After the bear demon's body completely expanded and became bigger, Jianlian was entangled with the wolf demon and tiger demon who came to support.

"Yi" of a, flow cloud sword edge stab into bear demon bear's paw inside.

"Tick..." some blood drops fall quietly along the edge of the sword.

Bear demon's look slightly changed... You know, his defense ability is not fake, ordinary level five God is difficult to break his defense, especially under his special defense.

As a result, Jiang Ting's sword was still easily cut into his flesh and blood?

And Jiang Ting is also a little disappointed at the moment... The bear demon is really rough and fleshy. Originally in his budget, this sword, which is almost a surprise attack, can directly break the bear's paw, but it can't do it.

Although disappointed, Jiang Ting didn't have time, but suddenly burst out the divine power in his body.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang..." the sound of the sword was repeated.

Liuyun sword trembles slightly, and countless sword Qi rises from the blade, trying to enter the bear demon's body to destroy.

"It's just a broken sword. My old bear will make him a scrap today!" The bear demon showed the spread of bloodthirsty, not only did not avoid retreat, but suddenly clenched the bear's paw, and stuck Jiang Ting's sword to death.

Jiang Ting was ready to draw out, but found that... Without the help of divine power, bear's paw completely blocked his sword, and his sword was still seized.

The success of the plan, the bear like joy, face ferocious roar: "go to die!"

"Roar!" With the roar, the bear demon's body size suddenly doubled, and the bloody mouth opened to Jiang ting. If it was implemented, it would not be able to say that Jiang Ting would be directly swallowed alive.

"If you want to eat me, I'm afraid your tusks are not sharp enough!" Jiang Ting released the flowing clouds in an instant.

"Roar!" The bear demon didn't care, and his mouth became bigger and bigger.

But Jiang Ting's eyes were cold: "the physical defense is extraordinary, but I don't know how much your spirit defense is!"

A powerful power of spirit and soul spread from the body of Jiangting... It was a power of spirit and soul far more powerful than level 6 God.

"No way!" Although the distance from swallowing Jiangting is very close, bear demon is shocked, but he doesn't hesitate to retreat directly... Jiangting's spirit power is too strong, he doesn't want to die here.

"Still want to go?" The cold light in Jiang Ting's eyes broke out, and the power of the spirit turned into a sharp sword, which broke through the sky and fell into the bear demon's body one after another.

It's a small sword transformed by the power of the spirit. It doesn't hurt the body, and naturally won't be stopped by the bear demon's body... It's a small sword that only attacks and kills the spirit.

The bear demon, who was put into the body by many long swords, trembled slightly: "cough... You..."

he pointed to Jiang ting and wanted to say something, but the destructive power of the small sword was so strong that he could not say anything, and his huge body fell down.

"Bang..." with the fall of the bear demon, its body began to increase rapidly. When it fell to the ground completely, its body had soared to nearly 20 feet.

This may be the true shape of the bear demon.

Several tiger demons and wolf demons who just broke the sword lotus changed their looks: "blind bear!"

At the same time.

Many proud people in the square look at the location of Jiangting one after another, and their eyes show endless dignified... What a powerful spirit.

They are not sure about the strength of Jiangting's frontal fighting, but judging from the strength of the spirit that just broke out... There are countless pride in nuota square, but few of them can resist Jiangting's attack by the spirit.

If it's changed to other places, these Tianjiao said they would not find a way to eliminate Jiangting first, but the time here is not right... They just keep Jiangting in mind, and have no other actions.

It's the demon clan, which is a little different.

"Broken star!" Jiangting recovers the flowing clouds and sweeps them. Countless sword lotus gather again. Meanwhile, they begin to be vigilant secretly... The body of the demon clan is extremely unusual, so it is not suitable to collide with the demon clan head-on.

The fox demons and wolf demons came back to their senses and stepped back. They didn't know why Jiangting didn't continue to attack with the power of spirit, but they knew that they couldn't stop Jiangting's sudden attack of spirit.


But half an hour later, a tiger demon suddenly seemed to receive a message, and then roared: "what are you afraid of? They are only one person after all! Are so many of us still afraid of him? Let's kill him together. If not, sooner or later we will all die in his hands! "

Some of the undelivered demons move around.

"To die!" Jiang Ting's eyes were cold in an instant. He was really worried about being surrounded and killed by many demons. If he really reached that point, even he could not completely resist.

There is still a few hundred mysteries. What's more, the scope here is too small and there are too many demon families?

"Better than the Terrans?" A cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Ah..." with the scream of Sansheng, the tiger demon and the two demon families around all died. It was only after they died that three cold lights appeared and fell into the hands of a young man about fifty feet away. Then they turned into three small daggers.The dagger that looks more impressive, but it is the demon clan of three five level God realm that is killed instantly.

That young man is also the pride of the Terran. At the moment, he and Jiang Ting are generally fighting against the demons, and they are familiar with the fighting style of the demons... However, Jiang Ting doesn't know him, and even doesn't know his name.

In Jiang Ting's opinion, the main reason is that the young people suddenly attack, and the three demons are unprepared... However, if they can kill the three demons in the same environment, the young people's combat power must be not low.

The young man smiles at Jiang Ting, and then starts again at the surrounding demon clan without chatting.

At the moment, they have no time to chat... This place has become a slaughterhouse where Tianjiao personally participates in the massacre. No matter what Jiang Ting thinks, at least at the moment, he can only comply with the rules.

There are many other alien races in the Terran area.

Under the pressure of thoughts, Jiang Ting swept across the sky, and a huge sword chopped down: "break the sky!"

"Back up!" The rest of the demon clan have retreated, just ready to all rush on the mind completely dissipated.

They want to besiege them all, but there are not one or two of them here. It really makes them fight back hand in hand. I'm afraid it will be a big deal. It's better to find a way to resist and protect themselves according to Tianjiao.

"Boom..." exploded repeatedly.

Because the demon clan lost the will to fight, Jiang Ting's situation became quite safe. He also began to explore the different fighting styles of the demon clan. He was also quickly familiar with the battle with the demon clan. When he was completely familiar with it, even if he started with Tianjiao of the demon clan, he would not suffer a big loss.

In a twinkling of an eye, about half an hour passed.

Jiang Ting is still attacking the demon clan in the place of Zhatu.

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