Elder Xue's foothold in Xiao's royal family is based on her own prohibition technique. Now, she is ridiculed by a little boy who has just come here. How can she live with her face? She raised her hand and pointed to Jiang ting and said, "OK, OK, don't you boast that your prohibition technique is powerful? Do you dare to compete? "

Jiang Ting gave a cold smile and nodded casually: "you don't even want to take out a pot of good tea. Do you want to compete? Why do you want me to compete with you? "


Elder Xue is a little tongue tied. Even the bodyguards and maids on one side are all stunned. They have seen arrogant and arrogant in Xiao's royal family, but they haven't seen Jiang Ting's such arrogant rhythm!

Elder Xue's fingers, which pointed to Jiang Ting, were trembling and angry. He said: "OK, you wait!"

During the conversation, elder Xue took out a small porcelain jar from his heaven and earth bag, gently put it on the table, and said: "there are 100 pieces of seven grade blood Refining Essence in it. I'll take this as a bet. If you win, it belongs to you, but if you lose..." Xue Chang stares at Jiang Ting coldly.

Jiang Ting also narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "what's the matter? What do you like about me? "

"If you lose, I'll kill you!" Elder Xue is really confused.

Jiang Ting sneered and said: "elder Xue, these 100 pieces of blood refining are precious, but there is no precious way to use my life. It's not so difficult to get them."

Jiang Ting's words made all the people present swallow a mouthful of saliva. It's blood refining essence, and it's not spirit stone or pill. You can buy it at will. It's really standing and talking without backache!

In the eyes of many people, these 100 blood refining essence are absolutely priceless. The life of the poor Jiang Ting is not worth the price!

Elder Xue is going to be mad. If it wasn't for the order of the prince, she would have done it. She pointed to Jiang ting and said, "well, can you take out something equivalent to one hundred blood refining essence?"

Jiang Ting smiles and palms a little. He takes out the eight blood Refining Essence from the ring when he kills the eight star monster on the way. He puts it on the table at will and says, "the value is absolutely the same, isn't it?"

No one thought that Jiang Ting could refine essence with blood. Although it was eight grade blood refining essence, it was a thousand pieces. The number was absolutely eye-catching, which was comparable to that of a hundred seven grade blood refining essence!

Elder Xue's maids were all silly when they saw this situation. It's really shocking. It's definitely a gamble!

"Elder Xue, don't be surprised. If you beat me in the art of prohibition, it will be yours!" Jiang Ting sits on the chair at will, his fingers beating on the table rhythmically, which is opposite to elder Xue's rolling eyes.

"Well, let's have a competition!"

Elder Xue gave a cold smile, and then formed countless pithy formulas with her hands. Her divine power surged, and soon arranged a forbidden array. The attack of this array was very strong. Gradually, this forbidden array moved, just like a hungry wolf appeared from the void!

"The array layout is quite fast!" Jiang Ting's eyes have been staring at her all the time. This forbidden array is full of murderous spirit. It's not bad to attack and kill!

Although Jiang Ting looked at it, his hands were not idle. However, after he got the formula in his hands, he seemed to disappear in the air. There was no effect!

This makes the people who are watching all don't understand. Is this the rhythm of suicide?!

Seeing that elder Xue's hungry wolf had already pounced on him, the Jiangting still didn't move. Some timid maids were afraid to look at him, so they quickly covered their eyes!

Although the wolf was transformed by the prohibition, it had a blue face and fangs, which was very terrible. The people around him kept retreating one by one. The murderous spirit was too heavy!

Such a hungry wolf came to Jiangting in the blink of an eye, opened his mouth, and rushed to Jiangting's neck!

When the hungry wolf was less than a foot away from Jiangting, Jiangting suddenly roared, "no formation, it's done!"


As Jiang Ting's voice fell, a low tiger roared. With this figure, a fierce tiger suddenly appeared in the void. The huge King character on his head showed his momentum. The huge tiger claws immediately pressed elder Xue's wolf, making the wolf unable to move forward.

But Jiang Ting just felt a strong wind, his hair was blown, but he didn't move!


People just breathed a sigh of admiration for Jiang Ting's courage and mind.

In the face of such a forbidden array, you can still do so. This is the real momentum of Taishan collapsing in front of you!

