Zhao Yan with a smile into the other court and Jiang Ting say hello, secretly is full of fear.

He is not a newcomer to Longcheng. Otherwise, he would not know that Jiang Ting lives here. He has been in Longcheng for several days. He saw the battle between Jiang ting and Han Ye before.

It's just because he saw it that he was frightened!

He suddenly found that as a seven level God, he had too much time in vain. If he had not heard of the grand ceremony of the holy Dragon Star by chance, he would not have come to the holy Dragon Star. Otherwise, he could not know that the heavenly pride in the divine realm was so colorful.

Before the first battle between Jiang ting and Han Ye, only two level four gods fought, but they were enough to make level five gods dare not get close to each other, because the aftereffects of their fight could shock them to death!

And this is just the fourth level God!

The most important thing is the former God King!

That's the God King!

To be reasonable, Zhao Yan hasn't even seen the Ninth level God until now, but he has seen the coming of a God King with his own eyes. Moreover, it's because of the hands-on between Jiang ting and Han Ye that he appears.

He doesn't know how it ended, why it was a battle of life and death, but Han Ye didn't die in the end. However, he knows that Jiang Ting has no Yang, which proves that his previous idea is right, and the strong man behind Jiang Ting is also amazing.

If not, how can the God King not take revenge when his disciples are cleaned up? Moreover, the two people who went to find Jiangting before dared to speak with the God King in the front. I'm afraid their identity is not simple.

Zhao Yan has only one idea at the moment to make more efforts to make friends with Jiang ting. With the help of Jiang Ting, he is promoted to the eighth level God and continues to make friends. The Ninth level God must not be an extravagant hope!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yan, who has just entered the other court, quickly raises his head: "brother Jiang, you and Han ye were injured in the first World War before. How about Zhao helping you heal?"

"Thank you, brother Zhao." Jiang Ting did not refuse.

Although Zhao Yan is a level 8 God, Jiang Ting can guess Zhao Yan's idea, so he will not refuse it. After all, it is not easy for him to recover to the peak by relying on himself alone, even with the help of countless pills. If Zhao Yan helps him to heal, his level 8 spirit will shorten the healing time by countless times!

In a twinkling of an eye, March passed quietly.

A man and a woman are walking on the street somewhere in Longcheng.

And that man is in light language: "heard, our Terran Tianjiao Jiangting has big action again."

"You don't know. I have a feeling after I came to Longcheng. Just after the closure, don't beat around!" The woman showed consternation.

"He set up a challenge arena in the waters 300 miles away from Longcheng."

After a pause, the man showed some strange color: "it was Ge Yuchen's isolated island before. After Ge Yuchen was defeated by a dragon's nihilistic Thunder Dragon, the isolated island was deserted, but unexpectedly, Jiang Ting suddenly went to the isolated island to set up a challenge."

The woman was stunned at first, and then showed her little star: "let's go, let's go and have a look..." it's said that before he and Han Ye's battle, countless people feel inferior to each other. As a result, I didn't see him in the closed door. Maybe I can see him now. If we can see something, we can't say that we can't make great progress! "

The man's brow suddenly wrinkled. He was willing to watch the battle, but he always felt that there was something wrong with the look in her eyes... If Jiang Ting was here, he would tell him that in a remote planet, that kind of look was called fanatical fans!


three hundred Li, isolated island.

Jiangting sits quietly in the center of the island, and many people and Dragons gather on the island again... However, no one or dragon chooses to fight against Jiangting.

If it's nobody, there must be many challengers, but Jiang Ting... Come on, the first battle between Jiang ting and Han Ye three months ago is still in their mind. Who dares to go to see the weak man or dragon?

And the most important thing is that Jiang Ting made it very clear when he set up the challenge arena, gambling! If you lose, you will have to pay a big price. Who dares to go up if you are not sure.

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Yan is also on the island at the moment, and his face is full of hesitation.

Before he entered the other court of Jiangting, he helped Jiangting heal. With his help, but in more than two months, Jiangting's injury was completely healed.

The reason why Jiang Ting has come to set up a challenge arena is that Jiang Ting has asked him for one thing.

It was the same thing that made him hesitant.

It's also very simple, developing believers.

Jiang Ting hopes Zhao Yan can help him develop believers!

In the center of isolated island, Jiang Ting glances at the bustling surrounding area and then slowly closes his eyes... Although the challenge arena has been set up, it will be for a while and a half. No one or dragon will challenge him. What we have to do now is to wait quietly.

Looking down and thinking for a while, Jiang Ting whispered: "brother Zhao?"When Zhao Yan heard the speech, he frowned. After a while, he replied, "brother Jiang, are you serious about developing believers?"

"It's natural." Jiang Ting nodded without thinking.

Before he did not develop believers, he was worried that the believers would encounter accidents, which would lead to greater problems in his divine power. But now it is different. As long as there is no accident, he can gather all the materials in this dragon city, and then he can build the supreme kingdom.

Once the founding of the kingdom of God is completed, he will be able to use the power of faith to transfer all the believers into the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God will become its own space. At that time, he will not have to worry about the believers' accidents or other changes leading to his divine power problems.

It's just that he doesn't have the time now... He has to collect materials now, and then he has to forge a kingdom of God, and he has to be promoted to the fifth level God before the Tiantai is opened. After the Tiantai is opened, I'm afraid it won't be able to end in a short time.

Therefore, Jiang Ting can only choose to let Zhao Yan help him develop believers.

If it's another eight level God, Jiang Ting must not have the courage, but Zhao Yan is different. After all, Zhao Yan was promoted by using pills. Zhao Yan, who has just been promoted, has limited vision and vision in the past. Jiang Ting can clearly grasp Zhao Yan's mind, so he can be sure that if Zhao Yan helps, there will be no other accidents.

Zhao Yan's brow, more wrinkled.

Jiang Ting asked softly, "brother Zhao, what's the problem?"

Zhao Yan asked softly, "brother Jiang, do you know what it means to let Zhao develop believers on his behalf?"


after hesitating for a while, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "I don't know how many believers Jiang has developed. When the only believer was promoted to the first level God, he developed some under the arrangement of the master, and then he didn't develop."

Zhao Yan's eyes suddenly moved.

After a while, he sighed: "it seems that brother Jiang really doesn't know... If Zhao wants to help brother Jiang develop believers, there is only one factor that he can do."

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