Facing Chai Ying's question, Jiang Ting answered without hesitation He didn't lie. He really didn't know the secret of the paw. Otherwise, he would not have taken it out for observation at the moment.

Chai Ying observed carefully for a while and then whispered, "I've never seen this before If brother Jiang wants to, I can summon huizongmen. Please look at the classics of huizongmen. Maybe you can find some sources. "

"Thank you." Jiang Ting suddenly showed his awe.

He didn't want to Now, he is not a weak man. If he wants to make a decision, everyone, except the God King, needs to carefully weigh whether he has that ability or not.

No matter what the paw is, he can keep it. Naturally, he doesn't care that if the paw is very precious, it will lead to crisis after it is leaked.

Chai Ying smiles and turns back to the other garden: "I'm going to summon you now."

"Headache." With a whisper, Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly. Instead of thinking about why Chai Ying is so enthusiastic, he starts to study his paws again.

Idle is also idle. If you study more, you may know what the claw is for.


In a twinkling of an eye, January passed quietly.

This month, Jiang Ting has been studying the paw in the other garden, but unfortunately, he has no clue. After reaching his hand, huolieyu has no change. He finds that it is difficult for him to destroy the paw, and he has nothing else to gain.

As for Chai Ying, there is no news for the moment, or maybe the relationship between them suddenly becomes delicate. She seldom leaves the room, while Jiang Ting is all in the courtyard of another garden.

As for Han Ye After Jiang Ting began to study claws, he didn't pay attention to it for a long time. It's a secret place, and he can't fight. There's no need to pay attention to it.

Time, a few days later.

"Creak..." With the door of the other garden suddenly opened, Chai Ying walked out of the room.

Jiang Ting said in an instant: "Miss Chai, but there is news from the magic Moon Palace."

"The younger martial sisters didn't find it. According to them, maybe the records related to it are in a deeper secret. They don't have the right to read it. When they leave here, I'll go and have a look myself."

After a pause, Chai Ying showed a smile: "just now the palace master suddenly sent a message through her heart. The discussion between her and other elders has come to an end. When she learns that brother Jiang wants to meet her face to face, let me take brother Jiang."

"Thank you, girl." Jiang Ting immediately got up, feeling slightly happy.

After all, claws are just a little treasure, and the most important thing is to see the God of the moon.

If we can make him understand why he didn't make any progress, he will be able to solve it pertinently, which is related to the next cultivation, which is the most important thing.

Chai Ying naturally won't refuse at the moment, and takes the lead to turn around and leave the other garden.

As soon as they leave, the other garden where Han Ye lives opens up, and Han Ye directly follows them with a smile Obviously, Han Ye has been paying attention to other gardens.

Jiang Ting takes a glance and doesn't care. He follows Chai Ying and approaches the center of the city quickly.

Because of their extremely fast speed, they arrived at the center of the city in less than half an hour, and then stopped in front of the most central residence. The residence was not luxurious, but full of incomprehensible pressure.

Jiang Ting has been here before, but he has never been inside. According to the information he got when he strolled, this is the center of the secret place.

Many of the breath of the God King in it has long been known to Jiang Ting, and they are in the mansion in front of them.

After arriving here, they went directly into the mansion.

Han Ye shows his figure, looks at their backs, ponders for a while, shakes his head slightly, and then turns to leave If he can enter here, he naturally knows what the mansion stands for.

He can get in, but unnecessary.

In contrast, Jiang ting and Chai Ying, under the guidance of Chai Ying, constantly walk through the mansion.

There were no servants or maids in this huge mansion, and they didn't meet anyone when they passed by. It was cold and frightening.

If Jiang Ting could not sense a lot of breath, he might mistakenly think that there was no one in this huge mansion.

Seven twists and eight twists and turns for a long time.

Chai Ying stops at the door of an attic.

"Ding..." Like a spring, the melody is spreading among the attics.

Only when they are close to the attic can they hear the Qin sound. With Jiang Ting's strength, it is easy to find that there is a prohibition around the attic to isolate the sound. The Qin sound can't leave the prohibition outside the attic. If they are not close to the attic, they can't hear the Qin sound.

It was originally an adjective, but at this moment, because of prohibition, it has become a de facto description.

With that prohibition, Jiang Ting had no doubt that as long as the magic moon god king was willing, it was common for the piano to ring the beam for 30 days.

Chai Ying whispered: "brother Jiang, the master of the palace is playing the piano. We don't want to disturb him now. Let's wait."Jiang Ting nodded gently. He was not Dan Heng. The magic moon god could not stop playing the piano because of his arrival Then he looked into the attic, puzzled.

The attic is not luxurious, ordinary decoration, ordinary height, everything reveals the ordinary word, the only unusual maybe is the piano sound.

He wondered, is the magic moon god king like to play the piano?

Jiang Ting recalled that every time he saw the magic moon god, she seemed to be playing the piano. She had been playing the piano for a long time. I'm afraid it's not just like playing the piano.

But In a moment of thinking, Jiang Ting was not thinking about whether he really liked it or something else. What had to do with him? He was just a nine level God. It was not good to intervene in the private affairs of the God King.

Although the magic moon god king wants to see him because of Dan Heng, it's only because of Dan Heng. If he doesn't know how to advance or retreat, sooner or later there will be disaster.

This is about half an hour.

"Ding..." With some low music, the sound of the piano slowly dispersed.

A song ends in the end.

Jiang Ting didn't recognize the meaning of the Qin sound, but felt that it was quite pleasant He didn't practice the way of temperament, and he knew that the player was the God King, so he didn't have the courage to sink his mind into the music to feel it, so he could only hear so much.

Generally speaking, it's pleasant, very pleasant. I don't know where it is.

After about three breaths.

"What's the matter?" With whispering, the moon god King appeared on the second floor of the attic Well, they were not allowed to go up.

Chai Ying responded instantly: "palace master, when he was in the sect before, the Deputy palace Master said that brother Jiang was dead in the nether world, so he asked his disciples to bring brother Jiang to meet the palace master."

"You Ming dead Qi..." The magic moon god King focused his eyes on Jiang ting.

In other words, from the beginning, the vision of the magic moon god king was on Jiang ting. If not the difference, it was just the difference between serious and not serious.

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