Bai Mingxu is puzzled that Lin Yi and Jiang Ting are ready to fight, but they don't ask much. Instead, they secretly turn their magic power to fight in the courtyard at any time.

"Boom..." the sound of explosions and collisions continued to ring out in the courtyard.

If it were not for the particularity of the rooftop, I'm afraid that the fighting in the courtyard would have attracted the attention of many people and different races.

It's been a while.

Five demon clan and five spirit clan suddenly start fighting again, the power of both sides entangled together, constantly sweeping around.

And the courtyard that looks extremely fragile edge, but stiffly resisted both sides of the storm swept, but did not move.

Jiang ting and Lin Yi's heart flashed at the same time: "it's now!"

Then Lin Yiwei waved his hand and made a gesture.

After half a breath.

As soon as Jiang ting and Lin jumped out at the same time, the kingdom of God was instantly revealed, and the power of terror came.

"Poof..." the five demon clans and the five spirit clans didn't expect that someone would ambush them, and they suddenly took action. The collision force was suppressed by the two forces of the divine Kingdom at the same time, and then dissipated on the spot. Not to mention, they also encountered different ways. Their injuries were aggravated by three points at the same time.

Immediately, a tiger demon began to roar: "damn Terran, dare to plot, I will swallow you!"

"I'm talking about life." With Leng hum, Jiang ting and Lin Yi burst out the power of the kingdom of God at the same time. The power of the demon clan and the spirit clan was suppressed by the kingdom of God.

"Purple nine turn kill!" With Bai Mingxu's drinking, the three of them finally took the lead, which was Bai Mingxu's powerful shot.

If the two sides set out to fight fairly, the outcome must be unknown, but who let the demon clan and the spirit clan suddenly attack Jiangting, and they were suppressed by their divine Kingdom...

"ah..." screamed repeatedly.

On the spot, three demon clans and two spirit clans were killed and lost all their voices.

Jiang ting and Lin Yi are not idle.

At the same time, the two sides wave their hands, and the kingdom of God sends its strength again, and a ripple sweeps toward the two demon tribes.

Then a frightening scene happened. The two demons couldn't even react. After the ripples spread, the whole demon body turned into nothingness, leaving only their treasure.

There are only three spirits that survive.

The three spirit clans finally responded: "leave the information platform quickly!"

In the roar, the three spirits disappeared in a flash, leaving only a voice full of resentment.

"You all have to be buried with the spirit of our spirit family!" In the sound of venom, the three lingzu completely lose their shape, even if Jiangting and Linyi want to kill them.

And from them to now, the time is only one breath, but the result is a little frightening... The death of five demons and two spirits is the result!

Half a breath later.

Bai Mingxu three people look at Jiang ting and Lin Yi, mood becomes complex... Kingdom of God.

In the outside world, the kingdom of God can not be used lightly, but in this platform, the kingdom of God is too useful and powerful... It is inseparable from the kingdom of God to achieve such great results.

If it wasn't for the sudden outbreak of Jiangting and Lin, the kingdom of God immediately suppressed more than half of the strength of the alien race in the courtyard, how could they kill three demon clans and two spirit clans?

Later, the two lost a demon clan with the kingdom of God, and the pride of a demon clan told the horror of the power of the kingdom of God.

A moment later, Chai Ying shook her head slightly and pressed down her thoughts: "first look at the spoils, and then hurry to leave. We have been delayed for an hour here."

And the spoils... None of the five moved, but looked to the ground.

There are six storage rings on the ground.

Five demon clans and two spirit clans died, which should be seven storage rings. But in fact, there are only six. Five of them are demon clans, and one of them is spirit clans. They don't know why they are short of one storage ring.

Jiang Ting couldn't figure it out at all. He didn't get their treasure by killing two lingzu before. Jiang Ting thought lingzu didn't use storage space as treasure at all, but now it doesn't seem so. Maybe there are other reasons he doesn't understand.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting said: "each of the five demon clan's storage rings, we each have one. What can we get depends on our own choice. As for the storage ring left by the spirit clan, we share the treasures equally. How about this distribution?"


Lin nodded and agreed, then gently waved: "you choose the rest is Lin all."

The six storage rings are controlled by Lin Yi and float to the air. The storage rings of the five demon clans are together, and the storage rings of the spirit clans are separated separately. As for why they can be distinguished, it's very simple. The storage ring has the residual breath of the original owner. It's not difficult to distinguish the initial belonging of the storage ring through that breath.

And as they were ready to receive it, there was a sudden change."What's the matter?" Xu Wen's face suddenly changed.

"Damn it Bai Mingxu and Chai Ying look on the same side.

As soon as Lin saw it, his pupils suddenly shrank. All three of them had problems.

Xu Wen's feet and the bottom of his shoes have become soil.

Chai Ying's sole is turning towards stone.

The sole of Bai Mingxu's feet is the appearance of a vine.

Moreover, the transformation continues.

"What's the matter?" Although Lin Yi didn't know why, he knew that he had a lot of fun.

"I don't know."

After a pause, Xu Wen's face became extremely ugly: "I can't feel the strange power that he suddenly transformed my body. I just feel that when the transformation is completed, I'm afraid there will be extremely terrible things."

Jiang Ting said directly: "feel your spirit, smash and cut the part that turns into foreign matter, don't leave a trace of involvement."

Three people smell speech, breathing suddenly a short, immediately without hesitation directly do.

And Jiang Ting's heart went down to the bottom of the valley. He underestimated the lingzu.

Before, he thought that the curse like talent after the killing of the spirit clan needed the control of the spirit clan itself, but now the changes of Bai Mingxu's three people directly let him know that he was wrong.

The curse like talent of the spirit clan doesn't need the spirit clan to do it by themselves. As long as they are killed, they will be launched.

As for the reason, it's very simple.

They attack too much. Suddenly, the three spirit clans can't react. Even if one or two of them react, it's possible. However, all three of them react and use their curse like talent?

In Jiang Ting's opinion, it is impossible for all three to have that reaction!

If the spirit clan is killed, it will be launched naturally... The difficulty of the spirit clan will be promoted to a higher level.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to resolve.

After half a breath.

"Cough..." in a burst of cough, Bai Mingxu three people are all back to normal, but there is a faint trace of blood in the corner of the mouth, as if to tell the self broken spirit is not good.

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