In the face of Bai Mingxu's voice, Jiang Ting was a little stunned. He didn't know whether to sigh about the confidentiality of the Dragon nationality or the difference between the superiority and inferiority of the Dragon nationality.

On the other hand, Bai Mingxu said to himself: "when Wang Nu was taken back to the holy Dragon Star, the Dragon strongman who took back Wang Nu once said that there was a human race with Wang Nu at that time, and the friendship between the two sides seemed very good, and that person was named Jiang Ting, and brother Jiang knew the taboo of Wang Nu, so what does brother Jiang mean now?"

Without waiting for an answer, Bai Mingxu shook his head again: "no matter whether she wants to or not, when she comes to the holy Dragon Star, the origin of the dragon people will eventually understand."

"In fact, Jiang still doesn't understand what you want to say, brother Bai." Jiang Ting frowned slightly.

He didn't lie. He really didn't understand what Bai Mingxu meant, but he recognized another meaning.

That is, the origin of him and Bai Meng may have been exposed?

He doesn't care about the exposure of the origin. After all, the world connected by the endless God domain is as numerous as gravel, and there are countless strong people coming to the endless God domain from other worlds.

What he cares about is that according to Bai Mingxu's implied meaning, Bai Meng may not be willing to tell the origin?

However, he didn't attack... The strength of the dragon clan is terrible. Not to mention the whole dragon clan, aolie, the dragon clan strongman who is in Longcheng to ensure the stability of Longcheng, can kill him in an instant.

A dragon city has nine level gods of the dragon people, not to mention the whole dragon people!

Therefore, Jiang Ting quickly suppressed his anger and calmed his face: "Jiang and Wang Nu were really friends before. They had a lot of friendship. This is not an unspeakable secret, but brother Bai. What do you want to say? Jiang is more and more confused. "

Seeing this, Bai Mingxu suddenly shook his head in silence: "it seems that senior Dan Heng didn't tell brother Jiang too much about you."

Jiang Ting's eyes flashed, but he didn't answer. He could see that Bai Mingxu was misunderstood.

Bai Mingxu thinks that Jiang Ting should know a secret, so there will be some conflicts before. In fact, Jiang Ting doesn't know, and Bai Mingxu should have found out, otherwise there won't be that sentence.

Two, silence again.

This time, the silence was very short, about twenty minutes later.

Bai Mingxu suddenly said, "what's brother Jiang's view on the upcoming ceremony of the dragon clan?"

"Wang Nu's succession to the throne is a grand event in the endless realm of gods. Jiang is a four level God. How can we have any opinions?" Jiang Ting's face didn't show anything, but his mood sank.

This grand ceremony seems to be full of tricks.

And Bai Mingxu took a deep look at Jiang Ting, and then whispered: "since brother Jiang appeared in the holy Dragon Star, I must have heard that I am not a pure human race, nor a pure dragon race."

Jiang Ting nodded gently: "I heard it occasionally."

The mood is more and more some don't understand, don't understand what Bai Mingxu wants to say in the end, this thinking is too much jump.

But Bai Mingxu didn't see it and looked up at the sky: "the dragon clan is divided into two parts at the moment. One part is willing to follow the ancestral system of the dragon clan and regard the king's daughter as the leader of the dragon clan without interfering in their interests."

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly without saying anything.

Bai Mingxu glanced and shook his head: "there is another part, which is also the biggest voice within the dragon family at the moment. The cultivation of the queen daughter is too low, and the strength is too low. Even the nominal leader of the dragon family, they do not want to. However, under the pressure of the ancestral system of the dragon family, even if they strongly oppose it, it will not help unless they are willing to directly violate the ancestral system."

At the end of the speech, Bai Mingxu shook his head slightly: "no one knows what their final result is, but they suddenly agreed to another part of the dragon race to hold a grand ceremony, the grand ceremony of the Queen's daughter's succession."

Jiang Ting's face sank in an instant when he heard the speech... Since he strongly opposed it, he could not suddenly agree, unless he had a plan.

Therefore, Jiang Ting raised his head directly: "what did they plan? Brother Bai is half of the dragon people. I should have heard about one or two of them? "

"I don't know."

After saying that, Bai Mingxu's face suddenly became gloomy: "Bai is not a pure human race, nor a pure dragon race. No matter in the human race or the dragon race, Bai's identity is very embarrassing. No matter in the dragon race or the human race, he can't integrate into it!"

Jiang Ting was silent for a moment, but he knew that Bai Mingxu didn't come to him to vent his anger. He thought he had a different purpose.

Sure enough, Bai Mingxu's gloom soon dissipated and became calm: "I've met Wang Nu several times. She doesn't have many cities. My mother told me that she has a good temperament. If she succeeds to the throne, I will be in a much better situation in the dragon clan under her influence."

After a little pause, Bai Mingxu slowly raised his head: "to tell you the truth, she is really good-natured. However, in my opinion, to become the leader of the dragon clan is tantamount to wishful thinking... However, I don't want to continue my depressed days, so I belong to the first half of the dragon clan. Under her lack of strength, as long as I don't interfere with my freedom, I am willing to follow her as the dragon in name The Lord of the dragon clan, plus my situation, I can't know what the other dragon clan is going to do. "The unknown is the most terrible.

Jiang Ting is silent... He can see that Bai Meng's life in the dragon clan is not easy.

There are two kinds of voices within the Dragon nationality. Even if it is a better voice, it is only willing to let her be the leader of the Dragon nationality in name. If it sounds better, it will be the mascot... But in Jiang Ting's opinion, it's not bad. The strength is not as good as people, only so.

If Bai Meng has the strength to suppress the whole dragon race, there will be so many twists and turns. In the final analysis, the endless divine realm still respects strength. If he has no strength, he can only abide by the rules and wishes set by other strong people.

Silent for a long time, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and pressed down his thoughts: "why did brother Bai come to look for Jiang? Jiang seems to understand some, but there is still some uncertainty. Please speak frankly."

"Senior Dan Heng is the nine grade God Dan master, and he is also known as the nine grade God Dan master who is closest to the God King in the endless God field."

At the end of the speech, Bai Mingxu looked solemn: "brother Jiang and Wang NV are good friends, and I don't want to see Wang NV fall into a bad situation... I would like to ask brother Jiang to persuade Dan Heng to come to the ceremony. If Dan Heng is willing to show up, his fame and contacts are enough to influence the choice of many strong people in the dragon clan."

Speaking of now, Bai Mingxu finally says his purpose... He wants Jiang ting to ask Dan Heng to come.

Jiang Ting is silent for a moment... If Dan Heng can really come, he even drags Dan Heng, but the problem is, Dan Heng can't come!

Dan Heng can't survive. How can he join? Not to mention, although Danheng has friends, he also has enemies!

Avatar? In the hall of the succession of the daughter of the Dragon King, if Dan Heng comes to the hall as the so-called incarnation, it will not only have no good effect, but will infuriate the whole dragon.

After all, or simply don't come, but only an incarnation, this is despise dragon or how?

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