Because Jiang Ting's concealment was broken by the sound wave, and then he was broken. A black wolf demon was approaching in an instant, and his fangs were in full bloom.

Those Terrans didn't have a good face either: "give it up, or I'll kill you!"

I can't help the people here and the demons are not angry. They are still fighting for their ownership. As a result, Jiang Ting is quietly preparing to run away with the treasure?

If they hadn't found out that everything had been taken far away in the past, they would have no place to vent their anger.

"Alas..." Jiang Ting also has some helplessness and headache.

In fact, he is not afraid of the people and Demons here.

Just, he didn't want to conflict with them... Don't forget, Jiang ting and Lin Yi still have an alliance.

At the moment, he sneaks to take the treasure. As long as he doesn't start the fierce battle, Lin Yi and others won't come. But if the fight starts and can't be solved in a very short time, Lin Yi and others will certainly come to support him.

Once Lin Yi and them come, the head size yundao stone will have to be carved up. If they don't come, according to the agreement, the yundao stone will only belong to Jiangting.

"I regret it now, it's too late!"

With a low roar, the black wolf demon came closer and closer: "give it up, I may be able to let you leave alive!"

At the time of speaking, the black wolf demon clan was like an ordinary monster, with slightly bent limbs, and the tusks at the corners of the mouth began to stretch slowly, apparently to attack.

"Gentlemen, why don't we have a discussion?"

After a pause, Jiang Ting made a sincere voice: "this yundao stone is not small. Why don't you fight for half of me and the rest of you?"

Well, Jiang Ting is really sincere!

There are five demons and five Terrans, and all of them are level five gods. If a fight starts, Jiang Ting is confident that it will be him who entangles the final winner, but that is not something that can be solved in a short time.

It's better for pingbai to pick up half of them... It's not that Jiang Ting doesn't care about Lin Yi and them. After all, he has a share. One is that pingbai gets half of the yundao stone, and the other is that he can only get 20%...

the wolf demon stares at the yundao stone and shows his fiery face: "boy, you dare to talk about the conditions!"

The bear demon cold drink: "wolf pool, and he talks so much, for such a mouse, directly swallow him!"

The strong man was in a hurry: "do it!"

If the yundao stone is taken by the demon clan, they can't get it back in terms of the equal strength of both sides.

"Roar!" The wolf demon, who was turned into a wolf pond by the city, didn't hesitate. With a roar, it turned into a shadow. Cao Zhejiang rushed over, and the fangs of the wolf's mouth were revealed one after another. The smell of blood began to spread.

Jiang Ting sighed: "Alas, why?"

He really didn't want to do it. After all, the distance of a hundred Li was fleeting, but these demon clans didn't force him to do it?

Now, it seems that only the greatest power can be used to frighten these people and demons. If he can scare them away, he can still own them alone. Otherwise, the yundao stone will be divided up.

At this point, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and pressed down helplessly: "the pole of the sword!"

Liuyun sword emerges. At the same time, Jiang Ting's operation is the most powerful way to kill. He wants to frighten with absolute strength.

"This soft sword, are you a waste! Ha ha The wolf demon did not know the power of the sword, but began to disdain it. Instead, its speed increased instead of decreasing.

"I hope you can still laugh!" Jiang Ting's face, whose mentality had changed completely, also became cold, and his sword went away with a wolf's claw.

In a flash, the wolf's claws collided with the sword's edge.

"Yi" of a, grasp to think Jiang Ting's two front wolf claws haven't been able to show authority to be directly cut off by the sword edge.

Then, without waiting for the wolf pool to react, Liuyun's sword edge tilted three points quietly.

Another "Yi" sound, the sword edge across the neck of the wolf pool, the ordinary sword is blooming extremely extraordinary terror power, the sword edge in an instant will lead the wolf pool.

Then the terrible sword rose, the body and soul of the wolf pool were all destroyed by the sword, and the defense of the demon clan seemed to be nonexistent.

The bear demon and other demon clans who are going to attack and kill in the future and the remaining five people suddenly stop the attack and kill, and stare at Jiang Ting, eyes full of disbelief.

Wolf pool dead?

Even without the qualification of collision, they were killed instantly on the spot?

Aren't they all level five gods? How can there be such a big gap?

At the same time, a hundred Li, two hundred Li, three hundred Li and so on.

Lin Yi, Bai Mingxu and others stop to look in the direction of Jiang Ting at the same time... They all feel the fluctuation of Jiang Ting's hand.

However, they are not in a hurry to provide support because Jiang Ting has not been summoned.

Just a hundred miles away, they can see that there are some demons and Terrans opposite Jiangting... With their feet, they want to know that there must be treasure there. When the treasure is before Jiangting, they are proud of themselves.Therefore, they did not deliberately speed up and dare to get there before Jiangting. They are not in a hurry to support at the moment. Instead, they are ready to wait. If Jiangting can solve the problem, people will continue to go on their way. If they can't solve the problem, they will go to support and divide up the treasure.

Of course, at the bottom of their hearts, they naturally hope that Jiang Ting's opponents will continue to attack and kill... No matter what, after all, the number is there. Under the siege, they can go to support. Who doesn't like the treasure they picked up for nothing.


the place of engagement.

Jiangting to see more light Lin and others are not worried, mood slightly relaxed.

Then eyes cold light even more: "now, how!"

The greasy faced man said with hesitation, "who are you?"

"Jiang Ting!" Jiang Ting's face is still cold.

"Jiang Ting..."

after thinking for a while, the pupil of the man shrank rapidly: "is it you?"

"It seems that you know who I am."

After a pause, Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly: "I want this thing from Jiang. Do you have any opinions?"

Many people want to say that they have a big opinion. They just look at the blood fog that is beginning to disperse around Jiangting. They think that the wolf pond was killed in a flash, and even the dead capital could not be left behind. They dare not say that.

Those demon clan reaction comes over: "be afraid of what, he has only one person, go up together to kill him first!"

"To die!" Jiang Ting turned his head in a flash and disappeared.

"What about people?" The demon clan was stunned.

Then, just a moment later, the demon clan saw the shadow of Jiang Ting appear in the pupil... It turned out that Jiang Ting did not disappear, but directly came to him, and the sword edge fell.

It's the very ordinary sword before.

The demon clan retreated suddenly and roared: "let's do it together!"

But Jiang Ting didn't see it. He glanced around with cold eyes, and then the sword cut off.

"Ha ha, you can't hit me." The demon clan retreated and laughed wildly.

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