After Jiang Ting decided the next strategy, he walked out of the gate with a smile.


when the gate is opened, Jiang Ting immediately sees Ao Zhang standing half a foot in front of the gate with arrogance, while behind Ao Zhang there are many people and dragons, who obviously come to see the excitement.

Careful perception, Jiangting can find that aozhang's breath is slightly unstable, as if there had just been a fierce battle.

On the other hand, aozhang's face was full of joy: "Jiang Ting, you defeated generals are back."

"You are...

after a moment's hesitation, Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly, pretending to test:" are you Ao Zhang? "

"Why, pretend you don't know me!" Aozhang's face was in a flash of anger.

"Ha ha, I didn't know you before, but now I know you." Jiang Ting was not angry either.

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting looked at the crowd again: "brother Xu Wen."

The people who once appeared in yixiantian are still fresh in Jiang Ting's memory... Now Xu Wen has been promoted to the fifth level God. If there is no accident, I'm afraid he is also here for the Tiantai.

Maybe it doesn't take too long for Tianjiao, who once appeared in a day, to come to the holy Dragon Star?

Jiang Ting didn't know whether the entrance of the Tiantai was fixed at shenglongxing or what factors, but he didn't bother to ask. Anyway, he just wanted to enter the Tiantai.

"Brother Jiang." Xu Wen in the crowd also nodded slightly, but did not say much.

Ao Zhang's eyes narrowed slightly: "boy, I haven't seen you for years, you are more and more arrogant!"

"I" boy, I remember your breath clearly. It's no use denying it

Ao Zhang sneered at first, then laughed again: "but I'm too lazy to care. Why don't we fight again?"

Jiang Ting naturally won't refuse: "if you don't come to me, I will go to you, after all, slander is not good."

Face, still light.

Ao Zhang's brow suddenly wrinkled. His intuition told him that something was wrong. Jiang Ting's look was so calm that he didn't care at all!

However, now countless people and dragon onlookers, he is also riding a tiger, can only move forward.

Therefore, Ao Zhang turned around with pride: "I'll wait for you in the waters three hundred miles away!"

Three hundred miles away from Longcheng, there is only sea water, no isolated island or rubble.

"It's a good calculation, too bad." Jiang Ting whispered in his heart, then with a little smile, he turned into streamer and flew out of Longcheng.

Seeing this, Xu Wen's eyes flashed and he was ready to follow.

A whisper suddenly rang out: "brother Xu unexpectedly came so early, it is to let Lin is very surprised."

Xu Wen turns to see Lin Yi.

"Brother Lin."

Xu Wen clasped his fist slightly, then approached quietly: "brother Lin, I didn't find your trace before... Brother Lin came to Longcheng very early. Is the rumor true or false?"

"True or false, who knows?"

After a pause, Lin digs the topic: "let's go to other places to have a chat. With brother Jiang's strength, it's just as easy to defeat Ao Zhang. It's not worth watching."

Xu Wen did not agree, but his eyes flashed: "brother Lin's temperament, should not come back later?"

"Brother Xu, don't you forget that it's not only brother Xu who comes to the holy Dragon Star." Lin Yi smiles even more.

Xu Wenxian was stunned. Then he suddenly thought of something. The corner of his mouth went up: "yes, some of his concerns were confused before... Brother Lin leads the way."


outside Longcheng, there are three thousand li waters.

But in a short time, Jiang Ting had already flown here and stood still.

After about ten breaths, the poisonous dragon aozhang arrived here.

After arriving here, aozhang looked at Jiangting with a slightly heavy look... What a fast speed! His uneasy intuition grew stronger and stronger.

And the rest of the onlookers, who followed at full speed, and the onlookers who were slightly stronger, all began to whisper at this moment.

"There seems to be something wrong."

"Yes, it's only 300 li away, but Jiangting takes ten breaths before aozhang. The speed difference between the two people is very different... And from Longcheng to now, Jiangting's attitude has hardly changed much. I'm afraid the rumor in our Terran is true."

"Ridiculous, the battle has not started yet. Why rush to make a final conclusion? They've fought and they're talking about it!"


there were different reactions among the crowd, but the sound of ridicule disappeared.

Even if they haven't started yet, they are only three hundred miles away from Jiangting, but they are ten breaths ahead. This has made all the people here find Jiangting's strength by speed.

But Jiang Ting didn't seem to see the reaction around him. He tilted his head slightly: "with your strongest means... Three swords can't defeat you, Jiang I will give up."

Aozhang was stunned at first, and then he was furious: "the defeated general, what are you arrogant about?"Jiang Ting smiles and says nothing.

"High!" Ao Zhang was completely angry and turned into the real body of the poisonous dragon and roared.

"Hua la..." countless sea water soared, and the smell began to spread. At the same time, Ao Zhang did not hesitate to turn into a blood essence.

Jiang Ting's mouth began to rise... Before, he deliberately suppressed his strength in order to seek blood essence. If possible, he didn't mind taking a drop of blood essence to prevent complete recovery.

But not now.

At the moment, there are too many observers, not to mention those who are hidden in the dark, who simply gather in the open around the waters. There are not a few level 6 gods, and even a few level 7 gods. He can't take the essence and blood without anyone noticing.

It was Ao Zhang's caution that made him appreciate it a little bit... He directly copied the attack that "defeated" him last time. Obviously, he wanted to defeat him cleanly. Unfortunately, the last one was different from the present one.

"Good attack, go on." Jiang Ting took out Liuyun and held it in front of his chest. He looked at it quietly with a smile and didn't rush to fight back.

"More and more arrogant!" Aozhang's face is more angry, and then the blood essence blooms into the sea. Oh no, it should be the venom. The boiling sea has turned into venom.

Because of the integration of essence and blood, the stench of the venom is more intense. Obviously, both power and toxicity are improved.

However, Jiang Ting destroyed the blood essence as he did last time, which made Ao Zhang more and more uneasy. However, it was difficult for him to ride a tiger, so he had to keep on fighting.

When the venom is fermented to a certain degree, the venom will be splashed towards Jiangting in an instant. Once it hits Jiangting, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Jiang Ting, who was holding the sword, finally lost his smile: "it's a good attack, but it's a pity that he wants to defeat Jiang with these. I'm afraid it's just wishful thinking."

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