After leaving the island, Jiang ting and Bai Mingxu went straight back to the other garden in Longcheng.

A ban rises and the other court is closed quietly.

As soon as he was seated, Jiang Ting whispered: "brother Bai should know that Jiang is also very interested in Tiantai. He has promised that Lin will help him in Tiantai. He can't miss Tiantai."

"It seems that brother Jiang doesn't know much about the lower world."

Pause for a while, Bai Mingxu suddenly showed a smile: "however, if not before my father told me, I do not know much."

"I'd like to hear about it." Jiang Ting looks the same.

Bai Mingxu suddenly showed a positive color: "according to my father, the time of the lower world is different from that of the endless divine realm."

After pondering for a while, Bai Mingxu shook his head again: "specifically, I don't know. However, my father once said that in the lower world, as long as few lower worlds have the same time with the endless divine realm, the rest of the time is faster than the divine realm, and some of the time is shorter..."

with Bai Mingxu's explanation, Jiang Ting gradually understood.

The speed of time passing in the lower world is different from that in the endless divine realm. There are some worlds. One day in the endless divine realm, those worlds have already passed for several days. It is said that the biggest gap is in the lower world. One day in the endless divine realm, that world is a century old giant!

Some of them are slower than the divine realm. One day in the endless divine realm, the world may be less than half a day, or even half an hour... The passage of time is different when the world is different. As for the principle... Bai Mingxu doesn't know. If his father didn't tell him before, he didn't even know about it.

Along with the explanation, Jiang Ting suddenly said, "that is to say, what brother Bai said is going to the lower world, and the passage of time is faster than the endless divine realm? Even if I come back after the past hundred years, I will have time to enter the rooftop. "

Bai Mingxu nodded gently: "not bad."

"Isn't the lower world the best place to practice?" Perhaps it is the urgency of strength, Jiang Ting's eyes are slightly bright.

If the God domain one day, the world is a hundred years of the world... He can crazy increase strength, comparable to cheating?

Bai Mingxu simply shook his head: "it's impossible. When you practice, you need to absorb divine power. In the lower world, you don't even have divine power. How do you practice? According to my father's words, unless the kingdom of God has been forged, all the divine power will disappear with the world's development... "

in a word, Jiang Ting's idea is out of the question.

When Jiang Ting heard the words, he didn't immediately ask... In the vast endless realm of God, there are countless generations of outstanding talents. Jiang Ting didn't think he was the strongest one, and he was more powerful in the strong than in the strong. Since countless strong people in the endless realm of God thought that it was not worth the loss to enter the small world to practice, naturally, the gain was not worth the loss.

I'm afraid what Bai Mingxu said is true. It can't be said that it's the mission issued by the high level of the magic Moon Palace. Otherwise, how can it involve other worlds?

That's a world!

On the other hand, Bai Mingxu's face showed seriousness: "although I really hope brother Jiang will come next, I still need to tell brother Jiang... This is a task personally issued by the Lord of the magic Moon Palace, the magic moon god king. Brother Jiang, have you decided?"

Jiang Ting's pupil shrinks instantly... God King? The God of the moon?

No wonder, no wonder!

No wonder Bai Mingxu will choose to give it to him... Dan Heng and the magic Moon Palace are old. If they let him go, Bai Mingxu's family will probably get great favor from the magic moon god king.

A moment later, Jiang Ting exhaled slightly: "there's one last thing I don't understand... This is the mission issued by the God King. Why does brother Bai say that there is no danger?"

Bai Mingxu simply shook his head: "I don't know. My father just told me that even a first-class God would not be in danger. I think the world is too low, and there is no strong one in it."

Jiang Ting's brow is a frown... He doesn't think so.

How can the mission issued by the magic moon god be simple?

However, Jiang Ting did not continue to ask: "half a year after the start of the task, want to come, half a year later I can know what?"

"Not necessarily." After that, Bai Mingxu suddenly throws out a jade pendant.

"What is it?" Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly flashed... This jade pendant, he felt an extremely powerful energy, which made him scared!

"It's a gadget made by the God of the moon."

At the end of the speech, Bai Mingxu turned around: "brother Jiang, you can see the magic moon god king with your own divine power... Although it's almost impossible, if the magic moon god king doesn't want to, brother Jiang, you can't participate in this matter."

Bai Mingxu left. He simply left.

Wave will do not court slowly closed, Jiangting looking at the hand of the modeling is ordinary, in fact is not simple jade, face into silence.

When the divine power comes into it, you can see the magic moon god king?

Also, this is the mission awarded by the dead. From the performance of Bai Mingxu, he doesn't know what the mission is going to do. With such a high degree of confidentiality, if he wants to take over this matter, he must first see the magic moon god king and get the consent of the magic moon God King.Just, you want to see me?

That's the king!

The most pinnacle of existence in the endless realm of God, the only God king he has ever seen, is just the fate of Han Ye's master... It was also that time that he knew what kind of style the God King had.

Even if you don't do anything, even if you just stand there quietly, heaven and earth seem to be eclipsed, and the center of everything begins to move closer to the God King.

After a long time, Jiang Ting clenched his teeth: "I think so many things have to be done... The old immortal and the magic Moon Palace are old. Can the magic moon god kill me...? if it's old, I'm the old immortal disciple in name. It's really good. How can the magic Moon Palace refuse me to participate in this?"

Think of here, Jiang Ting is not hesitating, directly urge the divine power in the body.

Then... The world whirled around. Jiang Ting felt that a terrible suction came from the jade pendant. He was sucked into it without any resistance. There was a space passage in the jade pendant.

No, no!

At the moment of being inhaled, Jiang Ting clearly saw that his whole face was expressionless, he lost all his energy and spirit, and he was still standing in another garden... What he was sucked in was the spirit!

Bai Mingxu wants to kill him? Should not be, he and Bai Mingxu have no injustice and no hatred, and under the rule of the endless strong, there is Dan Heng behind him, there should be no supremacy against him, you do not see the front edge of the death personally came to him, did not fight him?

Without waiting for Jiang ting to think too much, he suddenly found that the surrounding scenery had changed.

Here is a valley, in which butterflies dance.

"Hua la..." a waterfall flies down from the deep valley... The source of the waterfall is invisible.

However, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that there is a lake in the center of the valley, and in the center of the lake

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