If it hit, the body must be two points!

Maybe Xu Wen won't kill him, but Jiang Ting won't put his life in the hands of others!

When the dragon's tail comes, Jiang Ting pulls the flowing clouds down.

"Boom..." the incoming dragon tail solidly hit Liuyun... At the most cost, the lost dragon breath instantly hit Jiangting's chest, and his abdomen was pierced on the spot.

If he had not become a God at this moment, he would not have died if his divine personality was not broken. If he were an ordinary man, he would have been killed if he had a big hole in his abdomen.

However, even if you don't die, you can't escape serious injuries.

Jiang Ting didn't care about the injury. Instead, he broke out the magic power. With the help of the dragon tail's powerful power, he flashed to the side and immediately separated from the dragon.

"You lost." Xu Wen whispered in the distance.

"Ang..." Longyin seems to be echoing, and Shenlong is staring at Jiangting, as if if Jiangting does not admit defeat, it will start again.

"I really underestimated you." Instead of looking at the dragon, Jiang Ting stares at him and inquires. Meanwhile, the divine power diffuses rapidly and continuously regenerates the flesh and blood. The pierced abdomen begins to recover, and the heart and vein visible to the naked eye begin to hide in the flesh and blood.

On the other hand, Xu Wen's smile was even worse: "in the past, I spent countless costs to get a dragon soul to dissolve in the magic dragon formula. Although the dragon you are dealing with is made by my magic dragon formula, but it contains the dragon soul... It can play the most huge strength, and it is made by magic, fearless of injury, you are not the enemy."

Jiang Ting didn't know what to think of, and suddenly chuckled: "it seems that I will lose Jiang."

"If there were no accidents, you would have lost."

At the end of the speech, Xu Wen shook his head again: "although it is not prohibited by the rules here, I still want to tell you that healing pills and pills for restoring divine power are prohibited. After all, people here have almost the same strength. If we use healing pills and pills for restoring divine power at will, even if we fight here for hundreds of years and thousands of years, I'm afraid we won't be able to separate them "The fruit."

"I didn't use elixir."

At the end of the speech, Jiang Ting suddenly drank coldly: "you shouldn't talk nonsense with Jiang... You will lose!"Seeing this, Xu Wen shakes his head and does not answer. He thought Jiang Ting would choose to admit defeat wisely after he was injured, so he controlled the magic dragon to stop. However, since Jiang Ting did not admit defeat, the dragon would not stop.

In the face of the incoming dragon, Jiang Ting's eyes showed some cold light: "broken star!"

In a flash, hundreds of sword lotus appeared out of thin air.

"Ang..." a little disdain appeared in the eyes of the dragon as big as a copper bell.

However... Of the hundreds of sword lotus, only one hundred flew to the dragon, and the rest of them went to Xuwen.

"Not good..." Xu Wen felt uneasy, and his figure flashed slightly: "thousands of thousands in an instant!"

The body shape flickers continuously, and Xu Wen keeps away from Jianlian.

"Chop!" As soon as Jiang Ting's wrist turned, the clouds swept across the sky. A wave of Qi swept across the sky. There were countless sword Qi accompanying him, and he went to the surrounding area of Xu Wen.

"Help back!" Xu Wen was shocked and then roared at the dragon.

"Ang..." the Dragon stops beating the sword lotus with its claws and rushes to Xu Wen.

Jiang Ting was not surprised but pleased: "this is really your weakness, fatal weakness... The pole of the sword!"

With the fall of the voice, Jiang Ting's magic power erupted and his body method was used. However, a flash suddenly approached Xu Wen, and the sword cut straight down.

"I give up!" At the critical moment, Xu Wen suddenly roared.

Jiang Ting saw this, cut off the sword instantly stopped... Admit defeat?

That's why he suddenly gave up? His attack has not yet come down, and the power of his sword has not yet been revealed. Why did Xu Wen give up?

But Xu Wen is staring at Liuyun's sword edge with countless fear... He didn't see it before. Jiang Ting uses the extreme skill of sword to cut into more than half of the dragon's claw with one sword!

Although the dragon is illusory, because of the soul of the dragon, it is no problem to say that it is a real dragon, but it is still cut into more than half by the sword... The power of the sword is self-evident.

He doesn't want to try the taste of the sword front. For no reason, it's better not to get hurt.

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