In the face of Yuchen's proposal, Jiang Ting does not deny it and agrees directly. He is not a rookie with high self-esteem. If he can relax, why waste his time.

Talk again.

Just as Jiang Ting was preparing to pursue the guests tactfully, Yuchen suddenly said, "brother Jiang, the selection of our Yujia city is presided over by our Yujia family. Would you like to have a look?"

Without waiting for an answer, Yuchen chuckled again: "it's just a simple observation to see what miraculous alchemy can get into brother Jiang's eyes. After all, if there is an excellent alchemy master, once he can participate in the final, he will also represent the rain family. If brother Jiang goes to observe, with brother Jiang's Alchemy attainments, he may find some talents."

Jiang Ting was surprised: "isn't this the big ratio within the Shendan association?"

He heard other meanings from Yuchen's words... It seems that more than people from the Shendan Association participated in the competition?

Yuchen immediately explained: "if you get the news and want to participate, the Shendan association can't be turned away. It's just that there are so many people who can't bring all of them to the headquarters. Therefore, you can only go to the headquarters to participate in the final competition if you have outstanding performance... In short, it's a peer group. However, if you are brought by my Yujia, it's my Yujia camp by default. ”

"I see."

Jiang Ting suddenly appeared, and then chuckled: "I will not go, now just promoted, have this free time, I will be a good stability at this moment."

"In that case, Yuchen will leave first." Although Yuchen was disappointed, he didn't ask.

Talk again for a while, Yuchen turns to leave.

Jiang Ting stares at his back and then waves to close the other garden: "I'm afraid I'm going to have a deeper entanglement with you, the rain family, at your invitation...

before, Jiang Ting didn't mind making more friends with the rain family. After all, the rain family, as a force within the Shendan Association, would benefit a lot if we could use it.

Just before Dan Heng left, he asked him not to get involved with a certain force in Shendan Association too much... Jiang Ting didn't forget, so he didn't plan to continue to deepen the relationship with Yu family.

Such behavior may not be good, but it certainly will not be bad. Anyway, since Dan Heng's last admonition was like that, there was always some truth in it.

Now, because of the meaning of time and space, he exists in the huge vortex in the deep, so it's better to have less trouble.

After closing the other garden, Jiang Ting went straight into the room and began to practice... This time, he really began to practice.

There is still a year left... He has just been promoted to the seventh level God. I'm afraid there is still a long way to go before he is promoted to the eighth level God. If he has free time, it's always right to practice a little more.

At the beginning of the exercise, Jiang Ting suddenly thought of the kingdom of God: "the passage of time in the kingdom of God can be controlled much faster than the speed of the outside world. Unfortunately, the energy that the kingdom of God can absorb is limited. If it is not closed in the kingdom of God, the realm will be promoted very quickly..."

the words are full of regrets.

Although Jiang Ting can enter into the kingdom of God for cultivation, he can even naturally control the speed of time passing in the kingdom of God with the help of the kingdom of God. Unfortunately, the energy absorbed by the kingdom of God from nothingness will not change because of the change of time inside the kingdom of God. There is almost no difference between being closed inside and being closed outside.

However, if you can control the meaning of time and space and understand why the speed of time passing in the kingdom of God is different from that of the outside world, then maybe you can try to change the disadvantages in the kingdom of God. If you can lift... The closure in the kingdom of God will be better than that in the outside world.

After a flash of thought, Jiang Ting soon stopped thinking and began to practice.

In a twinkling of an eye, October time passed quietly.

During this period, Jiang Ting has been practicing all the time, and in the outside world, the selection led by Yu's family is completely over. Among the sighs of countless people, only a few people can go to Dancheng with Yu's family to participate in the final.

No matter what the result is, as long as you show up in the final, you will be famous.

Rain home, farewell garden.

"Dong Dong..." the orderly knock on the door rings out, three times falls, no longer rings.

Don't be in my room.

Jiang Ting heard the knock on the door, but he just continued to work.

After three breath.

Jiang Ting slowly exhaled, opened his eyes, slightly felt for a while, then whispered: "I didn't expect, it's all gone in October."

For Jiang Ting, who is immersed in the cultivation, time is just like yesterday. There is no time for cultivation. It's not a lie... As for the cultivation in October, the improvement is not very much. The cultivation in October only makes Jiang Ting's divine power more pure and the total amount of divine power slightly increased.

If you want to be promoted simply by means of closed door cultivation, there is hardly any... If you want to be promoted quickly, you still need the help of powerful pills, or other adventures.

After stopping the practice, Jiang Ting got up and left the room, even more to disperse the prohibition.


don't open the garden, Yuchen stands at the door: "brother Jiang.""Brother Yuchen."

After greeting, Jiang tingcai revealed his quest: "is the selection over?"

Although he will know that since Yuchen has come to interrupt him, the selection must be over...

"it's over. Three days later, we will leave for Dancheng, where the association headquarters is."

The voice falls, rain Chen throws out a jade slip again: "elder brother Jiang, wait and have a look, this is after the finals some rules."

Jiang Ting took over the jade slips.

Yuchen is obviously quite busy at the moment. After giving the jade slip to Jiang Ting, she leaves soon. Maybe she is going to settle the selected people, or maybe something else.

Jiang Ting didn't care, but poured his thoughts into the jade slips... Although in Jiang Ting's opinion, there are only a few rules for the so-called finals, but it's always right to have a look.

After reading ten lines at a glance, Jiang Ting soon read all the contents recorded in the jade slips.

The record is not complicated, just the rules of the final.

According to the records of the jade slips, the final is not just a contest, but three times... In short, it is three times of alchemy, which is judged by the alchemy masters of the alchemy Association.

In addition, the general rule is to prohibit cheating, to prohibit the use of elixir to temporarily enhance the power of the spirit, or to secretly influence other people's Alchemy.

Rules are not many... But at the time of the final, there were many senior members of the Shendan Association present, and no one was stupid enough to play tricks.

After writing down all the contents, Jiang Ting walks slowly to the pavilion: "boring..."

in Jiang Ting's opinion, the next finals will take a lot of time. Moreover, because he is going to Dancheng, he probably has no time to continue to practice.

Just like now, there are less than three days to start, except in a daze... Or in a daze.

But Jiang Ting didn't really feel dazed, but silently felt the spirit... He was ready to try to see if he could sense the meaning of time and space.

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