Scar man's enemy didn't kill him, but let him go, let him live in regret, and often found him to sprinkle salt on the wound.

The scar on his face was made by himself to remember his hatred, not by others.

After finishing the story, the scar man exhaled slightly: "master, can my story enter the master's eyes?"

Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly narrowed when he heard the speech What a strong worldly thought.


According to his division, a thousand earthly thoughts can be used, and a hundred rosary beads can be used. Then the story told by this man brings him thirteen earthly thoughts.

One of them provided more than ten times more than anyone else in the past ten days!

If everyone can tell such a story, he doesn't have to worry about the slow collection of worldly thoughts.

Mood between, Jiang Ting seems to have no intention of general opening: "think, you should always think, if time can come again, you will not be as impulsive as before, right."

"If you can do it again..." After a pause, the scar man shook his head slightly.

When Jiang Ting saw this, his eyes flashed again It seems that worldly thoughts have something to do with people's minds, just as he guessed.

Just like the obsession that has been solved before, it is because the obsession is too big that it triggers the arrival of the fluctuation of the meaning of time and space, and then it turns into the obsession that can let him shuttle to the past.

The so-called worldly thoughts Maybe he was tired of obsession, but not as great as obsession. As for the degree of heartache, he did not comment.

Gayne's obsession to travel through time does not mean how deep the tragedy is, but the obsession in one's heart leads to the arrival of the meaning of time and space. It depends on one's heart, not on the tragic degree of things, but he can't be sure.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and ignored: "this story is really rather bleak. You take the initiative to tell it. I think you want to promote your strength and get the best revenge?"

Scar man clenched his fist slowly: "master Mingjian."

"I'm satisfied with your story."

After a pause, Jiang Ting stretched out his hand slightly: "for such a satisfactory story, it's reasonable for you to choose more treasures. However, the rules can't be broken. After drinking, you go to get the treasure."

"Thank you, master!" Scar man is happy for a moment.

He can't see where he is now. Jiang Ting is very satisfied with his story. He can not only drink, but also go to the shop to get treasure!

Then, without hesitation, the scar man drank the wine in the glass in front of him, which could promote him immediately. After the ban disappeared, he walked towards the shop.

Glancing at the crowd who didn't come forward, Jiang Ting thought about it and said, "at the bottom of the third shelf on the left, there is a green jade bottle. As long as the road ahead is not cut off, it's not difficult to use the pill to cultivate and promote the fourth level God. If you are intelligent, it's not difficult to promote the fifth level God with the pill."

The scarred man who just walked into the shop had a meal, and then he became more and more ecstatic He can't hear it. It's instructing him!

I am very satisfied with his story!

In contrast, Jiang Ting didn't pay attention to it after he finished He didn't lie.

In his shop, the value of the pill is not high, even slightly low It's not that he's digging scar man.

But, no matter how precious treasure, want to play power, all need to rely on strength!

And although the pill is not too precious, but the effect is real, the realm up, all natural also plain sailing.

For a person, the best, not the most expensive treasure, suitable for their own, is the best!

In his shop, the pill is the most suitable for scar man at the moment.

The ignored Jiang Ting looks at the crowd, slowly closes his eyes and begins to wait, hoping that the next storyteller, like scar man, will bring him a lot of worldly thoughts.

It's just that he knows Just think about it. Although the divine realm is not peaceful, there is not so much sadness. It's a surprise to have one.

After the scar man took the pill, he quickly left here, and soon disappeared, until he left without leaving his name.

Jiang Ting waited for a while, but no one told the story. As before, he left a phantom, and then he went back to the shop and entered the backyard.

Sitting in the backyard Pavilion, Jiang Ting began to think again Planning human tragedy.

The arrival of scar man brings him countless inspirations If he had planned a scar man's experience, wouldn't he have gained more worldly thoughts!

The same thing, by his planning out to participate in it and simply listen to the story, get worldly ideas, but completely different!

After thinking for a while, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth rose again: "have a try first Although there's no clue to planning a worldly tragedy, it's OK to play a farce. "

He's going to do something first to see the benefits.After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting tilted his head slightly, then a wisp of blood flashed by, and another "Jiang Ting" emerged.

It's the shadow of blood! He hasn't used the blood shadow separation for a long time, because the realm of the seven level God of the blood shadow separation has long been unable to keep up with his fight.

And now

"what to play According to the harvest of these days, all the stories that can be produced are stories that end in tragedy and desolation, just like the scar man just now. The stories are full of sadness and helplessness. "

Generally speaking, the ending of the story is unpleasant, or full of anger and powerlessness, or the ending is full of regret, almost all of which can appear worldly thoughts.

After a pause, Jiang Ting frowned slightly: "I don't know if it's feasible for me to let blood shadow act in this way."

He is going to let Xueying go to create a place for inheritance, and then he makes a big effort to find many people to go in As for the end of inheritance, nature has nothing.

When countless people who have been beaten to death finally pass the tests, the blood shadow suddenly appears and tells them that it's just a farce Under the sudden contrast, may bring a lot of worldly thoughts?

But in Jiang Ting's view, it seems that this is not a tragedy, it can only be said that it is a farce. If we want this matter to become a tragedy, we have to die many people when we are looking for inheritance.

Jiang Ting is not sure whether he can succeed or not, but it's the best way for him to think about it and take the initiative.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting waves Xueying to leave I left Xiayu city and headed for the mountains outside Xiayu city.

He decided to have a try!

After controlling the blood shadow and leaving, Jiang Ting got up again and enveloped the whole city with his mind.

He's looking for the villain.

He is ready to pass some important clues to some villains, so that those villains can get the final victory.

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