Half a year later, Jiang Ting didn't think of any countermeasures in Fulong iron prison. After half a year, with the sound of footsteps, Jiang Ting knew that someone had come to the basement, which had been silent for half a year.

"Step on..." The sound of footsteps is still echoing, and finally someone is slowly approaching.

It's a big man with Qiu beard. His whole body is no different from that of a mortal. The only thing is that he looks simple and honest?

After seeing the appearance clearly, Jiang Ting's pupils shrank quietly He has seen this big man with a beard.

Only once!

Although it was only once, Jiang Ting's memory is still fresh That time, it was his first time to come to the border. He inadvertently entered the heartless obsession, and then woke up in the heartless farewell garden and met him. He was one of the Twelve Gods guarding the border.

Honorific title, Diyan! Shenjun Diyan!

"Is it over?" Heart whisper, Jiang Ting surface is quietly looking at close to the Emperor Yan.

Maybe it's over, if not, Diyan won't be near.

On the other hand, Emperor Yan, looking at Jiang Ting quietly after approaching, seems to flash a little surprised, but it seems not.

After gazing at the gathering, Emperor Yan spoke softly: "Aojiang?"

Jiang Ting slightly exhaled: "it's really under."

Emperor Yan continued to say: "dragon reply, you are not living in the Dragon Star, or even only to the Dragon Star once, and then disappeared?"

"It's true." Jiang Ting nodded gently, but his mood suddenly sank It seems that in the past six months, did the Terran strongman want the dragon to summon him?

But di Yan said to himself: "according to the border regulations, Ke Wen died because of you. You would have died But now, I've changed my mind and decided to give you a ray of life. I just want to see if you can grasp it. "

Jiang Ting immediately raised his head: "what's your requirement?"

For no reason, he does not believe that Emperor Yan will give the so-called vitality, there must be conditions!

Emperor Yan glances at, and then says: "don't be happy too soon."

Jiang Ting was silent.

Emperor Yan saw this, and then said: "you should thank Ke Wen. When he risked his life to summon Jin Feiyu, he said that you should not specifically aim at him, but unintentionally. However, he died because of you, and the great plan of our human race was almost destroyed. You should die for this sin, but I am willing to give you a chance now."

Without waiting for an answer, Emperor Yan said slowly: "when the other gods see you, they must be willing to give you a chance of life But it's up to you whether you can catch it or not. "

Jiang Ting did not say much: "how to grasp?"

Emperor Yan did not answer, but asked: "first tell me how to expose Ke Wen? I only know that he was exposed because of you, but I don't know why. "

In the past, Ke Wen was pressed for time, and the Shura people were approaching. He risked his life to summon him. He could not say clearly all the causes and effects, but could only say all the important things in time. For the rest, he had no time to tell.

"I'm experimenting with teleportation, and I've stepped into the Shura realm by accident At that time, because he was friends with the Shura people, he promised to help them block the planet with space secrets, but he didn't want Ke Wen to hide in the crevice of space... "

At last, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "at first, I didn't know that there was someone there. If I knew that Ke Wen was a human, how could I let the Shura know that he was hiding there? When he was exposed, there was no way to save him at all. The only thing I could do was to cover the cracks in the space that Cowan had hidden in that planet. "

Di Yan's eyes suddenly narrowed.

After a while, he said: "you haven't lied. Ke Wen exposed it. It's reasonable to say that the attack will not go smoothly because our Terran falian is aware of by the Shura people. Even the great falian may have other problems. But in fact, although the falian is not perfect, it's just because the falian set by Ke Wen can't be inspired, and all the other falian burst out. It's obvious that the Shura people can't find it The truth of the array. "

Jiang Ting immediately determined that the array arranged by Ke Wen was indeed the source of the attack of the Terran across the Shura border. What he had not set foot on, I'm afraid there was a big secret in Ke Wen's hidden space. If it had not been for his hiding before, it would have been noticed by the Shura people. I'm afraid that even if the attack of the Terran could have been successful, the results would have been greatly reduced, even the Shura people It can't be said that we can also set traps targeted.

The war outside seems to be going smoothly?

As if he knew what he was thinking, di Yan's eyes showed a little smile: "this invasion, the Shura God King retreated, under the God King, cut the nine level God 371, eight level God 17000, the other seven level god six level God innumerable, captured eight galaxies, our Terran territory only half a year to expand hundreds of millions of territory, what's the result of this war?"

Jiang Ting immediately replied: "excellent."

The bottom of my heart is cold Where are so many nine level gods?

Outside the border, the Ninth level God is the overlord of countless star domains. It's rare to see him, but here at the border, he died in piles!

Of course, he didn't think that di Yan lied again.

In the border, there are countless strong people At least before being brought into this cage, the Jiangting in the mansion at least felt the breath of dozens of nine level gods.It's rare to see a nine level God outside, but it's a frontier for confrontation with other people Nine level God, perhaps really not what, just, Emperor Yan why suddenly mention this?

Emperor Yan's words suddenly changed: "it's said that you met Jiang ting in San Dou Xing Our Terrans have taken control of the eight galaxies, but they have not found any trace or news of him. I think you can give us a satisfactory answer. "

"Jiang Ting..." Jiang Ting's face is slightly stiff. Can he say that he is Jiang Ting?

Say it?

Glancing at the dragon body, Jiang Ting was silent I can't say. I don't know what kind of trouble it will cause.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Jiang Ting whispered: "I have seen him, and the planet is indeed blocked by me, but the Shura clan has not found his whereabouts, and I have not seen him since he left."

After that, Jiang Ting added: "however, in my opinion, you should not have died. After all, the Shura people have never found his trace. He should have been hiding somewhere. If there is no accident, he later hid in the kingdom of God in a remote place, so he does not know that the outside world has been controlled by the human race. If he knows, how can he not show up?"

"Is it?"

Ask fall, Emperor Yan suddenly smile: "the moon spirit walked through eight galaxies, that eight galaxies, every inch of starry sky, every piece of earth, she personally set foot, how have not found?"

Moon spirit? I don't know But listen to the meaning of Emperor Yan, the moon spirit is looking for him, plus the word of the moon Maybe, it's a powerful person in the magic Moon Palace.

Just now Jiang Ting didn't know whether to be distressed or happy.

Happily, the moon spirit went all over eight galaxies to search for his trace, and he was not alone in Jiangting!

What's troubling is, what should we do next?

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