Jiang Ting originally wanted to use blood shadow to break the situation, but thinking of Han Ye's many plans and the calculation of setting up the situation with his life, Han ye might have been on guard for a long time, and it would be unwise to use it rashly.

Therefore, Jiangting gave up the use.

The silent confrontation continues.

About ten minutes later.

Han Ye slowly clenched his sword: "sure enough, you didn't fight back with blood shadow."

"I'm curious, what's your strategy for my blood shadow separation." Jiang Ting looks the same.

"It's just a secret skill."

After a pause, Han Ye clenched his sword: "your injury is too serious now. The separation of blood and shadow is enough to erode your mind. If you break the game, I'll make you lose completely with secret skills. But I know that it's not possible for you to use it, and it's true."

Jiang Ting also clenched Liuyun: "with his own life as bait, many layout, Jiang Mou, admire."

Han Ye shows a little smile: "it's time to divide life and death."

The words fall, the sword light rises... Han Ye turns into the sword light and pours at Jiang Ting again.

Looking at the light of the sword... It's the last sword in Han Ye's life. It's the best that Han Ye can break out at the moment. Jiang Ting can't avoid the speed of this sword.

"Dead? It seems that there is no life after ten deaths, but Jiang may not die. " Jiang Ting was not afraid and fought back with his sword.

The moment when the two swords are about to collide.

To Han Ye's surprise, Jiang Ting's sword doesn't cut his body, but the sword light!

"Ding..." with the collision of the two swords, the sound of gold and iron reverberates in the starry sky like a bell.

Where the two swords touch, there are countless sparks spreading and flashing.

After half a breath.

"Broken!" Jiang Ting suddenly drank violently, and then the terrible power broke out.

Han Ye, who has already put out his last sword, is suddenly shot away, and countless blood mists spew out of the starry sky.

Han Ye's figure stops in the starry sky. Because of the particularity of the starry sky, he falls into the starry sky without any resistance.

But he's not dead.


after coughing for a long time, Han Ye forcibly raised his head: "struggle, useless... Keke..."

with this sword, Jiang Ting didn't kill Han Ye... It's not that Jiang Ting didn't want to, but that he wanted to fight for that life.

Who wants to die if he can live?

At this moment, Han Ye is blocked by Jiang ting in the final outbreak of burning, and then Jiang Ting's turbulent divine power rushes into Han Ye's body. Jiang Ting is sure that Han Ye's body has been nearly destroyed by his divine power, and his spirit has also been severely damaged by him... In a word, now Han Ye is a useless person, and there is no threat at all.

And Jiang Ting's injury is much easier than being cut to the waist... The lighter the injury, the more he can survive.

As long as he can survive, he will recover, and Han Ye will also die. It's just the difference between early death and late death... Whether it's the ghost of the void swallowing the kingdom of God, or his Jiang Ting's continued efforts, it's enough to make Han ye die.

Jiang Ting did not hesitate to take out three healing pills and swallow them at the same time... Although he could not instantly recover from his injury, he could continue to recover and increase his chance of survival.

Unable to get up, Han Ye suddenly smiles: "since I will die... How can you live alone? Give it to me. Break it

Then Jiang Ting, who has just swallowed the pill, looks ugly... He sees that Han Ye has broken the kingdom of God!

Although the ghost of the void has been devouring Han Ye's kingdom of God, it is obvious that he can't completely devour it for a while and a half. As a result, Han Ye breaks the kingdom of God by himself!

Han Ye's kingdom of God completely disappeared.

The disappearance of the kingdom of God has not brought any vision, or even more changes. The only change is that the invincible territory controlled by Han Ye has disappeared without a trace. In addition, the kingdom of God has left nothing.

And the invisible ghost of the void also stopped to devour because of the disappearance of the kingdom of God... After that, the ghost of the void began to move towards Jiangting.

The kingdom of God in Jiangting has always been obvious. How can the ghost of void not feel the kingdom of God in Jiangting?

Jiang Ting slightly exhaled, forced to suppress the inner anger: "you are cruel enough."

"How can I kill you if I'm not cruel enough to myself?"

With a whisper, Han Ye doesn't know where he has the strength to stand up again: "I'm dying... My residual perception tells me that at most 20 breaths, my body will collapse, my spirit will disperse, and you will be buried with me."

Jiang Ting looks at Han Ye, but he can't say it. He thought that Han Ye has lost his fighting power, so it's better to let the kingdom of God hide into nothingness, and he also leaves. In this case, the ghost of nothingness may return to nothingness after swallowing Han Ye's kingdom.

As a result, he didn't realize that he was not dead. He was so cruel that he scattered his kingdom.

And now... It's not that he doesn't want to leave before the ghost of the void has entered the kingdom of God, but that he finds that his kingdom of God seems to be trapped in an endless quagmire.Although he can expand or shrink the kingdom of God, it is extremely difficult to move and hide into nothingness now. His kingdom is watched by the ghost of nothingness!

After a moment of silence, Jiang Ting waves and takes out some pills again. He swallows them without money... Once the kingdom of God is broken, it must be extremely terrifying.

It's like Han Ye. Even if he was shocked to be inhuman before, he would not die because of his ability. However, after the kingdom of God was broken, his life disappeared rapidly, leaving less than 20 breath of life.

His injury is much lighter than Han Ye's. He may survive if he insists on constant healing pills.

Soon, the invisible ghost of the void approached Jiangting, which seemed to be in the muddy kingdom of God.

Just when Jiang Ting thought that the ghost of the void would break through and the kingdom of God began to invade and devour, an accident happened.

I saw that countless buildings in the distance of a desolation suddenly appeared countless blood, and then the blood instantly turned into a sea of blood.

But it's not important, it's important, there's a breath in the sea of blood... Jiang Ting clearly found that it's the breath of the suppressed ghost!

Then, with the help of the kingdom of God, Jiang Ting clearly found that the ghost did not enter his kingdom of God, but stayed outside it, as if he was hesitating?

He didn't know about it, because he couldn't see the body of the empty soul. Under the invisibility, he couldn't see anything. He could only use the kingdom of God to detect what was there.

Han Ye's face is very calm: "that strange ghost has entered your kingdom... I will wait for you on the way of reincarnation."

And Jiang Ting's look became strange... He saw that the sea of blood began to hide, and the suppressed breath of the ghost of the void began to converge. Most importantly, he felt that the ghost of the void suddenly disappeared.

Just like the sudden appearance of the general, it is very abrupt scattered... Empty soul, did not invade the kingdom of God Jiangting!

Surprise, too fast, too fast!

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