Elder Xue also knows that Jiangting's forbidden technique is not in vain, and he doesn't expect to subdue Jiangting this time. Therefore, elder Xue leisurely continues to put forward some tricks. The hungry wolf, who was pressed by Jiangting's tiger just now, suddenly changes shape and becomes soft and resilient"Boom!"

After a sound, people's eyes flashed, and a huge Python appeared in people's sight!

This huge boa constrictor has the thickness of a bucket. At this moment, it has turned Jiang Ting's dream into a tiger's prohibition. With the winding of the huge boa constrictor, there is no tiger's trace!

In the royal family of Xiao, even the maids all know the art of prohibition. If the prohibition array they set up is completely isolated, it will be the point of being slaughtered!

Elder Xue takes such an advantage that he won't give Jiang Ting any chance. Therefore, the formula keeps flying out and falls on his forbidden array. The python is still growing

Jiang Ting frowned slightly and seemed to be thinking about how to communicate with his forbidden array. Elder Xue saw this and said with a cold smile, "give up!"

"Give up?" Jiang Ting slightly picks eyebrows, looking at elder Xue and asks, "are you going to give up?"

"Well, now that you have a hard tongue, I'll give you something to taste!" Elder Xue's hands kept flying out countless pithy formulas and fell on the huge python. The python seemed to beat chicken blood and curled up madly. Even the void made a sound, as if it was going to be broken by the python!

But Jiang Ting still had no expression, and there was no excessive movement in his hand. When the boa constrictor was spinning crazily, Jiang Ting just concluded a formula and said in a low voice, "go!"

This knack did not fall on his own prohibition, but on this boa constrictor. People all looked at Jiang ting with black lines. They didn't know what the goods wanted to do!

After Jiang Ting's formula fell on the boa constrictor, the tiger suddenly disappeared, and the boa constrictor suddenly lost its target. This formula suddenly appeared to be transformed into countless formulas. In an instant, it was connected with the original prohibition through the gap of the boa constrictor's suddenly relaxed body. Jiang Ting's prohibition actually took advantage of this An opportunity to drill out, a slender one, very insignificant, but went straight to the boa constrictor's bloody mouth, people just see clearly, Jiangting's forbidden array turned into a huge slender centipede!

"I'll go When people see this centipede, it's a little speechless. Does Jiang Ting think it's really a drop of one thing? This is a forbidden array, OK!

However, when the centipede entered the mouth of the boa constrictor, elder Xue's face changed, and he immediately restrained himself!

Because Jiang Ting's prohibition is so overbearing that she is constantly agitating her divine consciousness through this prohibition array. If it goes on like this, she will be defeated in a hurry soon. The highest level of attack of this prohibition array is to attack each other's divine consciousness. Unexpectedly, this boy can get drunk like this. Is it unintentional or not Does he really have the ability?

After elder Xue converged his prohibition, he turned into a big rooster. His sharp mouth cut off the prohibition of Jiangting. As long as he disturbed the prohibition of Jiangting, his attack power would be lost!

"Jiang Ting, how can I make your ban so that my cock can be pecked by you?" Elder Xue constantly urged his prohibition.

In the face of the other side's constant attacks, Jiang Ting has to admit that elder Xue's prohibition technique is much stronger than others!

So, Jiang Ting quickly converged his array and turned it into a ball, which made the big rooster feel a little helpless.

Elder Xue gave a cold smile, and her forbidden array became bigger and bigger, because so many tricks went down. In a moment, the forbidden array changed, just like a mountain, pressing down the forbidden array of Jiangting!

Jiang Ting's hand moved and took his forbidden array away from its original position. Now, compared with the two prohibitions, Jiang Ting's one is like an egg, while others' one is like a mountain. No matter how it looks or how powerful it is, Jiang Ting's forbidden array is completely destroyed!

All of a sudden, those maids all laughed, it is too hard to accept, this is simply a very funny thing, Jiang Ting's fiasco is a nail on the board!

"Can't you make a decision?" Some maid looked at Jiang ting with a smile.

Jiang Ting tightly pursed his lips, and naturally ignored them. Suddenly, a formula passed and fell on his own prohibition. People thought that there would be any change, and they all widened their eyes.

However, Jiang Ting's words almost made everyone lie down!

"Strike a stone with an egg!"

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