In the face of Zhao Wen's response, Zhao Guang hesitated first and then showed a little annoyance He was in love with the thirty sacred stones! They didn't lie before. They really had only 37 sacred stones. Now they sent out 30, and they became poor in an instant.

Zhao Wen's face is changing The reason why they admitted counseling before was that they were frightened by the intention of killing. But now their mind is back to normal. It's too shameful to say that they were so afraid of a god of the same level.


But thinking of Jiang Ting's cold appearance and his vigilance, Zhao Wen was afraid again If the human bones in the sea of blood are the mortals slaughtered, what about the bones he doesn't know? Are the skeletons of monsters, which are often tens of feet or even hundreds of feet, also ordinary animals?

How can it be!

Take revenge seriously He didn't dare.

Although they are scoundrels, they are also somewhat clever. If not, how can they still live safely in the city where the strongest is the second level God in the realm of the first level God?

Although they went to hang Blacksmith Zhang before, in fact, they just kept delaying the final payment and never said they would not pay. Moreover, they also estimated that there were only 30 sacred stones. Blacksmith Zhang did not necessarily want to fight with the two scoundrels, but he did not expect that Jiang Ting would emerge.

Zhao Guang and so on some not bad annoyance: "elder brother, you pour is to say a word."

When Zhao Wen heard the speech, he was silent for a while and whispered: "I'm afraid that guy is not a simple person. Since he is in the north of the city, we don't want to go to the north of the city in the future."

Zhao Guang showed some reluctance: "that's it? No matter how simple he is, he is just a first-class God like us. If we ask a few good friends to clean him up, we can't catch him by hand! "

"Of course not..."

After a pause, Zhao Wen's eyes narrowed slightly, showing some light of name and hatred: "but we don't know the truth of that guy. What should we do if we fall into it? Don't trouble him Wait for the chance, only wait for the chance, kill him at one stroke

"Listen to you."


on the other side.

Jiang Ting has already returned to the blacksmith's shop with 30 sacred stones. He doesn't know what Zhao brothers think, but even if he does, he won't care too much.

Unless there are other accidents, there are really few people who can beat him in this summer jade city with his strength, but he never shows his mountain and water.

One by one, the big men who were still beating iron immediately called out: "brother Jiang."

Jiang Ting also responded to them one by one.

Blacksmith Zhang approached directly: "brother Jiang, what did the two scoundrels say? Did you do it? If they dare, I'll go to them myself! "

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "it's not necessary. They gave me the final payment. There are thirty sacred stones in all. Take a look at Blacksmith Zhang."

After that, he took out the stone from Zhao brothers.

When Blacksmith Zhang saw this, he looked a little stunned, and the rest of the big men who were still making iron also turned their heads to show their consternation Got it?

If the Zhao brothers are ordinary people, they have nothing to do with it. After all, it's the last money and it's natural to get it.

But the Zhao brothers are rogues!

Before the Zhao brothers didn't finish the money, they went to the west side of the city to inquire about it. They were two extremely famous scoundrels. They didn't know how many shops they had dug up. It was said that they had an unknown relationship with a confidant in the Lord's mansion, so no one had any idea about the Zhao brothers all the time.

as a result, Jiang Ting still got it? Look at the light clouds around you, it seems that you didn't start?

If it wasn't for the Zhao brothers' delay in giving money before, or if they hadn't inquired about it, they would have mistakenly thought that the rumor was wrong, and the Zhao brothers were not rogues.

Then Blacksmith Zhang took the lead in thinking back: "brother Jiang, did they make trouble?"

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "at first, they didn't want to, but I told them very carefully that if you didn't give them money, Blacksmith Zhang, you would ask them for it personally. At that time, with the strength of your second level God, even the city Lord's house couldn't protect him. Under half threat and half persuasion, they agreed."

Although Blacksmith Zhang still didn't believe it, he couldn't think of other possibilities

Therefore, he could only shake his head slightly and believe it. Then he took out the fifteen God stones: "brother Jiang, what you said before, if you take it back, half will be yours."

"This..." Jiang Ting hesitated.

Blacksmith Zhang showed displeasure: "there is nothing to say. Now that I have said it, can I still violate my promise?"

Jiang Ting smiles and refuses. He puts away the 15 sacred stones Although he doesn't have many sacred stones, he just doesn't buy other things. It doesn't make any difference for him whether there are sacred stones or not.


Time flies like flies.

In a twinkling of an eye, five years passed slowly, and there was an undercurrent surging in the divine realm. Unfortunately, Jiang Ting, who had closed all the news, didn't know exactly how. He could only guess and confirm that the divine realm would not be calm in the past five years.Xiayucheng is still that xiayucheng. Although it has been five years, it is still like yesterday for the people of xiayucheng.

Jiang Ting also stayed in xiayucheng for more than five years, but these five years were not peaceful.

Jiangting bought it. It's in the back hall and courtyard of the shop that has been closed for a long time.


With a low roar, Jiang Ting suddenly got up, forehead, emerge countless cold sweat.

He had another nightmare.

or, as like as two peas, he has been sitting in nightmares, stereotyped and identical nightmares over the past five years.

Although he is only a God, he doesn't need to rest and sleep, but The blacksmith's work is not easy. There are twelve hours in the day and night for a day.

He had to work in the blacksmith's shop for eight hours, leaving only four hours to rest.

At the moment, he is just a God. Under the high-intensity work, he will be extremely tired from time to time. When he has a rest, he will fall asleep quietly.

And over the past five years As long as he falls asleep, he will surely dream that a dragon clan that he still can't know is manifested in his dream, and the dragon clan tries to swallow him.

It's not that he didn't want to fight back in his dream, or let the Dragon devour it to see what other changes there were.

Unfortunately Can't do it, in the dream, he is powerless, in the face of the attack of the dragon, he can't fight back, and then, before he is swallowed, he will wake up, and there is no other possibility.

Maybe it's because of too many nightmares. Jiang Ting is getting used to it. It seems that at this moment, when he wakes up, he looks at the sky, gets up, leaves the courtyard and walks slowly towards the blacksmith's shop.

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