Ge Yuchen heard the name of Aojiang in Jiangting newspaper. After thinking for a while, he quickly decided that he had never heard of it. At least in his understanding, the young strong man under the sixth level God of the dragon clan did not have the name of Aojiang.

Soon, Ge Yuchen did not think about it, but squinted: "you must have come to Ge, and there must be no need for him to be taboo in the newspaper... Since he came to Ge, how about doing it directly."

"That's what I mean." As soon as the words fell, Jiang Ting's mood suddenly sank.

He, not his intention.

He had found that he could not fully prepare to know the fighting power of his own dragon body. His idea was not to rush to start with Ge Yuchen, but to know his own strength first.

But in the face of Ge Yuchen's active challenge, because of the disgust in his heart, he agreed directly.

"Please." With Ge Yuchen's light words, Ge Yuchen's long sword in the front half of his body is suspended in the air, and a sharp sword is intended to keep spitting at the edge of the sword.

In an instant, Jiang Ting felt the breath of cold coming from the sword.

His sword, I'm afraid, is very sharp. However, Jiang Ting is not afraid. He completely gives up all kinds of strange things brought by suppressing the dragon body.

The difference brought by the suppression of the dragon body is to suppress the strength that the dragon body can exert. Only by complete liberation can the whole fighting power of the dragon body be exerted.

As he gave up the suppression, Jiang Ting's eyes became more and more indifferent, and countless silver scales began to appear all over his body... That is, dragon scale!

"Wait a minute." A cold drink suddenly rang out.

Jiang ting and Ge Yuchen are about to start the battle stopped instantly.

Look up, just see a middle-aged man floating here, breath, deep as the sea... Dragon!

Even if I haven't seen it, Jiangting knows who the dragon is in an instant. I'm afraid that even if I feel like this, I'm afraid I'm even the most powerful dragon family guarding Longcheng, nine level God aolie!

Ge Yuchen is very simple embrace boxing: "see aolie elder."

During this time, the rest of the dragon people all bowed themselves: "meet elder aolie."

Jiang Ting also has a similar example: "meet elder aolie."

Aolie nodded to Jiangting, then his eyes narrowed slightly: "I should not interfere in the dispute between the younger generation, but... Since you are the one to challenge, should you suppress your own realm?"

Ge Yuchen's brow suddenly sinks... Even if he doesn't suppress his own realm, he can feel the palpitation and danger from Jiang Ting's body. If he suppresses, he is not an opponent.


If Jiang Ting is the one who takes the initiative to challenge him, then whether he suppresses the realm or not depends on himself. However, he has just taken the initiative to challenge himself. Although Jiang Ting has come, he has never said a word.

Aolie didn't give Ge Yuchen too many opportunities. He waved his hand gently: "I will help you suppress the realm. After the war, I will help you to suppress you."

The language falls, Ge Yuchen's whole body's breath falls in a straight line, but in an instant according to four level God.

Aolie personally suppressed Ge Yuchen's realm!

It's also because he personally let Jiang Ting know. It's true that GE Yuchen set up a challenge arena here and angered the most powerful dragon who guarded Longcheng. It's just because of the relationship between the human dragon and the aboveboard challenge that the most powerful can't intervene.

In contrast, Ge Yuchen can only show a little bitter smile when he perceives the state of being suppressed. He knows that if he can fight with Jiang Ting before, now he will lose.

It's not bad to admit defeat.

even if he loses, he has to see how strong the Dragon Tianjiao is.

Therefore, Ge Yuchen quickly converged his mind: "how about the victory or defeat?"

Without waiting for an answer, Ge Yuchen held the sword: "you make me feel very dangerous... Other secret arts, maybe at this moment the realm of the fourth level God can't even tear your dragon scale defense."

"Good." Jiang Ting nodded gently... He wanted to ask, where did he let Ge Yuchen feel the danger? He didn't know how destructive he was.

"Don't underestimate the enemy." Aolie gave a deep look at Jiangting, and then his body dispersed.

Others don't know, but Aoli, the most powerful of the dragon clan, is still unclear? The young and strong of the Dragon nationality don't have Aojiang at all... Er, no, there is no Aojiang at all!

However, this is not important, the important thing is that Jiang Ting can fight Ge Yuchen!

As for Jiang Ting's blood, in his perception, the blood concentration is good, but it's nothing.

"In a flash Ge Yuchen is very crisp, wielding a sword to chop.

Jiang tinggang was ready to fight back, and his mood suddenly sank. The feeling of being like a grain of grass on his back kept coming!

Ge Yuchen's face relaxed slightly: "it's forbidden, you can't avoid it!"

Countless cold lights rise.

"Yi..." of a, River Court wrist place appeared a bloodstain, a wisp of sword meaning is dispersing.He just wrapped in the surface of the dragon scale can not stop?

"So fast..." Jiang Ting suddenly retreated towards the rear.

Another cold light pierced the sky.

In a flash, the cold light suddenly appeared on the right shoulder of Jiangting.


another bloodstain rises, and the cold light becomes the sword meaning.

"I said, you can't avoid it!" Ge Yuchen waved his hand slightly, and countless cold lights attacked Jiangting one after another.

"Not good." Jiang Ting's mood is low... Once many cold lights attack at the same time, he will lose.

Can't even Ge Yuchen, whose realm has been suppressed?

If his realm is not suppressed, is he not an enemy of unity?

No, no!

But in a flash, Jiang Ting suddenly shook his head again... Things should not be like this. Ge Yuchen sensed the danger from him, which proved that his dragon body had great strength.

And that strength... Is not what he can play when he turns into a human. Maybe, he should turn back into a dragon.

He didn't want to fight in dragon form, because once he started fighting, he would be more influenced by the dragon body... But now, if he didn't fight in dragon form, he would be defeated by GE Yuchen.

It's not difficult to distinguish between the two! Now the most important thing is to get the spirit of the wind!

No choice, no hesitation!

"Ang..." with a deafening sound of the dragon, the river court once again changed into a dragon shape.

More than ten feet of the size of the silver dragon instantly appeared in the sky, but also with the river into the shape of a dragon, thunder and lightning, countless lights began to flash in the sky.

It seems to be corresponding to the anger in the fire dragon body of Jiangting at the moment.

Ge Yuchen's face changed slightly, and then he clenched his teeth slightly: "what about turning into a dragon! Chop it for me

Cold light, like a shadow.

With fast to the extreme speed to catch up with Jiang Ting, fast cut down.

But this time, Jiang Ting had a different feeling.

The speed of the cold light is still very fast, and when he approaches him, he should not fly over, but approach him in a form he doesn't understand, so he can't avoid it.

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