In the face of Zhao Yan's promise, Jiang Ting did not reach an agreement directly. Instead, he said that if his master made alchemy, Zhao Yan should pay more.

Zhao Yan burst out with a laugh: "ha ha, if you are really funny, what kind of person is your teacher? If you are willing to make alchemy for Zhao, Zhao is already very surprised. You can't forget your teacher's reward."

Jiang Ting followed with a smile, but did not answer.

He just mentioned it casually. It's not necessary, but to make sure that the truth won't lead to doubt, nothing will be lost.

Then Jiang Ting said: "Lord, it's not too late. Take out the materials you have collected. Don't care about the materials you don't know and those you don't have. I'll contact the master and ask him to send the missing materials to me with a secret skill."

"Xiaoyou, Zhao didn't specially collect the materials of xingqidan before, but he also collected a lot of them unintentionally..." with the chattering voice, Zhao Yan took out all the materials and handed them to Jiang ting in the hand of a storage ring.

At a glance, that is, some worthless materials.

Ah, bah, what's worthless! Jiang Ting forced joy to check the materials inside.

Xingqi pill is comparable to the eight grade pill. How can its material be worthless! Even if it's just some auxiliary materials, it's extremely precious!

At least if we let Jiang Ting collect the pills himself, if his realm and strength don't change, he won't be able to collect them completely without hundreds of years!

Zhao Yan whispered: "little friend?"

"The Lord of the city is worthy of being the seventh level God. His wealth seems to be more abundant than that of Jiang." Jiang Ting is not checking the materials. He waves all the materials to his own storage space.

"Xiaoyou is over praised. When Xiaoyou reaches such a state as Zhao, I'm afraid his wealth will be much thicker than Zhao." Zhao Yan is very polite. After all, in his opinion, Jiangting's failure is inevitable. Once Jiangting fails, Jiangting's master will come...

so even if he knows that Jiangting will fail, he doesn't choose not to give materials or to give less. Jiangting's master's arrival is inevitable. There's no need to hate Jiangting's master at this moment. How many materials he has taken out now, Jiangting's master will come I'll make it up before I do. There's no need.

Therefore, the materials he took out were all the materials he knew and had collected.

But Jiang Ting looks as usual: "Lord, I'm afraid I'll trouble the Lord to find a secret room for him to make alchemy. The difficulty of Xingqi Dan is incredible for him. If it wasn't for the master's means, he might not have the courage to make alchemy... But even so, he can't be disturbed. If there is any mistake, he might fail on the spot."

Zhao Yan immediately patted his chest: "Xiaoyou, don't worry, the surrounding star domain dare not say, but this Sirius, this magic city, as long as Zhao is here, no one dares to make trouble, Zhao personally guards for you!"

"Thank you, Lord." Jiang Ting did not refuse.

After another conversation, they left the side hall and went to the deep of the city Lord's mansion. Soon they came to a secret room... As for whether it was peaceful or not, Jiang Ting didn't care. No matter whether there was no one here to disturb, as long as Zhao Yan guaranteed that there would be no one to disturb, then there would be no one to disturb.

Enter the chamber of secrets, put down prohibitions and isolation, all at once.

"Creak..." the chamber closed slowly.

Zhao Yan looks at the chamber of secrets, his face is calm again, and his pupils are overjoyed. How long has Zhao Yan been staying in Sirius and dominating the magic city?

He doesn't remember any more. He only remembers that many years ago, he was no longer satisfied with the realm of the seventh level God, but wanted to be promoted to the eighth level God. From that time on, he didn't care about the big and small affairs of FengMo City, and let other families preside over it. He kept practicing himself.

All the time with the help of the city's Shanggong resources for cultivation, unfortunately... Useless, no matter how hard he tries, no matter how many resources he consumes, the eighth level God is still far away from him, finally he can only focus on the pill, want to break through with the help of the pill.

Although Sirius has one or two seven grade elixirs, what he needs is eight grade elixir, because if he wants seven grade elixir to be promoted to eight grade elixir, only eight grade elixir can refine it, and he has never heard of eight grade elixir.

Now, finally want to get the wish to promote eight God!

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yan said softly: "fortunately, I was very decisive before. I not only told Jiang Ting about the existence of jade spirit, but also frankly told him that if he could help persuade his master, he would give him the blood shadow. He wanted to be as good as his master and was willing to help. I'm afraid it was also because Jiang Ting said a lot of good things from it..."

at the end of the speech, Zhao Yan slowly said Close your eyes: "when his master comes, if he is the eight grade God Dan master, then I will try my best to make friends with him. If he is the nine grade God Dan master... I'm afraid I'm not qualified to make friends with him with the help of Dan medicine. Then I'll go back to the second place and continue to have a good relationship with Jiang ting. At that time, there will be his master. I can't say that I can also set foot in the highest level nine in the God realm God... But is the Ninth level God really promoted by Dan Yao? "...

in the secret room.

"Developed, developed..." Jiang Ting looked at many materials transferred to his own storage space, and the surprise of his face could not be suppressed.

Dragon blood grass, Linglong flower, youcui lotus....

countless precious materials are now in his storage ring. With these materials, Jiang Ting is even sure that he will be promoted to the fifth level God without any hidden danger in one month!

Even the sixth level God is not impossible!

However, it's a waste. It's the material for refining xingqidan. Although xingqidan has no grade, in fact, if you want to refine xingqidan, you can't succeed without the ability of eight grade elixir. It's just that refining xingqidan doesn't have the limit of realm, so it's just no grade elixir.

As for refining star Qi Dan for Zhao Yan?

"Ha ha, I'm not stupid." In the smile, Jiang Ting is not thinking, he is not ready to refine star Qi Dan.

He is not stupid. He is very clear about the level of his alchemy attainments. He has no hope of success if he wants to refine Xingqi Dan. Even if he wants to refine pills that are as difficult as Qipin Shendan, he is also very anxious.

If it is refined, these materials must be discarded.

For Zhao Yanlian, star Qi Dan? It doesn't exist. These materials belong to him! He will not use these materials to promote himself in a short time. He will keep them and use them to refine other pills in the future.

However, if he is not in urgent need of promotion, he will take it out ahead of time and let himself be promoted first.

It's Zhao Yan who has to deal with it well.

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