Jiang Ting clearly remembers that if he wants to become a ghost family, he needs to go through the road of reincarnation first, so he will suddenly thank the ghost emperor.

At the same time, he was a little curious. The living creatures who had gone through the path of reincarnation could gather the immortal mark of the real spirit. What should the dead get when they went through it?

However, it may not be, or it may simply be transformed into the ghost clan, or it may be the qualification of reincarnation.

He still remembers that the ghost emperor once said that the soul of the dead would be much easier on the road of reincarnation. Jiang Ting didn't know how much easier it was, but he knew that with Yunxi's strength and temperament, and with the terror of the road of reincarnation, it was almost impossible for her to walk out of the road of reincarnation.

It is because of the understanding that Jiang Ting would sincerely thank you.

But the ghost emperor was obviously ungrateful: "it's just a plot."

After that, the ghost emperor looked at the channel of reincarnation: "you in the Ninth level God's realm are strong enough to temporarily remove the meaning of time and space from your body. What you have to do now is to control the meaning of time and space to enter the channel of reincarnation. Except for that, you don't need to do anything."

"Good." Jiang Ting slightly exhaled in response.

Although some distressed, some reluctant Well, it's not some. It's extremely distressed and reluctant. However, Jiang Ting still knows the difference between the heavy and the heavy. Sitting on the ground, he begins to communicate the meaning of time and space.

The meaning of time and space is not a ownerless thing. It belongs to the GUI nationality and is controlled by the ghost emperor. He has borrowed it for so many years, and now it is just the return of the thing to its original owner.

With the flow and control of Jiang Ting's divine power, maybe it's really because of different realms that the meaning of time and space that never left him before began to tremble slightly, and then slowly left his spirit and began to leave his body at an extremely slow speed.

Just, very slow, very slow!

Slowly, Jiang Ting doubted that even if he drained all the power of the Ninth level God, the meaning of time and space could not completely leave his spirit.

Just moving, how can it be so much larger than the consumption of his control of time and space?

"The king of God is not ordinary. I'll help you." The ghost emperor's slow voice suddenly rang out.

Then, Jiang Ting suddenly felt that a pair of warm palms were against his back. If he didn't feel the temperature, he couldn't even react!

After that, a terrible force suddenly entered his body along the palm of his hand. The force Unlike the divine power, he can feel that the power is full of withering, full of death, as if it is the end of everything.

Without waiting for him to feel it carefully, with that power coming into his body, the meaning of time and space, which was still moving very slowly, trembled slightly, and then quickly began to absorb it, which made the speed soar countless. In less than half a breath, the meaning of time and space left Jiang Ting's spirit, left his body, and appeared in front of him.

Jiang Ting looked at his eyes and said, "is this the meaning of time and space?"

The meaning of time and space in the sight has no substance, only a wave Well, it's really just a wave. Besides, it's invisible.

As for the state of fluctuation, Jiang Ting has seen it many times The fluctuation among the three obsessions was the fluctuation he saw at the moment. The only difference was that there was only a very rare wisp of obsession, while in Jiang Ting's eyes, it was quite huge.

After Jiang Ting, the ghost emperor hummed: "control the time and space and enter the path of reincarnation."

"Good." Jiang Ting suddenly regained his mind. Although he was slightly unwilling, he still controlled time and space with his mind and headed for the road of reincarnation.

If he was alone, he would not be able to reach the path of reincarnation without ten days and a half months of time and space, but with the help of the ghost emperor at the moment, it was different.

Because of the huge power, the meaning of time and space flashed slightly, then poured into the vortex and disappeared.

The ghost emperor immediately took back his hand, and his whole body was covered with black fog again, staring at the road of reincarnation: "finally got it back.."

obviously, the ghost emperor had scattered the black fog all over his body before, but it was a pity that Jiang Ting could not see it, let alone see what the ghost emperor really looked like.

he also did not care about the true nature of the ghost emperor, but also looked at the way of reincarnation. He could feel that after the passage of time and space entered the road of reincarnation, his connection with him was weakening at an extremely frightening speed, and the essence of the tide was also consuming at the most frightening speed.

perhaps up to half a quarter of an hour, the essence of the tide will disappear completely, and his connection with the meaning of time and space will disappear completely, and the meaning of time and space will not belong to him.

It's time to go.

"Boom..." The terrible explosion suddenly began to break out.

The earth is shaking.

Not an adjective, but a fact!

Jiang Ting clearly saw that the gray world of the nether world was beginning to crack, and the earth under his feet was rapidly splitting, and the mountains and peaks in the far distance were rapidly collapsing.

It's like the end of the world.

Is this the change after the return of the meaning of time and space?

"What's the matter?" The ghost emperor suddenly lost his voice and fell into a whirlpool with a flash.Jiang Ting saw this and frowned quietly Like the ghost Emperor didn't expect such a change?

But soon, Jiang Ting put down his mind and ignored The meaning of time and space has returned to the channel of reincarnation. From today on, that thing does not belong to him. Why care.

Because Jiang Ting's strength is extraordinary, even if the sky falls apart, he will not be affected for the time being, but those dead souls who have no consciousness are in bad luck.

Originally, they all approached the road of reincarnation one by one with a wooden initiative, but at this moment, the road of reincarnation suddenly gave birth to a huge suction, and countless souls were actively engulfed by the vortex under that suction.

I don't know whether I fell into samsara or other changes.

About ten minutes later.

"Damn it With an angry murmur, the ghost emperor came back from the whirlpool with a little evil spirit Most importantly, he brought the meaning of time and space out of the path of reincarnation.

Also because of the return of the ghost emperor, the scene of heaven falling apart disappeared, and the calm just recovered again. The active suction of the reincarnation road also disappeared. Everything seems to have not changed.

Only some cracks on the ground that do not know how far away they are spreading seem to be telling something.

Without waiting for Jiang Ting's reaction, the meaning of time and space brought out by the ghost emperor seems to be to perceive his existence, send out some ripples, and then disappear from the hands of the ghost emperor. When he reappears, he has returned to the spirit of Jiang ting.

With the return of the meaning of time and space, the weakened connection began to recover rapidly, and soon returned to the previous situation.

the only pity is that the essence of the tide has disappeared, and maybe one or two times, the essence of the tide will disappear completely.

What's going on? Endless doubts arose in Jiang Ting's mood.

And the ghost emperor stares at Jiang Ting Even with the black fog blocking, Jiang Ting also felt a touch of depression, a touch of anger from the ghost emperor.

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