After Jiang Ting returned to Qiao's farewell garden, the illusion disappeared without anyone's notice. No one knew that Jiang Ting had just left Lingshui County and Duan Tian had a plan.

Back to bieyuan.

Jiang Ting took a look around and looked at the sky with a little fierce color: "I don't believe it. Since I can't stop Duan Tian from taking Qiao Yan, I'll help him this time. When they get married, I'm making Duan's family weaken their power to suppress Qiao's family, and then let Duan Tian come to Qiao's house with Qiao Yan. Let alone the others, Qiao Yan gives birth to a child Jiang Ting doesn't believe it at all. Qiao Yun, who cares so much about Qiao Yan, doesn't have any family affection. Habit is terrible, because habit is natural!

As long as Qiao Yan and Duan Tian's children are OK, they will hang around in front of Qiao Yun. Even if they are killed by Qiao Yun's strength one day, they will not attack the two children. At that time... As long as Qiao Yun is willing to let go of the two children, Qiao Yan will not be sad. If you want to, you can break the situation!

As for the failure... Jiang Ting didn't expect it.

He only knew that if he still failed this time, he would be crazy! All kinds of methods have been tried, but they can't break the game. If they really fail, it's better to wait for death.

At the same time, he secretly cruel, don't let him know this dilemma is who decorate, if he knows, he will let that person know, flowers, why so red!


in a twinkling of an eye, March is over again.

During this period, with the help of Jiang Ting, the "insider", Duan Tian mastered the whereabouts of the Qiao family elders. For the Qiao family, it was a miserable March. Many of their elders disappeared and died unknowingly, even the cause of death could not be found.

Only in March, Qiao's strength declined by more than half!

Don't worry.

Jiang Ting slowly raised his head: "finally back, let me see, I this crazy strategy, can succeed."

Qiao Yun, back.

Jiang Ting can feel that Qiao Yun comes back in a nearly rampant manner with anxiety.

Jiang Ting is not in a hurry to find Qiao Yun, but quietly waiting. He is waiting for Duan Tian to surround Lingshui County with Duan's strong men.

Qiao Yun and Qiao family elder's discussion, has not been able to affect Jiang Ting's heart.

About half a month later.

Jiang Ting, who has been "cultivating" all the time, walks out of the other garden slowly. He feels that Duan Tian has arrived in Lingshui County with many Duan's disciples. If Duan Tian brings Duan's disciples this time, if they fight, the Qiao family will surely become the past.

He's very slow.

With his speed at the moment, when he came to the gate of Qiao's residence, duantian must have arrived.


Qiao's gate.

"Ha ha, I heard that master Qiao came here and Duan Tiante came to visit us!" With the sound of laughter, Duan Tian and the three strong members of the Duan family quickly approach Qiao's residence.

However, it was not included.

After about three breaths.

"Shua Shua..." in the sound of breaking the air, Qiao Yun and the elder of Qiao family appear at the door, looking a little ugly.

Qiao Yun is more low drink: "I just came back, you will come, it seems that all this is your conspiracy! You are responsible for the loss of my family? "

Duan Tian instantly denied: "don't talk nonsense, Qiao's elder's death has nothing to do with Duan Tian."

Qiao Yun is about to say something, a servant of Qiao family suddenly handed a jade slip... Check know, Qiao Yun's look becomes extremely ugly.

Along with the transmission, every elder of Qiao family here has seen the jade slips, and no one can show a good face.

The message recorded in the jade slips is very simple. It tells them that many of the Duan family's disciples are outside Lingshui County, and they can enter the city at any time. If they enter the city at any time, I'm afraid the Qiao family will disappear.

This March, because of the disappearance of many of the Qiao family elders, the people inside the Qiao family are in a state of panic. They can't gather any fighting spirit at all. In addition to the strength gap between the two families, they can't fight at all.

"Do you really think you're going to eat my family?" Qiao Yun soon regained his peace... No matter what his mood is, he is the head of Qiao's family. He can't panic.

If he panics, the Qiao family will be killed.

"I'm afraid the Qiao family is misunderstood. I don't want to be an enemy with the Qiao family."

After a pause, Duan Tian said with a smile: "as we all know, Duan fell in love with Qiao Yan at first sight. This time, he came here specially to propose marriage... What are you waiting for? Bring up the present

"Step, step..." with the sound of footsteps, more than a dozen of Duan's disciples were carrying boxes of treasures, which covered the appearance of the treasures.

But Jiang Ting could see that the things inside were not as valuable to him as the weeds on the roadside.

Qiao Yun sneered: "ridiculous, my parents died in your hands, you still come to propose?"

A sense of war began to gather.

Duan Tian didn't seem to see: "master Qiao, you can't talk nonsense. Who saw me attack the master Qiao?"

Without waiting for an answer, Duan Tian chuckled again: "master Qiao, you will agree... I heard that the Qiao family has suffered a great loss in the past few months. I think the strength of the Qiao family has been weakened again. Jiuqu mansion is not a good place. Ruthless people are emerging one after another. If you and I are married by marriage, the Qiao family will be Duan Tian's business. Otherwise, if it is Qiao When there is an accident at home, I'm afraid it's not a good name for someone who wants to help. "Qiao Yun face ice cold: "put away your ugly face, disgusting, disgusting."

Although Duan Tian looks very friendly, there are a lot of Duan's disciples outside the county.

They can see that if Duan Tian is successful today, it's all right. If Qiao Yun continues to refuse, I'm afraid the Qiao family will become history.

Although Duan Tian is the enemy... But if the family is gone, then everything will be gone.

If the family still exists, there will always be opportunities for revenge in the future.

Thinking of this, elder Qiao clenched his teeth slightly and raised his head: "since master Duan said it was a misunderstanding, I think it's just a misunderstanding."

Qiao Yun, who was ready to say something, turned his head in an instant: "elder, what are you talking about! Where is the misunderstanding about this matter? "

The elder of Qiao's family smiles at Duan Tian, and then whispers to Qiao Yun: "if the family is destroyed, everything will be repaired. First stabilize Duan Tian, and then look for opportunities in the future. We old bones will never forget the old master's hatred. What he wants is just a girl."

The two elders of the Qiao family also said: "if the owner of the family is not willing to bear the curse, the curse will be under the back of some of our old bones... And if there is a girl who is inside, we will kill the Duan family. It's much easier to say."

Qiao Yun's expression is tiny Leng, for a long time just reveals chill "everybody elder, in your opinion, small smoke can sacrifice at will!"

"We can understand that the master dotes on the girl, but the family is the most important."

Then the old elder said: "if the death of my old bone can bring peace to the family, why don't i... the master, don't forget, the master said, let you revive the reputation of the Qiao family in the past, instead of letting the Qiao family disappear."

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