In the face of Tian An's surprise, Jiang Ting is not interested in explaining. Instead, he gently clicks his feet and leaves the spot with a twinkle. When he reappears, he is already on the side of a second-class God guard.

"Damn it! How can a God be so fast The second level God guards the pupil to the extreme.

However, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "why struggle? With the ability of your second level God, it just broke out. Now, the divine power in your body should be in a certain vacuum, and it's hard to control the counterattack So, go with peace of mind, you will die unjustly. "

With the whispers almost heard in the whole battlefield, Jiang Ting's iron sword suddenly burst into cold light, and then quietly crossed the neck of the second level God guard.

The iron sword, which is not sharp, stealthily makes the second level God thin on the spot. His body is crushed by some sword Qi, and his breath dissipates on the spot. He can't die any more.

Tian An's body trembled slightly: "how can it be that Xu Ji's spirit is not broken, how can he die without breath?"

The voice is full of disbelief, obviously unable to accept the fact that a secondary God was killed so simply.

But Jiang Ting glanced at the battlefield full of suspicion, and his eyes suddenly showed a smile: "it's very simple. I just used that sword to crush his spirit and his consciousness He only has the realm of secondary God. His consciousness is destroyed and his spirit is crushed. Therefore, even if his divine personality is not broken, he will die. "

When many guards heard the words, they subconsciously stepped back, and their faces became more and more suspicious.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting's smile is more intense Do you really think he was kind enough to help these people?

You're kidding!

That's a shock!

To kill a second level God at an extremely terrifying speed, before telling the truth to form a deterrent, many guards tried their best to fight. If it lasted for a long time, Jiang Ting would not be able to bear it. But now, Jiang Ting is sure that with the so-called Xu Ji's death, these guards will be more restrained even if they still have the courage to fight, and the threat to him will be greatly reduced.

It's not far away.

Long Hua's eyes become gloomy when he looks at Jiang Ting He didn't expect that he took a lot of hands to ambush Jiangting here. As a result, Jiangting could still fight back. Now it seems that he wants to bring the rhythm of the battlefield into control.

Go on like this I'm afraid he'll be in danger himself!

Thinking of this, Long Hua turned his head: "Blacksmith Zhang, it's your turn to do it!"

Blacksmith Zhang's face suddenly changed . to Jiang Ting?

Not to mention that they are familiar with each other after all. Just after the sudden outbreak of Jiangting, he directly killed a second level God. With such terrible fighting power, he didn't dare to fight.

It's just that Long Hua is watching At the moment, Jiang Ting's situation seems to be getting better, but it's just some.

The number of guards in the Lord's mansion is there!

Besides, as the leader of Xiayu City, Long Hua is also the most powerful man. His reputation is there

After a moment's silence, Blacksmith Zhang bit his teeth: "brother Jiang, I'm sorry."

After that, Blacksmith Zhang clenched his fist and rushed to Jiangting.

Jiang Ting, who has just finished the war, takes his eyes back at a glance He didn't want to attack Blacksmith Zhang very much, but now, the situation is not stable. If Blacksmith Zhang really does it, he won't be merciful next time!

Stupid kindness is the root of death!

The encirclement seems to have taken shape again.

Tian An then directly cold hum: "Blacksmith Zhang, you and I together!"

Tian An, I'm afraid.

Before, he was defeated by Jiang ting in an instant in the martial arts arena. Just now, Jiang Ting killed a secondary God by thunderbolt He knew that if Jiang Ting attacked him, he would not survive.

And Blacksmith Zhang After all, Blacksmith Zhang and Jiang Ting know each other well. Let Blacksmith Zhang attack with him, Tian An can't help feeling safe in his heart.

As for the reason why we don't retreat Even though Tian An knew Jiang Ting's difficulties, he did not know that Jiang Ting could leave alive today.

The first level God, after all, is the first level God. The divine power in his body is limited. How many people can Jiang Ting kill to be buried with him? As long as entangled for a while, the balance of victory will naturally tilt.

When Blacksmith Zhang came near, Tian An drank coldly: "do it!"

"You took the initiative to attack so many times. Is it time for Jiang to take the initiative?" Jiang Ting's voice rang out.

Then Tian An and others see that Jiang Ting turns into a remnant shadow and pours at a secondary God.

Tian An quickly drank: "support quickly!"

The second level God immediately grinned: "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Between words, a shield rises quietly The death of the second level God had already given them a warning, so they had spare energy to guard against accidents.

With the rise of the shield, the second level gods and the first level gods who are closest to him rush to fight.

However, Jiang Ting laughed: "Jiang said at the beginning, how can you not believe it?"As the words fell, Jiang Ting's body became dim Shadow?

No, it's not. The man who defends with the shield instantly finds that it's just an illusion.

If he is only in front of an illusion, where is Jiang Ting's real body?

Thinking of this, the second level God quickly roared: "be careful!"

It's just that his roar is a little eaten.

"Yi" rang out.

Looking at the sound, people happened to see that Jiang Ting appeared behind a secondary God. The iron sword had penetrated it directly. With a touch of sharp artistic conception, the body of the secondary God began to crumble into powder.

That's the sword!

The sword spirit that can obliterate the spirit and consciousness of the secondary God . how can it be controlled by a mere God?

After that, Jiang Ting didn't stop. Then he suddenly swept with his sword and burst out.



"Save Help me... "

With a scream, Jiang Ting's sword, which reversed the direction, took the lives of five first-class gods on the spot.

"Damn it Tian An's body began to shake He found that he completely underestimated the horror and terrifying degree of Jiang Ting!

How long has it been?

It's a long story, but it's only about ten minutes since they made the move. But it's just ten minutes. They died of two second-class gods and five first-class gods!

Apart from Tian An and Longhua, there are only ten second-class gods and more than forty first-class gods in the city Lord's mansion. In just ten breath, one fifth of the second-class gods and more than one tenth of the first-class gods are lost!

How can we fight this?

If we fight a protracted war, can we drag it to Jiang Ting's exhaustion and then win?

Long Hua's cold voice suddenly rang out: "boy, suffer death!"

"Huhu..." The strong air breaking sound sounded, and the neck position of Jiangting also began to get cold.

Xia Yucheng's strongest man, the city leader Long Hua, finally made a move.

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