In the face of Jiang Ting's inquiry, he gave the answer without hesitation.

In Jiang Ting's opinion, the simple answer is that the meaning of time and space originally belongs to the ghost emperor of the GUI nationality. I don't know how long ago he lost it. Now he appears, and the ghost emperor is ready to take it back.

Thinking of the power of the ghost emperor's cross-border actions, Jiang Ting's mood suddenly became cold...

but mercilessly, he suddenly showed some fun: "the ghost emperor controls the reincarnation channel. Among the hundreds of powerful people in the vast endless divine realm, there are only a few who can fight with the ghost Emperor... Unfortunately, he lives in the secluded reincarnation and is not in the divine realm, which is his failure."

Jiang Ting asked in a hurry: "what's the meaning of this statement?"

Ruthless direct response: "his real body can't reach the divine realm, so he can't feel the details of the meaning of time and space. If he makes a cross-border move, he will either successfully retrieve the meaning of time and space, or his move will be dissolved by the meaning of time and space in your body. If it is dissolved, he will mistakenly think that the meaning of time and space has been completely controlled by you, so he won't make a move to you."

Jiang Ting's mood is cold again... Listen to the merciless meaning, before the ghost emperor's hand, the meaning of time and space in his body may not help? If he didn't help, he would be dead now, right?

Heartless but as if did not see, self-care whisper: "carefully, this news may be quite unfair... But I don't like to deceive, just as Xiaoyou guessed that when Xiaoyou broke away from obsession, I had already calculated that the ghost emperor would make a move, so I have been waiting for the ghost emperor's move, if Xiaoyou died, everything would be illusory, if Xiaoyou survived, I would know the truth "I'm not qualified."

Jiang Ting snorted subconsciously: "God King is so straightforward, don't worry about Jiang, don't want to act as God King thought?"

"It should be very clear from the wisdom of Xiaoyou's rumor that you and I have no relatives and no reason to remind you."

At the end of the speech, he shook his head mercilessly: "on the other hand, it's not you who bring you into the obsession, but you fall into the space turbulence and fall into your obsession unintentionally... In order to avoid your wishful thinking, you can speak your words more directly, which will be more beneficial to your next actions."

Jiang Ting frowned and did not speak... Merciless words are really straightforward enough, so that life is not a bit close, but his words are not wrong.

Although everything was in his expectation after that, he didn't use it at first, but Jiang Ting himself bumped into it unintentionally. He had no relatives, and he had no obligation to tell the truth or help.

After thinking clearly, Jiang Ting exhaled slightly: "I don't know, what is the meaning of time and space?"

Heartless and show a smile: "little friends know, the rule of two words."

"The rules are clear." Jiang Ting is a little confused and heartless. Are you going to beat him? But also should not, want to knock, with merciless ability need not be so.

Ruthless show strange: "it seems that little friends do not know."

Jiang Ting frowned and did not refute... He has seen clearly that the rules in his heartless mouth are different from those in his understanding.

"The rule is..."

to his lips, he shakes his head mercilessly: "the rule is the rule... Although you can describe it in more detail, it is quite unfavorable for you in the future. You can only tell that everything in heaven and earth is made up of one rule after another, and the meaning of time and space is one of them... In your understanding at the moment, the rule is equal to the road. ”

JIANG Ting's eyes flashed, and then he tilted his head: "then, what does the meaning of time and space represent?"

He didn't understand the rules, but he was very clear about the Tao. Somehow, he suddenly thought of his previous trip to Tiantai, which asked him what is heaven and what is Tao, and why his answer to Tao was regarded as completely wrong.

So Tao is the rule?

Maybe there is a difference, but it should not be too big.

Merciless rare did not explain: "in Xiaoyou's view, why the word space-time solution."

Jiang Ting directly replied: "the word time and space, no matter who hears it, time is time and space is space. This should be the subconscious idea of most people."

Heartless mouth is Hangyang: "Xiaoyou's answer is the truth."

Jiang Ting was stunned, then suddenly raised his head: "the meaning of time and space, the meaning of time and space?"

"That's right."

Heartless is very affirmative nod, immediately eyes become strange: "the meaning of time and space into the body, Xiaoyou should be in a trance to see a long river, a through heaven and earth, boundless, can not find the end of the long river, that river is called, the river of time, down the River can travel to the future, upstream can shuttle the past."

Jiang Ting completely surprised, time, space? Shuttling between the past and the future?

If an ordinary person says this in front of him, he can't just punch it out. But this is the king of gods, the strong man at the top of the endless realm of gods. Such a strong man comes to joke with him for no reason?

After a long time, Jiang tingcai swallowed his saliva slightly and pressed down his mind: "Shenjun, you're kidding."

Heartless also did not annoy: "you see this gentleman, is like joking appearance?"

Jiang Ting, no words.After a while, he suddenly frowned: "the meaning of time and space should be extremely precious... But looking at the appearance of the God King, it seems that he doesn't care at all?"

Killing and looting is the eternal theme in the realm of God. If the meaning of time and space is so precious, why doesn't anyone snatch it?

"It's not that no one wants to rob, but that they can't take it away."

At the end of the speech, he said: "if you want to feel the meaning of time and space in your body, you need to achieve the realm of God King, and if you want to achieve the realm of God King, you need to control the rules."

"Jiang doesn't understand." Jiang Ting did not hide his doubts.

"Well, let Benjun think about how to explain it..."

he bowed his head and thought for a while, then raised his head mercilessly: "in short, if you want to take away the meaning of time and space in your body, you need to first perceive the existence of the meaning of time and space, and if you want to sense the meaning of time and space in your body, you need to control the rules to promote the realm of God King... The rules are incompatible with each other, and it's useless to snatch what you can snatch The rules of oneself repel each other and rob useful people. They are not even qualified to perceive the meaning of time and space in your body. How to rob them? "

This time, ruthlessness is really straightforward and simple enough.

Jiang Ting's mood suddenly relaxed a little... He couldn't help but be nervous before. If he didn't tell him, he was really worried that there would be countless strong men who would come to kill and seize the treasure. With his current state and strength, the people who can kill him are like stars.

After a while, Jiang Ting was puzzled again: "how can I get the meaning of time and space?"

Knowing many truths, Jiang Ting's most perplexed at the moment may be this... The meaning of time and space is not that he grabs it, but that it suddenly appears in his spirit.

"I don't know, but I have guessed."

Pause a little, ruthless face becomes strange: "as little friend, you now guess, before you fall into this gentleman's obsession, and this gentleman's obsession, where."

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