The young man's face sank when he heard the words of the three elders.

For the family, fame is the most important thing!

As the owner of the sun family, he knows very well that this matter is the best by far. After all, Jiang Ting is famous for his fighting power, and he has a complicated background behind him. It will not do any good to the sun family if he really entangles with him.

But he knew better that the three elders were right. If it was true, it would be over. After Jiang Ting left Shendan star, but the people of his sun family might become a laughing stock.

After all, more than a dozen seven level gods went to clean up Jiangting, but Jiangting was not damaged. On the contrary, his grandchildren were seriously injured.

Although, it's normal that more than ten people can't fight Tianjiao... But how can ordinary people care so much? They only know that the people of his sun family have been badly damaged, but his sun family dare not even retaliate!

To raise the reputation of Jiangting with the sun family as a laughing stock!

After a moment of silence, Jianshuo young man slowly closed his eyes: "Dabie is about to start, which is related to our Sun family's right to speak in the association. It's not appropriate to cause more trouble before it starts... This matter is temporarily suppressed. As for Jiang Ting, when Dabie is over, he says that it's easy to beat my sun family, but it's the consequence after that, not everyone can bear it!"

A few days later, Yu's residence was opened.

"So fast for a lap?" Jiang Ting looks at the rain house in front of him, and his face shows a little bit of pity.

He has not been through the repeated Road, now that he has returned to the house of Yu's family, it seems that this Dan city has been fully passed by him.

Pondering for a while, Jiang Ting approached the mansion.

Now that we have gone through all the treasures, we are not in a hurry to continue to see what treasures we have. We can have a rest and sort out the treasures we have exchanged in recent days.

Unfortunately, he didn't meet rabdosia these days... It's not that rabdosia is very precious.

On the contrary, compared with the treasures exchanged by Jiangting these days, Rabdosia rubescens is not precious.

But leilingcao is not ordinary... For Dancheng at the moment, leilingcao is not precious, but it is not ordinary. It is in an embarrassing situation in the middle.

Just because of this, there are few stores with Lei lingcao, and the strong people who come to Dancheng will not exchange Lei lingcao... So Jiangting has not been able to exchange Lei lingcao.

Fortunately, the rain family, as a high-level family within the Shendan Association, must have the existence of leilingcao.

The guard at the door of the rain's house naturally knew Jiang ting and bowed himself: "young master Jiang ting."

Jiang Ting smiles at the guard and then walks into the residence.

As soon as he entered the residence, a housekeeper welcomed him: "Mr. Jiang Ting, I will take you to another garden to have a rest."

"Lead the way." Jiang Ting looks the same.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, he quickly reached a private garden in the depth of the mansion, with a quiet scenery.

After that... The housekeeper left, and Jiang Ting entered another garden and began to close his eyes.

He was not in a hurry to find the people of the rain family. He believed that since he came back, it would not take long for the people of the rain family to come to him.

About a quarter of an hour later.

"Brother Jiang." Yuchen's voice rang out not far away, fast approaching.

"Sure enough."

Heart whispers a, river court surface then complexion as usual of get up: "rain Chen elder brother."

At the same time, Yuchen just arrived at the gate of bieyuan.

As he entered the other garden, Yuchen was worried: "brother Jiang, I heard that there was some conflict between brother Jiang and the sun family. I don't know what the specific situation is."

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "it's no big deal. The three elders of the sun family said that this matter has come to an end. It must not be in its twists and turns."

"That's good."

Yuchen nodded his head slightly relaxed, and then whispered as if he had no intention: "I remember the sun family's temperament is always rewarded... Brother Jiang must be careful. The sun family is not a pure good generation. At this moment, because the alchemy contest is about to start, he has to swallow his breath. Once the alchemy contest is over, the sun family may not swallow it."

Jiang Ting look unchanged: "brother Yuchen do not have to worry, Jiang is not easy generation."

The corner of Yuchen's mouth suddenly smokes... But he doesn't care. He just mentions that if Jiang Tingzhen asks for help from the rain family because of his words, and chooses to join the rain family, Jiang Ting may not be Jiang ting.

The mood flashed, and Yuchen immediately showed a little seriousness: "brother Jiang, there is another thing. The owner sent someone to the association to go there, and he has got the exact news. If everything goes well, many forces will gather in half a year at the latest, and it will be the time for the alchemy to officially start."

"Half a year..." Jiang Ting's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

He thought that he would have to wait three months at most, but he didn't expect that he would have to wait six months?

But soon, Jiang Ting shook his head again... Although half a year is quite a long time, it's nothing. I've been waiting for several years, and it's not bad for half a year.And just with the help of this half year's spare time, we can try to refine Lei Yuandan.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting immediately raised his head: "brother Yuchen, Jiang Mou suddenly has an invitation."

"Oh, I don't know what it is?" Yuchen is surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that Jiang Ting would turn to Yu's family for help. Is it because he and the senior members of Yu's family guessed wrong?

Jiang Ting doesn't care what Yuchen thinks, but shows a little smile: "when Jiang was wandering in Dancheng, he got Lei Yuandan's danfang by accident. Other materials are OK, but one of the most important materials Jiang has not been able to get, so he wants to ask brother Yuchen for help."

"I don't know what the material is? My rain family is based on alchemy. As long as it's not the most precious material, my rain family will have something left. " Although Yuchen's voice is proud, it is not too full.


Voice down, Jiang Ting chuckled: "Lei Ling grass value is not low, Jiang will not take in vain, will pay the same price for exchange."

"Leilingcao..." after pondering for a while, Yuchen suddenly said: "it's this thing... My rain family does have some left. How many do brother Jiang need?"

"Jiang will try to refine Lei Yuan Dan with the help of Lei Ling Cao. I'm afraid some of them are not enough." Jiang Ting's face was a little embarrassed...

the corner of Yuchen's mouth suddenly drew, and he could hear that Jiang Ting was telling him how much he had!

If it's a few, it's really nothing. It's just a piece of cake to give to Jiangting.

But if the number is more... Rain family wealth atmosphere is not false, but does not mean that anything can be given.

Even if, for the rain family, even if it is to send out a hundred Lei Ling grass, it is nothing... The rule is the rule. If you give anything to anyone, the rain family will be rich and the country will be defeated sooner or later.

After many thoughts, Yuchen quickly returned to normal: "brother Jiang, just wait here. I'll go to the warehouse to have a look, OK?"

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