In the face of Jiang Ting's silence, di Yan is not worried, just waiting for the answer.

I don't know how long later.

Jiang Ting, who had been silent, shook his head slightly: "I really didn't kill him."

He finally made a choice He doesn't want to try uncertain choices, he prefers to believe in himself He decided to die and die!

Although it is almost certain that language will capture the meaning of time and space, it still has a lot of vitality. As long as he returns to the real human body before the pursuit, all the danger will be relieved.

It's troublesome, but it's not out of the question. It's dangerous, but life and death are in your own hands Moreover, the intention of time and space to him doesn't mean that Jiang Ting is really dead. It's not as dangerous as he thought.

Emperor Yan's calm disappears, eyes slightly cold: "where is he?"

"If I kill him, why don't I leave the stars?"

At the end of the speech, Jiang Ting didn't show half fear: "I really got the meaning of time and space, but it was just a temporary capture. On the contrary, in exchange, I helped him escape from the three Dou stars, but I didn't know the countless shuras who chased him. I always thought Jiang Ting was forbidden above the three Dou stars, and I didn't give up searching for them."

The brow of Emperor Yan suddenly a wrinkly.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "I really don't know where he is now. The meaning of time and space is not something I can forcibly seize. I just exchange it with him. He gives me the meaning of time and space as a price, and I help him escape Although I don't know what the battlefield is like outside, I think that all the eight galaxies captured by the Shura are under the control of the Terran? "

Di Yan did not answer.

Jiang Ting didn't care, but said with a smile: "I don't believe you haven't captured some Shura to press for information I don't know about other places, but there are a lot of shuras who know that I've blocked the space of sandiaoxing. I've blocked the space of sandiaoxing for ten years, but Jiangting hasn't been found by Shura people. Because he's not in sandiaoxing for a long time, he's gone to other places to escape. "

Emperor Yan's brow is more wrinkled He was not sure whether Jiang Ting's words were true or false.

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "I'm afraid I will die now In that case, why should I bother to lie? "

When Emperor Yan hears the speech, he takes a deep look at Jiang ting and then turns to leave Maybe I believe it, or maybe I don't believe it. No one knows.

Jiang Ting's mood is slightly relaxed. It doesn't matter whether Di Yan believes it or not. What he wants is just to fight for some time You may not be able to move freely at the border, but if you go to Dragon Star, the situation should be different.

………… ..

border, starry sky.

After leaving the prison, di Yan came directly to the starry sky and gazed at the territory of the Shura people.

At the moment, the starry sky in his sight was full of blood. He could see countless corpses at a glance There are both Shura and Terran, but in general, the majority of them are Shura, and there are not many human corpses.

Blood color, filled with the starry sky, almost no life.

I don't know how long later.

A body shape close: "Emperor Yan God King."

He has a pretty face, but his clothes are as ragged as a beggar It's not sword evil, who is it.

Emperor Yan said softly: "sword evil, you escort Aojiang to shenglongxing."

Sword evil's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled: "he is in Fulong iron prison, and his strength is suppressed by 90%. Why let me go?"

"You are in the process of training your mind at the moment. You should not be held responsible."

After a pause, di Yan shook his head slightly: "it's just that there are some other changes in the situation Aojiang this dragon's talent is extraordinary, if let him escort at will, I'm afraid will be deceived by the dragon family. "

Sword evil brow more frown: "what meaning?"

"The meaning of time and space of Jiang Ting is in his dragon soul, and the meaning of time and space is not unstable."

Without waiting for an answer, di Yan's eyes were slightly cold: "if ordinary people were to be escorted, because of the meaning of time and space, even if the dragon people were executed, it would be just a unknown dragon to deceive. The only way to do this is to let you go."

Sword evil slightly shook his head: "there are many dragon gods. Under the rules, I don't think I can see through them."

"After all, it's just the enmity between life and death under the God King. If not, I don't mind going to the holy Dragon Star in person."

At the end of the speech, di Yan looked at the starry sky again: "your identity is different. If you go there in person, the dragon people will know the attitude of our people, and they won't try to confuse fish with pearls As for the border, although it's only half a year, our Terran raids, and the Shura are unprepared. The war situation is stable, and you don't need to be so arrogant to attack and kill in the starry sky. "

"Yes." When the words fall, the body of sword evil disappears.

There seems to be something special about the identity of sword evil in the mouth of Emperor Yan However, I'm afraid not many people know about it.

And di Yan, not anxious to leave, but continue to wait quietly.About half an hour later.

"Big fool, when are you looking for me so badly?" With some tired voice, a beautiful shadow appears quietly It's not God. Who is the moon spirit.

The calm indifference of Emperor Yan's face disappeared in an instant, and turned to show some simple and honest: "Jiang Ting may not be among the eight galaxies, you don't have to continue to look for it."

The eyes of the moon work properly slightly one coagulate: "you, serious?"

Diyan is still honest: "I am in Aojiang It's the nihilistic Thunder Dragon that senses the meaning of time and space. "

Yue Ling's eyes were cold in an instant: "he killed Jiang Ting?"

"I don't know, but the possibility should not be high."

At the end of the speech, di Yan shook his head: "he said that he got the meaning of time and space from Jiang Ting by means of exchange, and Jiang Ting had already left the so-called three Dou star, but the Shura clan was deceived by Aojiang, so he had been searching for his Shura in the three Dou star all the time. As for Jiang Ting, he was afraid that he did not know where to hide for a long time."

Yueling's face did not slow down.

Di Yan continued to shake his head: "just eight galaxies are not big. If Jiang Ting is not dead, he can't still be in these eight galaxies. At this moment, our Terran border formation has begun to move forward. If he is still there, he would have appeared by himself, or you might have noticed that the only explanation is that he has already gone deeper in order to avoid danger."

Without waiting for an answer, di Yan whispered: "if he dies, it's useless to continue searching. If he doesn't die, he will continue to hide The Terran has a great advantage in this surprise attack. Next, we can't say that he can capture many galaxies from the territory of the Shura. If he gets the news, he will try to get close to it. If he doesn't die, he will show up naturally. Why continue to look for it? With his mind, you don't have to worry about it. "

"That girl's mind is on Dan Heng. Jiang Ting is his only disciple It's no use continuing to search. " Speaking of the end, Yue Ling shakes his head slightly, obviously giving up the search.

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