Jiang Ting was overjoyed. He thought of the two words that the magic moon god told him when he left. The first sentence was not important. He had understood it for a long time and knew the reason.

In the second sentence, unless you die, you will no longer have any vitality. Otherwise, do not use the kingdom of God against the enemy.

There is no need to repeat that sentence. If it is repeated, it is just a warning to increase people's mind and arouse the attention of those who listen.

He didn't understand the meaning of that sentence before, but now he suddenly understood that the supreme kingdom can not only attract believers and become his source of strength, but also be used as a means of terror against the enemy.

However, why can't we use this method unless we die? What are the twists and turns in it?

If he is the only one in the realm of God to unite the kingdom of God, you can also think that other people are hot eyed... But now Jiang Ting is not the same as before. He can be sure that there must be many strong people who cast the kingdom of God in the realm of God. In addition to his current status, no one will be envious.

So, what are the other reasons?

"In the first sentence, he didn't tell me the reason, so these two sentences are just like the first sentence. If you use the kingdom of God wantonly, will it lead to some unpredictable bad results or what?" After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly and depresses his mind. He completely restrains the power of the kingdom of God.

He had just forged the kingdom of God and could not understand what it meant... But he decided to do it.

This is a warning from a God King. If it wasn't for Dan Heng's sake, I'm afraid the God King of the moon would never have told him... No matter what the reason is, if he has enough strength in the future, he will know.

It's OK not to use the kingdom of God against the enemy before he understands it. Anyway, his strength does not depend on the kingdom of God.



Jiang Ting glanced at tiandaofu in front of him, and without hesitation, he directly stepped into it. He didn't come here to buy news, but to look for Lin Yi.

If you don't come to find Lin Yi, you may think he will break his promise.

The lobby.

A man dressed up in tiandaofu approached and bowed his head: "I've seen Jiang Tianjiao."

The rest of the people who were still boiling in the lobby looked over in an instant, their eyes full of surprise and yearning.

"Jiang Tianjiao, is he Jiang Ting?"

"He came here to join forces with those who want to be strong. The tiantiantai is about to open. If you want to be with him..."

"wake up, you don't want to see your strength. You also want to be with him. I'm afraid only those who can be with him can do it."


although there is a lot of discussion, the boiling must be much less than before, which is obviously a respect for the name of Tianjiao.

"It's my nature to keep a low profile..."

he muttered in his heart, but Jiang Ting didn't care: "you seem to be waiting for me on purpose?"

That day, the people of Daofu whispered: "Lin Tianjiao orders that if Jiang Tianjiao comes, I will take him with me."

"Lead the way." Jiang Ting doesn't doubt that... Lin Yi is a member of tiandaofu. Although he doesn't know his identity in tiandaofu, he certainly won't be low. Otherwise, he doesn't have the confidence to take the destiny of tiandaofu.

Behind the man, Jiang Ting entered a corridor from a small door in the deep of the hall, then walked around the corridor seven times, and soon came to a quiet place.

Here, a bamboo grove is planted. Before the bamboo grove, there is a other garden. The word "quiet" may be extremely suitable at this moment.

It's just as powerful as tiandaofu. If not, it's impossible to depict such a huge space array based on the area of tiandaofu in Longcheng, enlarge countless spaces, and even plant a bamboo forest here.

"I'm leaving now." That day, the people of Daofu left quickly.

Jiang Ting did not care, but quickly close to the other court... The breath in the other court did not deliberately converge, even if he did not deliberately perceive, he could find someone in the other court.

Moreover, there is more than one, four, all acquaintances!


when the door of bieyuan opened, a young man with a smile clasped his fist: "brother Jiang."

Jiang Ting also slightly clasped: "brother Lin."

The man, of course, is Lin Yi.

After entering the other court, there are three people sitting on the stone bench in the other court.

With the entrance of Jiang Ting, the three people hold their fists one after another: "brother Jiang."

Jiang Ting naturally won't be arrogant. He nodded back slightly: "brother Bai, brother Xu, Miss Chai."

Jiang Ting knows Bai Mingxu, who knows the origin, Xu Wen, who doesn't know the origin, and Chai Ying. If there is no accident, these three people will ask tiantaizhong to help Lin Yi?

As if he knew what he was thinking, Lin Yi sat down with a smile: "since brother Jiang has also come, then people are all here... In the Tiantai, we will rely on four more."

Jiang ting and the other three generally nodded gently..Then Jiang Ting said, "brother Lin, do you have a plan for this trip?"


Lin Yixian was stunned, and then shook his head slightly: "brother Jiang, don't worry too much. This trip depends on strength to decide the outcome. No one dares to use conspiracy in secret. If there is one, it's just a small person who can't get on the stage."

"So I'm relieved." Jiang Ting didn't ask much.

He can see that the rules in the divine realm are approaching perfection. In this case, this trip should not be troublesome.

If he is determined by his strength... Jiang Ting is not ready to seize the destiny, then there are not many other treasures besides the destiny that can compete with him!

Just when Jiang Ting thought that he would be in a daze here next.

Chai Ying suddenly looks up and stares at him with a little strangeness.

Aware of the sight, Jiang Ting immediately chuckled: "why is Miss Chai looking at Jiang so?"

Chai Ying watched for a while again, then shook her head slightly: "nothing, just heard some rumors, some don't understand it."

"Hearsay?" Jiang Ting was puzzled.

He really didn't know... After he came back from the magic Moon Palace, he directly closed the door to gather the kingdom of God, and then honed his secret skills in the kingdom of God. He didn't know any rumors.

Chai Ying frowned and did not answer.

On the contrary, Lin Yi chuckled: "brother Jiang, don't misunderstand... This rumor doesn't spread in the market. It was reported that a year ago, the God King of the moon and the God King of doomsday suddenly fought each other. The aftermath of the war spread to dozens of star domains, and those dozens of star domains were all turned into nothingness."

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Jiang Ting's eyes jumped slightly... Did the magic moon god make a move? Should be to fulfill the promise before, there will be no rules outside the people can attack him.

I'm afraid it's a little bit bigger. It's just a pity that since it's a contest, fate has not died.

Also, Dan Heng and Yuan Mie are lovers, and Yuan Mie and Dan Heng have grudges. If the magic moon god king could kill yuan Mie, Yuan Mie would have died long ago. How could he still be free.

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