Aware of the arrival of a new day, although I don't understand why the road of refining my mind has not come, and even so calm Jiang Ting, however, left the courtyard with his chair in his arms, ready to open the door for a new day.


As the door opened, the noise rushed into Jiangting's eardrum. Fortunately, he had expected it and ignored it.

Glancing at the busy street, Jiang Ting goes back to the depth of the hall and starts to be bored, but it can only be a boring day.

Soon, the sun was burning.

"Step on..." In a series of rather slight footsteps, a middle-aged man with a rather philistine face entered the shop, and some of his body was fat.

Jiang Ting, who was already bored, immediately got up: "welcome, what do you want to buy?"

Although the middle-aged man is only a God However, since he wants to integrate into the world of mortals, he naturally needs to have the attitude he should have when integrating into the world of mortals.

The middle-aged man looked at Jiang ting with a touch of surprise, and then he quickly regained his mind: "Lao Qin, he really transferred the shop What's your address? I'm in the third shop on the street ahead. Just call me Lao Wang. "

Jiang Ting blinked his eyes, then slightly clasped: "in the next Jiang ting."

"Jiang Ting..."

After pondering for a while, the old Wang was sure that he had never heard of it. Then he looked up and said, "brother Jiangting, since you have taken over Lao Qin's shop Well, I'm not hiding it from you. It's like this. I had an agreement with him before to provide Blackstone for me once a month. Do you see? "

Blackstone In fact, they are ordinary things. In the early stage, the alchemist's realm was too low to bear the burden of alchemy for a long time, so he would use the flame of foreign things to refine, which can greatly reduce his own pressure.

Some people pull the fire from the ground, some people set up a large array to gather the intense sunlight and turn it into a hot fire, others choose to live in Blackstone.

In contrast, Blackstone is the most important thing for annual leave At least, Jiang Ting has never used Blackstone.

Jiang Ting was flattered: "manager Wang, you take care of my business. How dare Jiang refuse? I don't know how much each month?"

The middle-aged man who claimed to be Lao Wang replied without thinking: "as before, one hundred Dan black market, ten God stone."

Jiang Ting nodded gently: "good."

The price of Blackstone is not high. The stone with ten gods and one hundred burdens Well, Jiang Ting's profits are not high, but at least he has not lost money.

Lao Wang immediately showed a smile: "then I'll leave. I'll come back in three days."

After that, he directly turned to leave, and did not stay.

"It's a good start at last." With a whisper, Jiang Ting returned to his chair, showing a deep decadent posture.

It's nearly two days since the opening of the store. The only customer is left by the previous owner I'm afraid it's a long way to go to integrate into the city.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ting raised his head again: "I haven't felt anything. I can't wait for it. In case the road of refining my mind doesn't come Integrating into the world of mortals, is my attitude still not enough at the moment? "

These two days, Jiang Ting seems bored. Although he seems to be whining, in fact, his mood has been thinking.

Just after the old Wang left, Jiang Ting suddenly had an idea Now that he is a shop keeper, he should have the appearance of opening a shop.

Worry about livelihood and cultivation resources.

Maybe he is too casual these two days After all, he knows that he's just trying to train his mind, not really opening a shop.

He seems to be integrating into the world of mortals at the moment, but in fact, his mood has always been too quiet, and he thinks that he is the same as the people in this city.

Maybe it's because of the problem of mentality, so the road of refining the mind has not come?

Whether this is the case, Jiang Ting is not sure But because of the arrival of Lao Wang, he is ready to change his mind.

Waiting is not the way!

When night falls and he has a short rest, he will go to the city to take the initiative to have a look and buy some cheap and high-quality goods to fill the grocery store at the moment. Next, he will devote all his efforts to earn God's stone. In this way, surely the road of mind training will come?


almost no living beings arrive, the nether world.

Ghost emperor countless years like a day, quietly watching sitting on the throne, looking at reincarnation channel, countless souls without any consciousness into reincarnation.

I don't know how long later.

The bone jade of the powerful ghost family is close without sound.

Ghost emperor still quietly looking at the channel: "how is the plan going?"

Gu Yu immediately replied: "the four Terran formations are connected. If I continue to spy, it's easy to expose However, I can see that the waste discharged by the underworld is condensed into a message and sent back to the underworld. I think it is a failure. "

The ghost emperor finally turned his eyes away from the channel: "failed The emperor remembers that it seems that the underworld sent by the underworld is the most good at hiding, isn't itGu Yu nodded directly: "that's true."

"It's interesting..."

With a whisper, the corner of the ghost emperor's mouth rose slowly: "if you don't know about the underworld, Jiangting should be unable to see through the concealment and interception of the underworld, but they failed . things are more and more interesting. "

Gu Yu's face remained unchanged: "maybe it's because of the connection of the Terran array, and the four sides of the array are united. The Terran may take the initiative to launch a war against the surrounding areas. Under the array, it's common that the underworld can't hide."

After a pause, Gu Yu showed some exploration: "the Terran array is open. Unless the underworld choose to appear on a large scale, I'm afraid they can't sneak into the Terran territory to assassinate Jiang ting. Do you need my help? If you take the nether world as the transit place, as long as the ghosts pretend not to know, it is not difficult for the netherworld to step into the territory of the human race by avoiding the formation of the human race

When the ghost emperor heard the speech, his original playful appearance disappeared in an instant, and the black fog was boiling all over his body. A cold light came out of his eyes through the black fog, which made him depressed in an instant.

Seeing this, Gu Yu quickly bowed her head: "I will pay more attention to my subordinates' knowledge of sin, and never let the underworld set foot in the netherworld!"

When the ghost emperor heard the words, the cold light in his eyes disappeared, and then he spoke slowly: "after so many years of recuperation, the strength of the Ming people must have recovered a lot The underworld people are sure to get the meaning of time and space. They realize that they can't do things in secret, and they will choose to take it in the front. It's just time for the emperor to see how the strength of the underworld people has recovered. "

Gu Yu said quickly: "Your Majesty's move can not only explore the specific strength of the underworld, but also make many conflicts between the underworld and the divine realm. It can be said that it can kill many birds with one stone, and I admire it."

If Jiang Ting is still here, he will be extremely surprised Bone jade, no matter what, is also the existence of the realm of God King. Yes, God King!

But as the king of God, bone jade seems to be in front of the ghost emperor, without the dignity of the strong and even pride!

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