Facing the coming sea of fire, Jiang ting and Xue Ying will work together to break a gap in the sea of fire, then use the gap to fight left and right, and attack Aosheng's left and right sides at the same time.

"Not good." Aosheng's mind sank in an instant... Although he knew that Jiangting had a blood shadow division, he didn't expect that Jiangting's blood shadow division could really have all the strength of Jiangting, so easily broke his fire.

And he can see that the attack of Jiangting and Xueying didn't slow down at all. It's obvious that controlling the attack of Xueying doesn't have much burden on Jiangting.

In this way... It means that he was besieged by two Tianjiao at the same time!

In a flash, Ao Sheng suddenly drank: "I give up!"

Jiang Ting's sword stopped in an instant, and his face was surprised... How did Ao Sheng admit defeat? Although he and Xueying attack and kill together, he is sure to beat Aosheng soon, but at the moment, Aosheng has not fallen into the disadvantage.

As if he knew what he thought, Aosheng's eyes narrowed slightly: "your spirit power, everyone underestimated."

Jiang Ting's mouth suddenly picked... He knew why Ao Sheng said so.

It's true that blood shadow separation can give full play to the whole strength of the real body, but... It's a time of wholehearted control. If the real body and the separation can do it at the same time, it's impossible to inject too much spirit into the separation. Naturally, the separation can't give full play to the whole strength of the real body.

And Jiang Ting's real body and separate body work at the same time, the strength of both are the strongest state!

The most important thing is that when the real body attacks at the same time, it needs the mind and spirit of the real body to control at the same time. In a close battle, it is difficult for the attack of the real body to achieve perfect cooperation and attack, because the mind and spirit are not enough.

But in Ao Sheng's opinion, Jiang Ting has eliminated all the disadvantages... There is only one possibility that the power of the spirit exceeds everyone's expectation.

Although he can still play, he doesn't want to be besieged... Moreover, he is besieged here. In this case, it's better to admit defeat.

Jiang Ting held down his thoughts: "my soul of fire spirit..."

he set up a challenge arena here for treasure... It doesn't matter whether Ao Sheng admits defeat or not, just give a bet.

Aosheng threw a fireball, then jumped forward, converged all the flames and plunged into the bottom of the sea.

Maybe it's back to the Dragon Palace?

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and didn't care. Instead, he went back to the center of the isolated island and continued to sit. His heart was filled with joy. Sure enough, gambling is one of the fastest ways to get materials. He got a precious soul of fire without paying any price.

Ten kinds of materials are needed for casting the kingdom of God. He has got the boundless water, the spirit of the wind, the earth Qi pearl and the spirit of the fire spirit. There are six kinds of materials left... As long as he wins six more games without losing!

At this point, Jiang Ting crossed out the spirit of fire spirit on the plaque not far away... This thing has been taken, so it can't be used as a bet given by the challenger.

After crossing out, he glanced at the people and Dragons around, and Jiang Ting began to shut his eyes... Somehow, he always felt that the victory of he Aosheng was too easy.

It's like... It's like it's just a trial. It's not real at all.

In a twinkling of an eye, half a month passed quietly.

Jiang Ting opened his eyes, glanced around, closed his eyes again... Secretly, he was worried.

It has been half a month since he defeated Ao Sheng, but no one or dragon came to challenge him... Half a month is not long, but it is not short.

It has been less than eight years since the opening of the Tianwen platform. In these eight years, he has to collect all the materials for casting the kingdom of God, and he has to be promoted to the fifth level God. For him, time is very urgent.

Although he was worried, Jiang Ting could only wait quietly... After all, no one and dragon challenged him, and he could not force anyone to gamble.

It's been a while.

"Brother Jiang." A warm voice suddenly rang out.

Jiang Ting immediately opened his eyes, and then he got up and clasped his fist: "brother Bai."

It's Bai Mingxu.

After greeting each other, Jiang Ting showed a little interest: "brother Bai, are you here to exchange views?"

Bai Mingxu face suddenly a Zheng, then slightly shook his head: "No."

Jiang Ting's heart suddenly becomes a little disappointed... If Bai Mingxu suppresses the realm, he is more than 90% sure that he can win. After all, he once played with Bai Mingxu and is familiar with Bai Mingxu's attack style.

Although disappointed, Jiang Ting didn't show any difference: "if it's not for competition, brother Bai's coming must be something else?"

For no reason, Bai Mingxu will not come to him. There must be something wrong.

"Well, I really want to get rid of brother Jiang's help."

After a little pause, Bai Mingxu said, "brother Jiang, your challenge arena can be lifted."

Jiang Ting frowned: "what's the meaning of this statement?""This is the holy Dragon Star. The Terran will not fight with brother Jiang unless they have an irreconcilable hatred like Han Ye."

After that, Bai Mingxu said softly: "and the dragon family... At the moment, the dragon family's most powerful God is Tianjiao, but they won't come to fight with brother Jiang."

Jiang Ting frowned more: "why."

Bai Mingxu, maybe he won't be aimless.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Bai Mingxu shook his head slightly: "in less than eight years, the Tiantai will be opened... Only eight years will be fleeting. Tianjiao is the only one who can fight with brother Jiang, and many Tianjiao are now wholeheartedly preparing to enter the Tiantai to win the treasure... Brother Jiang thinks, who will fight with brother Jiang?"

Jiang Ting was in a state of mind. Somehow, he suddenly thought of Aosheng before. He always felt that Aosheng was too simple to admit defeat, as if he was just trying.

Wait a minute. Testing?

Soon, Jiang Ting suddenly responded... Aosheng, I'm afraid it's really just to test!

It is well known that Han Ye was almost killed in the battle between him and Han Ye. As the price of victory, his flesh and blood were destroyed by Han Ye's sword Qi and plum blossom, and his injury was extremely serious.

It's reasonable to say that it's impossible to recover in a few years. As a result, it's not a few months. He set up a challenge arena here alive... Ao Sheng, I'm afraid he's coming to test his injury!

After exploring clearly, he naturally left. Obviously, he didn't want to fight with him before the Tiantai was opened, which would delay his next trip to Tiantai.

After thinking clearly, Jiang Ting raised his head: "Ao Sheng is here to test my injury?"

Bai Mingxu showed a little surprise: "brother Jiang's mind turns very fast."

Although there is no positive answer, it is obvious that the answer has acknowledged Jiang Ting's conjecture.

What else can Jiang Ting say? He can only say it in silence.

It's not that his way is not good enough, but that the time is not right at the moment... Tianjiao, who can fight with him, doesn't want to lose with him at the moment.

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