Because of Jiangting's bloody and terrorist suppression, all the major powers in the central region are afraid. All the remaining forces, whether they are families or holy places, go to the Wang family and say that they will go all out to pursue Cheng Wenxi.

At the same time, they are very confused, where are the people who can fight with Jiang Ting? Why didn't one show up?

However, all this has nothing to do with Jiang ting. He is resting in the wangjiabie garden. He knows that he will soon leave the Shenwu land and return to the divine realm.

His current task still needs one shot, and it will be his last shot. After that, he will be able to wait for death to return to the realm of God.

Wang Xuan's voice rang out quietly: "master."

Jiang Ting's face suddenly became calm, and he was no longer lazy: "come in."


as the door of bieyuan opened, Wang Xuan showed some hesitation.

"What do you want to say?"

After a little pause, Jiang Ting spoke slowly: "in front of being a teacher, there is nothing that can't be said."

"Yes, master."

Wang xuanlu was puzzled: "master, you always said that this Shenwu continent can fight you more than one, and you can't defeat them. You and them are equal... Before, I always thought that the strong might be in other forces, but now the rest of the forces dare not refute the master's power."

Jiang Ting laughs: "do you want to ask whether people who can work with teachers really exist?"

"Well." Wang Xuan nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Of course, there are. At least at the moment, there are two old guys who can fight with me."

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting shook his head again: "unfortunately, they are too old. Once the battle is over, they will lose all their energy. Some of them used to be strong in some forces. However, with the improvement of their power, they have already left their respective forces and are determined to find a way out of this world."

Wang Xuan was stunned at first, and then he responded: "master means that the person who can fight with you will not fight at all?"

Jiang Ting nodded in affirmation: "yes, unless I stop them from going up, they won't do it even if I wash the whole central region."

The smile on Wang Xuan's face became very strong. He could see that the people who could fight with Jiang Ting would not fight at all. Then the Wang family would unify the Shenwu mainland at this time!

A moment later, Wang Xuan showed some reluctance: "the mouse of Cheng Wenxi is really able to hide. My Wang family supervises countless forces to chase and kill him, but he didn't find his trace, and I don't know where to hide!"

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "he knows he is invincible. How dare he show up?"

Wang Xuan was more and more unwilling: "master, do you have a plan to force him to show up?"

Jiang Ting's face showed displeasure: "I've only seen that mole ant twice in a few years. How can I think of a way to force him to show up? You have been entangled with him for such a long time. When you understand that he is concerned about his heart weakness, now you come to ask, "teacher?"

"Master, forgive me."

Wang Xuan quickly admitted his mistake and then showed a wry smile: "the master doesn't know something. Cheng Wenxi is tough and has almost no weakness to find. The only thing the disciples can think of is that he still has some lovers. But with his disappearance, his lovers disappear one after another. Otherwise, they can be captured and forced to appear."

In the end, Wang Xuan was more and more helpless: "I heard that he came from a remote place called Shanhe town. His disciples were going to make people go to Shanhe town and destroy it to force him to appear. But unexpectedly, it had already become a ruin."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention!

According to the script, Cheng Wenxi's breakthrough is due to the terrifying power of Jiang Ting's hand and the destruction of Shanhe town. All his blood relatives died. He did not know how long he would go back to Shanhe town and finally realized his breakthrough.

It's true that the Cheng family treats Cheng Wenxi badly, but you should know that if everyone in the Cheng family wants to abuse Cheng Wenxi, how can Cheng Wenxi survive when his parents died when he was young? Naturally, the Cheng family still has some people who treat him well.

It's just that magic rattan's accident came too soon, and Cheng Wenxi had just got the chance at that time, so he couldn't be sad. As Cheng Wenxi grew up, he saw the dangers of the world, so he was surprised to miss the people who had treated him sincerely in the past.

As for the external pressure and the memory of relatives, it seems impossible to break through the rising land of Shenwu. After all, if it can, the rising land will not be so rare.

But who let Cheng Wenxi have a destiny? The script says yes, it must be OK. There is no accident!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting's eyes flashed slightly: "it suddenly occurred to me that when I was a teacher, I once had a wisp of soul to pass through Shanhe town. My soul also thought that the fall of Shanhe town was affected and died."Wang Xuan was puzzled: "why did the master mention this?"

"When you go to spread the news, you say that Shanhe town was destroyed and led by the Wang family. Although there are countless flaws, the mole ant is now chased and killed, and there is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. In addition, the tiger family and Haoyue holy land are all teachers. Driven by endless hatred, he must be hard to see the truth. At that time, he may take the initiative to show up."

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting said: "well, as for the reason for destroying Shanhe Town, you say that you are not satisfied with your engagement with Yu Shuang, and send someone to kill him by a magic vine. The destruction of Shanhe town is also due to Yu Shuang... In this way, it can't be very effective."

"Good." Wang Xuan left in a hurry. His hatred for Cheng Wenxi made him not think too much.

And Jiang Ting slowly began to close his eyes to refresh his mind. He knew that Cheng Wenxi would reappear next time, and he would come out with the cultivation of feishengjing and the strength of terror. At that time, he would be able to return to the endless realm of God.

"I can't practice here, so as not to disturb the days. I wish I could leave soon." With the whispers no one heard, Jiang Ting stirred his body with strength and happily fell into a dream.


the ruins of Shanhe town are quite remote in Shenwu.

Cheng Wenxi, who disappeared in the middle region, appeared above Shanhe town. He looked at the ruins of the town under his feet and some beasts who fled to the ruins because there were no people all the year round. He clenched his fists slowly.

I don't know how long later, Cheng Wenxi suddenly felt like a Madman: "the Wang family... Ah... You should die..."

obviously, he has got the news from the Wang family that the fall of Shanhe town is Wang Xuan's hand.

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