Jiang Ting thought for a while, and soon understood why Ao Qiyu didn't tell him how to leave on the first floor, because although thunder can kill him, it can't kill him.

Don't forget, as a nonexistent Thunder Dragon, it's instinct to control thunder. The reason why it can't be controlled is that Ao Qiyu forcibly suppressed it by means.

If it's a matter of life or death, the suppression left by AO Qiyu will surely go away. As long as there is no such suppression, with Jiang Ting's talent of controlling thunder, thunder will not be able to kill him or even hurt him.

And the second layer is swordsmen... Nihilistic Thunder Dragon has no connection with swordsmen, so swordsmen can really kill him!

Soon, Jiang Ting shook his head without thinking, and directly jumped away from the stone... The swordsman forged his body. The swordsman here obviously improved his body, and knew how to leave.

There is no danger at all, so why think so much.

"Boom..." with his departure, the swordsmen burst out in the sky, and the stone was directly smashed into powder. At the same time, there were countless swordsmen cleaving towards Jiangting.

Weapons, swords, halberds and many other weapons are contained in it.

Facing the incoming swordsmen, Jiang Ting did not resist, but directly closed his eyes, ready to absorb the power contained in the swordsmen for several purposes.

After half a breath.

The sword fell.

However... The swordsmen didn't break Jiangting's body. Instead, they disappeared.

At the same time, Jiang Ting's pupil suddenly shrinks with his mind in his body... Swordsmen appear in his mind.

"Ao Qiyu, you lied to me again!" Even Jiang Ting began to make rude remarks at the moment.

The moment the swordsmen appeared in his mind, he knew that the power of these swordsmen was not aimed at the body, but at the spirit!

How can the swordsmen aiming at the spirit be forged?

Immediately after half a breath.

The vigilance of Jiang Ting's face became strange... This second layer seems useless to him? It's totally useless!

Jiang Ting couldn't resist Ao Qiyu's deception for the first time, so the sword soldiers directly hit his spirit, but the result is...

although Jiang Ting is a nonexistent Thunder Dragon at the moment, don't forget that in essence, Jiang Ting is a human race. Of course, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that Jiang Ting is a divine alchemy master.

When he was a third level God, his spirit strength was enough to match that of the fifth level God Dan master. Now he is a fourth level God, and his spirit strength has long been beyond that of the fifth level God Dan master.

As we all know, the spirit strength of Shendan master is much stronger than that of other strong men in the same realm.

Although Jiang Ting is a level Four God, the strength of his spirit can only be compared with that of liupin Shendan. Ao Qiyu doesn't want to kill Jiang Ting, but just sharpens him with his sword. At the same time, he lets Jiang Ting absorb the power of the sword and enhance the inside information of his spirit.

Therefore, in Ao Qiyu's plan, the swordsmen here aim at the spirit strength revealed by Jiang ting.

After Jiang Ting was transformed into a dragon, most of his spirit strength was suppressed with the blood of the human race, so it was also hidden. On the surface, the spirit strength of Jiang Ting was similar to that of ordinary level 4 gods.

Being hidden doesn't mean the disappearance of the spirit...

in short, the sword soldiers here can't even scratch the spirit of Jiangting, and the dissipated energy can't improve the powerful spirit of Jiangting.

Silence for a while, Jiang Ting slowly opened his eyes: "forget it, sleep, full three years, I can't always be in a daze."

The swordsmen are useless to him, and he can't sleep here... He's not interested in watching the swordsmen constantly attack him. He thinks about it, and it's more realistic to sleep.

As long as you wake up, three years may have passed.

At the same time, it's a pity that Jiang Ting starts to sleep without hesitation. If Ao Qiyu can see through his real spirit strength before, it can't be said that his spirit strength can be enhanced among the swordsmen.

However, he didn't expect that, fortunately, Ao Qiyu didn't find out his true situation. If Ao Qiyu could see through the strength of his spirit at the moment, he would be able to see the suppressed human blood in his mind at the moment.

From what Ao Qiyu has seen and heard, I'm afraid he'll understand in a moment that he's not a pure dragon at all. Naturally, he can't be a pure nihilistic Thunder Dragon... Pure nihilistic Thunder Dragon. At the moment, there is only Ao Qiyu.

But it's not pure, it must be more than that!

As long as Ao Qiyu is willing to combine with other dragon families, it is not difficult for him to produce half of the Dragon heirs of other dragon families.

Compared with that kind of mixed race, Jiang Ting still has half of the human blood. In Ao Qiyu's eyes, he is obviously extremely unimportant. If Ao Qiyu really sees through, how can he take care of Jiang Ting so much, or even spend a lot of effort to gather the secret place to enhance the physical and spiritual strength of Jiang Ting?

One carve and one carve has its own number.

.......In a twinkling of an eye, three years passed quietly.

Not long after that, the sleeping Jiang Ting slowly opened his eyes, and the dragon's body began to stretch slowly... In short, he was stretching.

In front of Jiang Ting, there is already a vortex full of space atmosphere, which is obviously a vortex entering the third layer.

The reason why Jiang Ting wakes up is that the sudden appearance of the air of space wakes him up.

"What will be on the third floor? Is Ao Qiyu really able to let me understand the origin of space? Why don't I believe it at all... "With a very suspicious whisper, Jiang Ting went directly to the third floor.


dragon god palace, the main hall where Ao Qiyu is located.

Ao Qiyu, lying on the ground and asleep, suddenly opens his eyes and waves his hand. A light curtain appears in front of him, which is just the picture of Jiangting entering the entrance of the third layer vortex.

Ao Qiyu's look was stunned.

After a long time, he whispered: "little guy, I didn't expect that I underestimated you... In my plan, swordsmen enhance the spirit. I'm afraid you have to enter at least three times to be able to resist for three years. I didn't expect that... One time directly passed thunder forging and Swordsmen's increase of the spirit."

Soon, the corner of Ao Qiyu's mouth Rose: "however, this is worthy of being the blood of my nihilistic Thunder Dragon Clan... Well, you should find the origin slowly first, and I'll go to sleep. If you haven't come out after waking up, I'll put the origin in. I'm Ao Qiyu's word, and I can't cheat you..."

JIANG Ting doesn't know at the moment, because he is in the third place Layer, sleeping Ao Qiyu wakes up once, and then continues to sleep... And when he enters the third layer, he once doubted that Ao Qiyu did not leave the so-called space origin at all, and his guess has become a fact.

But Jiang Ting did not know that he was looking at the surrounding environment.

The third floor is very different from the first two.

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