Jiang Ting, who began to search for his own shackles, didn't find that under the thunder, although his dragon scales were constantly split, they were constantly recovering, and the speed of recovery was still increasing!

Of course, the increase was very small, so even Jiang Ting could not detect it at the first time.

In a twinkling of an eye, about half a day passed.

"Please." With a whisper, Jiang Ting slowly opened his eyes, eyes showing countless ugly.

He found the shackles... No, it should be said that because of his whole heart perception, the shackles were not hidden in his mind.

It's just that the shackle is very strong... When he realized it before, he was ready to impact it with his own strength, but then he found that no matter what kind of power he used, he could not shake the shackle at all.

The reason why he gave up was because of the impact of half a day. He made sure that he could not break the shackles. Even he felt that even if he was promoted to the fifth level God, there was no possibility to break the shackles.

Silent for a while, looking at the flesh constantly attacked by thunder: "does he want to trap me here?"

In his opinion, it should not be because of Ao Qiyu's strength. If you want to kill him, why bother so much.

About ten minutes later.

"Hiss..." Jiang Ting's face was slightly white, and a touch of red blood appeared.

Thunder power, increased!

Before is just can break his dragon scale degree, although painful, but will not be injured, just a little uncomfortable.

But just now, thunder's power suddenly increased by 10% out of thin air... It was because of this layer that his dragon body could not bear, and he was injured on the spot.

"Damn, how to break the game..." Jiang Ting's mind began to spin like crazy.

The shackles were too hard for him to break. According to Ao Qiyu's words, if he wanted to find the second layer, he needed to control the thunder here.

Control? It is impossible for him to control without breaking through the shackles.

After half a breath.

"No, we can't wait to die." With a low roar, Jiang Ting throws his body and starts to fly away. The entrance must be hidden in the thunder ocean. He is ready to resist the thunder ocean's attack to find the entrance of the second layer.

Although it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, there's no other good way now, so we can only take a chance.

With his flight, the blood around his dragon body began to spread continuously... The power of thunder has been enhanced, and his recovery speed can't keep up with it. Thunder often attacks the flesh and blood in his dragon scales directly, which looks miserable.

About half a day later.

Jiang Ting is still flying in the thunder, the entrance is not found.

However, the river court is to stand down, eyes show a little bit of light startled... Thunder, and enhanced.

In terms of perception, it is 10% more than the thunder just now.

The increase of 10% is not the initial 10% of thunder's power, but the geometric increase of 10% of thunder's power after enhancement.

The current thunder can't kill him yet.

To his horror, the thunder has been strengthened twice, and it has been strengthened suddenly in half a day. If it has been strengthened in the past half a day, will it continue to strengthen?

According to the previous law, it will obviously increase.

If it increases by another 10%... For a while and a half, although he still can't kill him, Jiang Ting also knows that if the time is too long, he will be killed by thunder.

He is now born to control the thunder of nothingness, the result will be killed? Is this irony?

"What does Ao Qiyu want to do?" With a low roar in his heart, Jiang Ting suddenly crosses his body together... The thunder added for the second time has made him dare not bathe his whole body in the thunder.

He chose to put his body together, and controlled to make his body smaller with the power of his body, only about three feet left... In this way, although he would still be struck by thunder, his body would be much less struck by thunder.

But the situation is still very bad.

Keep looking for the entrance?

After a moment's hesitation, Jiang Ting clenched his teeth and closed his eyes slightly. His whole body controlled his whole body and kept recovering. Now thunder is increasing twice. If he continues to search unprepared, he will be killed by thunder in three hours at most.

As soon as he regained control of the power in his body, Jiang Ting's eyes flashed... He found that, compared with the initial time, his body seemed to be a little stronger.

The range is very small, but Jiang Ting has great control over his body. We can find that his dragon body is really stronger.

Because of the thunder?

After a moment's hesitation, Jiang Ting sank his heart and felt it carefully... Then he soon found that every time the thunder hit him, there would be a very obscure force integrated into his body, and with the integration of that force, his body would be strengthened.

The range is low to the extreme, but it is increasing... However, because he did not take the initiative to absorb the reason, there are many forces are scattered, if he takes the initiative to absorb, the speed of increase is bound to rise!But after a while, Jiang Ting suddenly realized that he could not break the shackles!

I'm afraid the purpose of this thunder ocean is not only to test his strength, but also to help him strengthen his dragon body and forge his body with thunder.

Moreover, in order to avoid Jiang Ting's missing because he didn't know, Ao Qiyu is also very considerate to suppress his natural instinct of controlling thunder with great strength. Moreover, in order to maximize Jiang Ting's physical body, he is very considerate to enhance some thunder's power in less than half a day.

"It's not good to say it earlier..." Jiang Ting, who found out the truth, only felt some pain in his heart at the moment.

He didn't know that before, he wasted a whole day... A day is very little, but in the thunder sea, a day is very long. At least, he wasted a whole day, leading to thunder's power has been enhanced twice.

Without his active absorption and cooperation, thunder is not what he can bear at the moment.

After about three breaths.

Jiang Ting slightly clenched his teeth to restore the dragon body to the size of ten Zhang. The whole dragon body was not on the plate, but bathed in the thunder.

"Hum..." but for a moment, Jiang Ting was a dull hum.

The dragon blood all over the body is more.

Jiang Ting just didn't see it. He forced down the pain slightly and closed his eyes. He controlled his body with his own strength and actively absorbed the enhancement brought by each thunder attack.

With Jiang Ting's cooperation and active absorption, his dragon body instantly began to increase in a straight line... Although the defense of the dragon scale increased very little, his flesh and blood under the dragon scale began to increase, and even his bones absorbed a lot of energy under his cooperation.

The overall defense capability has been increased.

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