In Lin Yi's narration, Jiang Ting generally understands the news of Yunxi. Although Lin Yi didn't tell the details, he probably didn't trace them, but on the whole, it is clear.

Jiang Ting thought for a while, and asked softly: "brother Lin said before that if there is no accident, her father has killed her... I think it's just the person who killed her?"

Although words are questions, they are full of affirmation.


Lin Yixian nodded, then shrugged: "the cloud family is in charge of the cloud family, and the power of the cloud family is in his hands. His lineage is fighting against Miss Yunxi, saying that he doesn't know that no one will believe it, but it's meaningless to trace the details. It's nothing more than some gratitude and resentment... Is Jiang Ting going to avenge her?"

In the end, Lin Yi showed some exploration.

"It's natural..."

just responded, Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows slightly: "listen to brother Lin's idea... Don't you want Jiang to do it?"

Lin Yi did not hide: "unless you completely destroy the cloud family, if not, Lin suggested that you had better not do it. Of course, it's just a suggestion."

Jiang Ting's eyes twinkled: "why?"

"Brother Jiang is well-known in the divine realm now. It's not good for you to destroy the cloud family for no reason."

After that, Lin Yi looks strange: "but if brother Jiang doesn't destroy the whole cloud family, it must be the original lineage that can be killed... After that, the story that brother Jiang, the famous Tianjiao and Yunxi girl in the divine realm, are old acquaintances will come out. Even if the cloud family's vitality is greatly damaged, under brother Jiang's reputation, the cloud family will not decline, but will follow Brother Jiang, your reputation is rising rapidly. I'm afraid it's not difficult to control Mu Shenxing. "

"Jiang Ting looked at Lin Yi with a strange face, opened his mouth, and suddenly found that he was speechless.

Because Lin Yi is right.

Destroy the cloud family?

If it's possible, brother Jiang really doesn't mind... But Lin Yi is right. If he goes to destroy the cloud family for no reason, it will be a great blow to his next statement. He doesn't care, but don't forget, he still has enemies.

If you really destroy the cloud family, Jiang Ting is sure that Han Ye, who disappeared after asking for help from Tiantai, will jump out and attack him with the help of the reason why he destroyed the cloud family. He will also contact some other lengtouqing to attack him.

At that time, under Han Ye's means, he doesn't know how many people he will get into a feud with.

Not to mention, since Yunxi had chosen to return to Yunjia before, it was obvious that there were not all enemies in Yunjia, at least her friends.

If you don't destroy the cloud family... Jiang Ting doesn't think he has enough time to identify the minds of the people in the cloud family one by one. After that, if there are some people who Yun Xi resents extremely, but he doesn't know that they are not dead, they are in power instead...

after a long time, Jiang Ting shakes his head: "after all, Yun Xi and I know each other. If we don't know that, it's all right. Since we know that she died, we always have to go home." I can't just sit back and wait... When I finish my work, I'll go to mushenxing for a walk. I'll see what happens at that time. "

Mu Shenxing, he has no time to go in a short time... He has to go to shendanxing first to make an appointment with Yu's family.

Although it seems that there is still plenty of time, it will take several years to go to Mu Shenxing now. At that time, if you dare to go to Shen Danxing from Mu Shenxing, you don't know how long it will take. Moreover, if you look up the specific information, he will delay a lot of time...

in a word, even if you want to go to Mu Shenxing, it will be after you leave Shen Danxing.

Lin Yi smiles. He doesn't say much, but whispers: "there's one more thing."

Jiang Ting was surprised: "what's the matter?"

"Shenjun is merciless to look for brother Jiang."

At the end of the speech, Lin Yi shook his head slightly: "I don't know the reason. Before I knew that I was checking the news for brother Jiang, the head of Tiandao mansion asked me to tell brother Jiang. At the same time, he also told brother Jiang that there was a mark of communication, which could contact the mark of merciless God King. He said that as long as brother Jiang connects with God King, all doubts can be solved naturally."

Jiang Ting's brow quietly wrinkled... Merciless God King?

to be honest, he doesn't know what what he thinks of this heartless monk at any moment. Because before he was transferred to the cruel prohibition, he is now full of trouble, and he even does not know what he has fallen into.

Lin Yi didn't say much. Instead, he waved his hand and turned into an illusion. It's not accurate to say that the illusion is the mark of communication. What he prepared should be a knack.

"Brother Laurin." Jiang Ting was prepared to say other words, but because it involved the merciless God, Jiang Ting didn't talk too much nonsense. He wrote down the formula and interrupted the communication.

After the interruption of the subpoena, the matter of Yunxi turns around in Jiangting's mind and then flashes away... Although there is some trouble according to Lin Yi, it's not that there is no solution. When you have leisure, you can go to mushenxing and change your mind. It's not difficult.

What Jiang Ting ponders is the mercilessness of God.

Why do you look for him mercilessly?Jiang Ting has some doubts. He wants to know the answer from the heartless mouth. However, he wants to find heartless, but heartless takes the initiative to find him. What's his purpose?

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ting gave up thinking with some helplessness. He couldn't think of what ruthlessness really wanted to do. Limited to cultivation, Jiang Ting, who was only a six level God, couldn't understand what the strong in the realm of God King wanted and what they wanted. Naturally, he couldn't guess the purpose of ruthlessness.

"Cultivation." With a sigh, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly... Because of the thought of cultivation, he became more and more angry with the destroyed Qian family. If it had not been for the destruction of Qian family, he would have been the seventh level God now, and he would have tried to be promoted to the eighth level God!

Just thinking of Qian's family, Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly narrowed: "no... what's the feeling of bloodthirsty?"

Jiang Ting suddenly remembered that because of Qian's family, his spirit had been swept by the fierce blood of blood shadow separation, which had affected his mind and his desire for blood... But he suddenly remembered that since he left the merciless God King's ban, his mind affected by blood shadow separation seemed to have recovered?

He can clearly perceive that he is not affected at the moment.

"Is it because of the fluctuation of the meaning of time and space in the spirit, or the killing of the star robbers all the way?" Jiang Ting is not sure which possibility it is.

Jiang Ting, who gave up thinking, had Lin Yi's seal in his hand, and the seal was not complicated.

With the seal of Jiangting, a wave rises... Also because of the seal, Jiangting suddenly has endless fear of the ghost emperor.

The merciless God King is a strong man in the kingdom of God King. Although I don't know the exact strength, since I guard the border, I'm sure it's not a good stubble... If I see him once, I need his active cooperation.

But that ghost emperor, has not seen him, does not have his any intelligence, actually can cross the boundary to pull him into the nihility and starts!

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