The rest of the people were angry and dissatisfied with Jiang Ting's sudden jumping in line, but they didn't say anything. Instead, they took a seat again... Longcheng is full of ups and downs. There are no ordinary people here. It's not a big deal. There's no need to get angry.

In the room.

In this room, as in the previous tiandaofu room, there are a table, a chair, and a deep window.

"What information do you want to buy?" With a hoarse voice, the array of the room rises, and a man in a black robe appears in the window.

Jiang Ting was just about to say something. The black robed man seemed to get some news. His eyes showed some surprise. He glanced at Jiang ting and then left quietly.

Then, another black robed man appeared in the window... The eyes... Just for a moment, Jiang Ting was sure that it was Lin Yi!

Hoarse voice, still: "you want to buy what news?"

Seeing this, Jiang Ting watched for a long time before whispering: "Lin Yi?"

He was sure that the person in the window at the moment was Lin Yi... But he didn't say it directly because he was not a member of tiandaofu. He didn't understand the internal rules of tiandaofu very well, so he just wanted to explore.

If Lin Yi denies, then there must be other rules. He won't tell the truth. If Lin Yi admits... Maybe, there are other benefits.

Inside the window.

Lin Yi stared at Jiang Ting deeply for a long time, then whispered: "brother Jiang's perception is really sharp."

The voice is not hoarse, but Lin Yi's own voice.

Jiang Ting slightly clasped his fist: "brother Lin, Jiang rashly broke brother Lin's identity, won't he bring trouble for brother Lin?"

Lin Yi is a member of tiandaofu? I'm afraid that the people in the front line all have big influence as their background!

"No, people in tiandaofu hide their identity. It's just that there are a lot of news about the sale, and they are afraid that it will lead to some people's revenge."

After a pause, Lin Yi took down the Black Veil: "Lin's identity is not a secret in the endless divine realm. Even if it is revealed, no one will trouble me for leaking information from tiandaofu. How does brother Lin see through Lin's identity?"

"Jiang can't see through brother Lin's disguise."

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting directly added: "brother Lin has extraordinary strength. Jiang remembers brother Lin's eyes, that's all."

Lin Yimo was silent.

He thought that there was something wrong with the disguise, and that's how it was exposed?

After a long silence, Lin Yi shook his head and grinned bitterly: "I didn't expect it to be like this... Brother Jiang didn't come to tiandaofu to look for Lin. you and I still have nearly 20 years to go before the appointed time, and no one knows the arrival of Lin. brother Jiang must have come to tiandaofu to buy news. What news does brother Jiang want to buy?"

Without waiting for an answer, Lin Yi added: "brother Jiang, although you and I are familiar with each other, the rules of tiandaofu can not be broken. The number of sacred stones is the number of sacred stones."

"Jiang knows."

After that, Jiang Ting raised his head directly: "I want to know nine kinds of materials, such as the spirit of the wind... The soul of Xuanye. Who owns this dragon city at the moment?"

Lin Yi didn't answer, but revealed an accident: "brother Jiang, why don't you go to find master Dan Heng? If master Dan Heng helps, it's easier than brother Jiang's own search. "

Jiang Ting smiles and doesn't answer... God knows what information channels there are in tiandaofu. The more you say, the more mistakes you make. It's best not to say anything.

Lin Yijian did not ask, but slightly shook his head: "since brother Jiang is inconvenient to say, it's Lin's presumptuous... Our tiandaofu doesn't know everything. At this moment, in the state of Longcheng, there must be nine kinds of materials left, but it's just who they are. My tiandaofu doesn't know."

Jiang Ting's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. The reason why he came to tiandaofu was that he cherished the materials of transforming the exquisite tower of heaven and earth into the kingdom of God. If he went to the street to ask, it would be like a fool's action, and no one would talk about such news in the street.

So he came to tiandaofu, but even tiandaofu didn't know who had it on him?

However, surprises are always sudden.

Lin Yi pondered for a while, and then said, "take your relationship with me as an example, Lin will pay attention to brother Jiang. Since brother Jiang has arrived, I think he will live in Longcheng temporarily. If I know, I will go to brother Jiang's place to find you."

Thank you, brother Lin Jiang Ting is happy for a moment. It's better to have Lin Ye, a member of tiandaofu, to keep an eye on it than to ask about it himself.

Just as he was about to leave, Lin Yi suddenly said: "I suddenly thought of a holder of the spirit of the wind, but brother Jiang, you should not have any chance to get it, because the holder of the spirit of the wind is not ready to exchange, but to send the dragon."

Send the dragon? For the dragon?

Jiang Ting frowned slightly, then whispered: "who?"

Lin Yi did not answer: "this news is not secret, brother Jiang if you want to buy, three thousand God stone."

Without hesitation, Jiang Ting took out the stone and piled it on the wooden table.

As soon as Lin waved his hand to collect the stone, he chuckled: "the spirit of the wind is in aolie's hand."Aolie?

The name Jiang Ting feels familiar.

Think carefully for a while, pupil suddenly a shrink... Special can not be familiar with it? Aolie is the strong one of the dragon people in this dragon city, the strong one of the nine level gods!

Lin Yize is still saying: "the dragon city spreads from the north for three thousand miles. There is an island in the water area. Our people have a level five God strongman. He sets up a challenge arena on the island to challenge the strongman of the young generation of the dragon people. Unfortunately, all the talented strongmen of the dragon people are in the deep sea and don't want to come to the dragon city. The strongmen of the dragon people near the dragon city are not the places of the level five gods. Aolie takes out the essence of the wind in a rage The soul is the most rewarding. If anyone can win, the spirit of the wind is the reward. "

Jiang Ting blinked and suddenly understood why Lin Yigang said he had no chance to get it.

Let's not mention whether he can win the arrogant and strong man who set up the challenge arena, let's just say that he can't get the identity even if he wins, because the spirit of the wind is a reward from aolie to the dragon clan, not to the Terran clan.

Unless, he can become a dragon...

in a flash, Jiang Ting suddenly looks up and becomes a dragon?

He suddenly remembered that he had ZuLong blood in his body!

He also has dragon blood, but... There is a thorny problem. Although he has ancestral dragon blood, he is not a dragon.

Under the pressure of deep meditation, Jiang Ting whispered: "is there any other news about the spirit of the wind?"

Lin Yi simply shook his head: "or just that sentence, at this moment, the dragon city situation, the strong emerge in endlessly, there must be some, but the holder does not say, no one will know."

Jiang Ting is silent... The spirit of the wind is in front of his eyes, and he can get it without paying a price, but how can he get it?

He can't be a dragon.

Become a dragon?

Somehow, Jiang Ting suddenly thought of Bai Mingxu... Mingxu is half human and half dragon. It is said that because of the human blood in his body, even the dragon blood can't be transformed into a dragon.

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