Jiang Ting noticed that the dragon blood in his body began to become rich after he entered the black dust Valley Intuition tells him that if he doesn't leave here, after ten years, his blood can't be more than 30%!

Blood is too strong, other benefits Jiangting don't know, but he knows, he changed back to the Terran real body difficulty will rise!

Aoli whispered: "Aojiang, this black dust Valley is a good place for the dragon people. If you enter here, your blood will be stable and strong. Although it is promoted very slowly, it can only be increased by 10% at most, but it's not a waste of time for you to stay here for a while. Don't let the Dragon Emperor down."

Jiang Ting forced out a smile: "well, I know."

What can he say Although the place is good, he is not happy now.

Aoli did not continue to respond, but gently waved, took out a piece of unknown metal of fist size that Jiangting did not know, and then threw it out.

"Boom..." As soon as the metal left, Aoli's dragon claw rose against the wind Oh, no, it should be rising against the sea, but it turns into a cage covering the black dust Valley in an instant?

"Although the sword evil may not be able to attack you, he can't attack you in the air because of the existence of this thing."

At the end of the speech, Ao Li whispered again: "this is given to me by the Dragon Emperor in private. You can't go in or out. If you don't have an accident, don't leave to avoid being seen by him."

Then Aoli turned his head and looked at jianxie: "this cage is the most precious treasure. He can't escape. If you like, just stare. I'll leave first."

Voice down, Ao Li extremely simply left, without hesitation Obviously, he took care of Jiang Ting like this, and even put a cage where he could get out and not get in. It was not a good friendship with Jiang Ting, but simply because of the order of the Dragon Emperor.

After all, when we meet for the first time, there is no friendship.

Looking at the sword evil and staring at the cage for a while, I don't know if I can see the trick of the cage. Then I sit on the bottom of the sea and slowly close my eyes. I can't know whether I'm practicing or just closing my eyes.

Jiang Ting turns the dragon head and glances at the black dust on the surface of the black dust valley. His intuition tells him that the reason why his dragon blood is improved is probably because of the strange black dust or the strange terrain of the black dust valley.

I intend to destroy this place But through the valley, I took a look at the clear outline of the dragon god palace that could be seen thousands of miles away, and finally gave up.

His face showed some helplessness Ao Liyan can only improve 10% at most, but it's other dragon people, not Jiangting He has just been trapped by Fulong iron, and his blood is concentrated. Now he is stimulated by black dust valley. His blood must be improved by more than 10%!

Although it's good here, why didn't the Dragon Emperor ask him first

"Trouble, I just hope I can leave here earlier. Otherwise, things will get worse and worse." He sighed, then Jiang Ting shook his head slightly, and the dragon body fell quietly on the bottom of the sea, lying on the ground.

He doesn't really like to hover around Maybe it's because he is still human in essence. When people rest, where do they put their bodies together?

Even if you want to, you have to be able to do it.

Or, according to Jiang Ting, snakes like to coil their bodies around?

The black dust Valley is not small. Even if Jiangting stretches out, the black dust Valley appears empty. In addition, it is filled with sea water. Jiangting's dragon body is not completely attached to the ground, but slightly away from the ground. Strictly speaking, his body should be floating in the sea water.

Time goes by slowly. In a twinkling of an eye, about half a month goes by.

During this period, the black dust Valley is quiet, sword evil has been guarding outside the black dust valley without saying a word, while Jiang Ting is still in the black dust valley.

Let's go for a second.

"Wow..." With the sound of sea water flowing, a dragon slowly approached from the direction of dragon god palace.

Sword evil opens his eyes like lightning, and just sees a nearly silvery dragon approaching He immediately recognized that there was no Thunder Dragon!

In a flash, jianxie suddenly turns to look into the black dust valley. It's good to see Jiangting slowly open his eyes.

The sword evil shows a little doubt Then he quickly came back to realize that although the dragon's nihilistic Thunder Dragon is extremely rare, there are only two single children, but the nihilistic Thunder Dragon is not only Jiangting Aojiang is not the only one.

It's obviously another one.

It's no wonder that jianxie just misunderstood and mistakenly thought that the nihilistic Thunder Dragon nearby was Jiangting. If you don't feel the breath, the Terran can't distinguish two dragons of the same race.

If Jiang Ting can't transform a dragon, if he can't feel the breath, he can't tell the difference between two dragons of the same race. It's all about perceiving the breath to find out the identity between different races.

But just now the sword evil suddenly sees the nihilistic Thunder Dragon, the subconscious hasn't had time to feel the breath, so it almost misunderstands.

When the nihilistic Thunder Dragon comes near the black dust valley.Sword evil immediately embraces Fist: "must you be elder Ao Qiyu?"

Ao Qiyu nodded slightly: "you are the evil of sword."

Another nihilistic Thunder Dragon is Ao Qiyu.

Sword evil revealed to explore: "I do not know you are here?"

He was not too afraid of Ao Qiyu Ao Qiyu is just a level 9 God, although the nihilistic Thunder Dragon is very powerful because it controls space and thunder at the same time.

But who is sword evil? He is also a nine level God! Really fight, he has great confidence to defeat Ao Qiyu, so he is not worried.

Ao Qiyu tilted his head slightly: "can't you have a chat with Jiang Ting?"

“…… "Sword evil eyebrow immediately a wrinkly, but still nod:" from is can. "

The real prisoners can still be allowed to visit the prison. In the eyes of the Terran, Jiangting is not a criminal dragon. Jianxie has no doubt about it. If it wasn't for him to escort and guard this trip, the dragon clan would never have locked Jiangting up!

And then, what if it's locked up?

His sword evil is not an ordinary person, he is the pride of the Ninth level God, and is about to be promoted to the king of God!

Even though separated from the prison, he can still feel that the River Court atmosphere in the black dust Valley is slowly rising The speed of improvement is very slow, but it's really improving!

Obviously, the place given by the dragon people is not a cage at all, but a treasure land!

It's just that he's a human after all. It's extremely difficult to force the Dragon Emperor to agree to set a name for imprisonment. If it wasn't for his master, he was I'm afraid the Dragon Emperor was infuriated before, but he couldn't put it out by stabbing himself.

Therefore, he would not be foolish enough to tell whether the place where he was accused was a cage or not He just needs to make sure that Jiang Ting can't escape.

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