Jiang Ting stares at Zhang Shan and Yu Hong coldly. He is in a state of mind that he wants to fight directly, but he soon suppresses them... There are two people, he is not sure.

Who let only have the strength of one strike? If you start rashly, once another person is not dead, the fun will be great... In a short time, Lin Yi and they can't come here to make peace with him. Once you start, he will die in his present state.

Therefore, Jiang Ting fell into silence... His face showed hesitation and uncertainty, as if he was thinking about the conditions proposed by them. In fact, he was thinking about how to lure them closer, and then he killed them with the help of the kingdom of God.

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed.

Zhang Shan and Yu Hong are not in a hurry. They are still watching quietly with confidence. Since they have given half an hour, they will not rush. They are also confident that Jiang Ting's final answer will satisfy them.

Let's go for a second.

Jiang Ting raised his head slowly and said, "if you want the sword canon, you can, but I have the conditions."

Zhang Shan said with a smile: "it's OK to leave a last word, but if you want to leave alive, it's OK not to mention it, because you should know very well that we can't let you leave alive. Even if you agree, it's just a lie."

"I didn't expect to leave alive."

Jiang Ting began to sneer, then gritted his teeth: "I want you to make an oath, let my spirit into reincarnation!"

Zhang Shan denied: "impossible!"

Jiang Ting became furious: "you lied to me!"

"The word" oath "is easy to say. It's not clear between you and me. No matter whether we abide by the oath or not, once we make the oath, we just let it entangle us. As long as we make the oath, it will have an impact on the spirit. Even if it's very slight, we don't want to!"

After that, Zhang Shan said coldly: "since we have promised, we will not break our promise, but you have no choice, sir!"

"You Jiang Ting's body trembled slightly and looked very healthy.

Zhang Shan did not care: "do you have any other words?"

"No!" After that, Jiang Ting stares at them with a little venom, and then takes out a jade slip and takes it into his hand.

Seeing the jade slips, Zhang Shan and Yu Hong's breath suddenly burst... Is that Haoran Jian Dian?

Immediately, Zhang Shan subconsciously prepared to approach.

"Wait a minute." Yu Hong stopped him in an instant.

Zhang Shan turned to explore.

Yu Hong laughs. He doesn't explain it, but chuckles: "you have killed ChiYan of lingzu with your seriously injured body. I dare not forget it."

Jiang Ting sneered: "why, you don't dare to come and get it!"

"Not really."

Yu Hong admitted that he was a bachelor, and then he chuckled: "although we still have some means, our strength is similar to those of the two spirit families. If you still have the ability to fight back, we can't stop you from attacking suddenly."

Jiang Ting continues to sneer: "how, want me to commit suicide first?"

"No, I don't know whether it's true or not. If you commit suicide, how can we tell?"

After that, Yu Hong suddenly hit out a magic power: "no matter whether you still have the power of resistance at the moment, it will not be there after that. As long as we get the sword canon, you can die painlessly."

Looking at the power of the attack, Jiang Ting's face became more and more cold... This time, it's not fake.

He was seriously injured. If he was hit by that magic power again, he would not die on the spot, but it was inevitable that the injury would increase countless times.


At the moment, the divine power in his body is enough to avoid. Even after avoiding, there are still enough divine power to use the kingdom of God. After all, the pills he took before are not fake.

But what about avoiding? The situation will be even worse when they see that he can still do it.

The power of the attack... He can only resist.

"I remember you yellow Finch, not so easy to be!" The heart roars, but Jiang Ting's face suppresses everything. He just shows his anger, but he doesn't avoid it.

Then, the divine power enters the body.

"Cough..." in the severe cough, Jiang Ting's face, which had no blood color, became extremely pale, and his breath became extremely unstable, as if he might die at any time.

Yu Hong fell directly into the sky: "no matter what happened before, you have no power to fight back now."

Jiang Ting coldly looking at, mood is a sink... A person?

Then Jiang Ting sneered: "there is only one copy of Haoran sword dictionary. I don't know who will take it?"

Yu hongleng snorted: "you don't have to worry about it. We will watch it together."

Having said that, Yu Hong stopped and continued to get close to the sword Dictionary... Because if he went to get it, it would be more troublesome if Zhang Shan misunderstood him and changed the sword dictionary.


Jiang Ting's heart is slightly relaxed... He knows that it's useless to alienate, but he still deliberately alienates, because he doesn't expect to really let the two fight, just to arouse the distrust of the bottom of their hearts with the same voice as before, and then take the sword Scripture together.His meaning is extremely obscure, and only people like Tianjiao can think of it this time. If ordinary people, I'm afraid they won't think of the deeper meaning at all.

The sky.

Yu Hong also lived up to Jiang Ting's painstaking plan. He looked up and whispered, "brother Zhang Shan, how about we go to get the sword Scripture together? It's a long night and a lot of dreams. If we continue to delay, maybe there will be some other accidents. "

"It should be." Robust Zhang Shan nodded gently, and then they both approached Jiangting at the same time.

Soon, the two of them arrived in front of Jiang Ting, but Jiang Ting didn't react with the jade slips, just coldly, revealing a little bit of resentment from time to time, which is very obscure but can be seen by them.

They didn't care, but they took the first two steps to see them off at the same time: "I hope you didn't do anything in the sword Scripture. If the sword Scripture is OK, you can die."

Yu Hong grabs at Jiandian, while Zhang Shan looks at it quietly. Although he knows that Yu Hong is not likely to move his hands and feet at such a close distance, it's not a big deal to pay more attention.

In Jiang Ting's unchangeable look, Yu Hong took over the jade slips.

Then Yu Hong turned his head and said, "brother Zhang Shan, I have inspired the contents of the jade slips with my divine power. We can check them at the same time. It's just good for us to check each other and make up for each other's deficiencies. How about that?"

"Good." Zhang Shan showed a smile... Haoran sword dictionary, finally got it.

Yu Hong smiles and doesn't say anything. Instead, he uses a magic power to enter the jade slips.

Jiang Ting is at the moment leisurely mouth: "you know, I hate hidden behind the scenes to pick up cheap yellow finch."

"It's no use hating you." Yu Hong is still inspiring the divine power... But the jade slips are not the expected sword scriptures, but two extremely big characters.


Well, that's right. There are only two big characters.

"Not good." Yu Hong and Zhang Shan had an instant warning.

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