With the help of Jiangting's wine, Xu Yang was promoted to the third level God without side effects!

As the third level God of the real value of goods, Xu Yang's feet were nailed to the ground like steel, even if he didn't expect it.

After preparing for a long time to fight back, Xu Qing lost consciousness: "how can..."

"You want to die!" Xu Yang's right foot suddenly raised, and then stepped on Xu Qing's chest.

"No..." Xu Po roared angrily.

Unfortunately Xu Yang didn't stop because of his roar. He stepped on his foot firmly.

"Poof The blood gushed like a flood, and the blood mist was flying.

The foot was obviously not so simple. Under the foot, blood vessels all over Xu Qing's body were trampled violently, and her skin began to bleed But in a flash, he became a blood man.

Although he hasn't died yet, Xu Qing will not be able to live if he doesn't cherish the magic pill.

Xu Po was completely absent-minded. Unconscious whisper: "Dad..."

Xu Yang is slightly bent over: "now, tell me."

Between the words, a magic power condensed into a palm, stuck out Xu Qing's neck and lifted him up again.

"Bah!" Xu Qing spat out a mouthful of blood, and then sneered: "why don't you kill me directly?"

Xu Yang suddenly angry: "do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"Kaka kaka..." The palm of the hand that the divine power condenses sends out power instantly, Xu Qing is lifted by the neck half empty, a divine power begins to permeate, as if want to kill him on the spot!


After about three breaths.

Xu Yang doesn't know what to think. He stares at Xu Qing for a while and waves his hand away.

"Cough..." As soon as she landed, Xu Qing began to breathe the fresh air, and the blood all over her body spread faster.

Look at Xu Yang again, scan the courtyard, then sneer: "although I want to kill you, master Jiang is next door after all. I don't want to hate that master. I'll spare your life today. I'll come back in a few days!"

After that, Xu Yang took another look at Xu Po and then turned to leave.

Well, I really left.

Xu Po responded at this time and quickly approached: "Dad, how are you..."

Xu Qing shook his head slightly: "cough I'm fine... "

………… ..

next door.

Jiang Ting, lying on the chair under the big tree, slowly opened his eyes: "it's really disappointing. It's just a wall apart, but it's like a natural moat that you can't cross?"

He, in the end, didn't do it, and Xu Yang Well, Jiang Ting didn't even show his breath. He didn't know why Xu Yang suddenly stopped, but he didn't care.

All he knew was that Xu Po and Xu Qing could not come to ask for help!

Xu Po, in particular, was extremely disappointed. He had been in the corner before. If he was a little more determined, when Xu Yang was cleaning up Xu Qing, he could just jump over the wall and ask for help.

Unfortunately He overestimated Xu Qing, also overestimated Xu Po, a wall apart they can not cross, or perhaps, Xu Qing know Xu Yang will not die?

He did not know exactly why.

Not long after, Jiang Ting, who was thinking, suddenly got up Outside, guests come. I hope this story can bring him earthly thoughts.

………… In a twinkling of an eye, about ten days passed.

While Jiang ting'an is listening to the story quietly, Xia Yucheng is now surging.

Leaving aside a few stories about the first level gods, the rest of the second level gods who tell stories have been promoted to the third level gods or are in the process of being promoted to the third level gods, and the number is not small.

If the realm is improved, the heart will naturally grow.

Some people who have tried to sneak into the city Lord's mansion have found that all the high-rise buildings in the city Lord's mansion have disappeared, and only some servants and ordinary guards are still among them.

Long Hua, the city's leader, and the high-rise buildings disappear. I'm afraid that there will be a lot of waves in Xia Yucheng's fight for the position of the city's leader. Of course, the street where Jiangting is still quiet.

No matter how chaotic Xia Yucheng is, no one dares to make trouble in the streets where Jiangting is and the neighboring streets.

It's another story. Jiang Ting takes a glance to make sure that no one is ready to come forward and leave a phantom. He turns back to the backyard and wants to see the tragedy quietly.


Xu Po and Xu Qing are in the courtyard wall and the wing room next door.

Ten days ago, both of them were injured in Xu Yang's hands, but Xu Po seems to have become quite energetic. Unfortunately, Xu Qing At the moment, lying quietly between the beds, his face was pale, as if his life would not be long.

Here, full of depressive silence.

I don't know how long later.

"Cough..." Lying Xu Qing began to cough violently.

Xu Po was pleasantly surprised: "Dad..."Xu Qing waved weakly: "no It's OK. "

Xu Po came forward in a hurry: "I'll cure you now!"

He put his hands on Xu Qing's shoulders and tried to transfer the power in his body to Xu Qing Unfortunately, there is no half of the strength to flow out.

The power in his body has already dried up!

After a long time, the strength in his body was sent into Xu Qing's body. At this moment, where is the strength in his body, and he has not become a God. The strength in his body is almost no help to Xu Qing's injury.

After so many days of delay, Xu Qing's injury is not only not getting better, but more and more serious.

"It's all my fault..." With the rise of powerlessness, Xu Po's eyes become red, and his mood rises with countless resentments. He hates why Xu Yang is so cruel.

"Don't cry. After so many years of living, I've almost had enough."

At the end of the speech, Xu Qing suddenly struggled to do it: "the divine realm is not peaceful, some day When I leave one day, I'll be more careful and don't make any more trouble. Otherwise, without my help . cough... "

He coughed violently again and couldn't even say a complete paragraph.

Xu Po was slightly stunned and suddenly got up: "I'll find someone to help you!"

After that, Xu Po has left with a hurry.

Xu Qing became worried: "come back It's just that he can't finish it. It's not that Xu Po has already thrown himself out of the room. In his present state, he can't catch up.


under the big tree.

Jiang Ting, who was lying quietly, suddenly opened his eyes: "come to me Let me see if the so-called human tragedy can really get a lot of worldly thoughts. "

Unlike storytelling, at the moment, he has not yet absorbed half of the worldly thoughts from the events of his neighbor's family. I don't know whether this matter still has room to turn around, or whether the tragedy is not over yet?

He still doesn't understand the specific principle, so he can only look at it for a while.

About ten minutes later.

Xu Po climbed up the wall: "Uncle Jiang."

Jiang Ting's eyes quietly picked up and then chuckled: "it seems that you've had a bad time recently."

“…… Xu Po is silent. How is his life recently!

After a while, he turned down the wall to show some hope: "Uncle Jiang, you must have a way to save my father, right?"

Although it was only ten days, Xu Po became much more mature in a few days.

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