In just 30 years, Jiang Ting would not have lost his temper, not to mention that he first expected that the slowest would take 50 years. Now it's only 30 years

The reason why I can't hold my breath is because.

Ten years ago, he realized the meaning of time and space almost completely. If he divided the meaning of time and space into 100 parts, he realized 99 of them and left the last one.

And this last bit, has been a full decade, no feeling!

In other words, he realized 99% after only 20 years, and he didn't make any progress in the remaining 10 years.

At first, he thought that it was normal for him to understand the last part, but he didn't make any progress for ten years. Jiang Ting knew that he was missing some opportunity or something.

If you continue to build a car behind closed doors, the remaining one percent may not be able to understand it all the time. Unless he knows the reason, then you can control it completely only if you continue to build a car behind closed doors.

Jiang Ting, who wakes up, is silent for a while and turns his head to scan the starry sky He's thinking about whether he's missing something.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ting didn't find anything he hadn't done well or lacked Why can't I get promoted?

After pondering for a while again, Jiang Ting revealed some uncertainty: "is it not possible to comprehend the last few points? If you do this, you can be promoted?"

The reason why he said this is that although he has not been promoted to the king of God, in fact, if he wants to, he can be promoted now!

Yes, he can be promoted now!

Although he is still short of the last bit, he can be promoted to the king of God at the next moment as long as he is willing. It's just that he has not been promoted because he is not yet perfect.

Think of here, Jiang Ting frowns slightly: "that, promotion now?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting suddenly shook his head Not perfect, or do not promote the good!

Promotion without complete control of the rules is a flawed state. If there is no remedy, what should we do!

He doesn't want to be promoted to the king of God, but because the rules are not completely controlled, he becomes the weakest king of God. If he is promoted to death, he doesn't want to be invincible in the world, but he also wants to step into the strongest one!

There is still a lot of time left. Don't worry!

And now even if not promoted, his strength will not be weak!

Speaking of this, I have to mention that in the past 30 years, although Jiang Ting has not been able to completely control the meaning of time and space, he has realized that 99% is not fake.

His strength is totally different from that of 30 years ago.

Now Jiang Ting is a little embarrassed.

He can't beat any God King, but no level 9 God can beat him If he wants to kill the Ninth level God, even the peerless pride in the realm of the Ninth level God, he can use the time and space to kill.

Jiang Ting, who controls 99% of the meaning of time and space, can almost control the meaning of time and space, breaking out terrible powers belonging to rules.

If you can't understand To put it simply, today's him, a slap can kill countless 30 years of himself.

It's not that the power of his hand has increased, or that the destructive power he caused has increased. Strictly speaking, the power of a simple round hand is no different from that of 30 years ago.

The reason why he was able to slap himself to death 30 years ago is that now he has been able to use the rules at will. No matter how many cards and means there are under the God King, as long as he is not the God King, he will die.

That's the power of the rule, which is beyond the reach of the Ninth level God. Now he is not the Ninth level God, nor the king of God. He has to set a realm. Maybe he should be regarded as the king of super low configuration?

Of course, these are not in Jiang Ting's meditation. Now, he is still thinking about what causes him to be unable to control the last little space-time rules.

Well, the rules!

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting raised his head and revealed some uncertainty: "is it a backfire?"

The rules of time, regurgitation.

Because there is only a little meaning left for distance to completely control time and space, Jiang Ting has got countless information from the rules of time, and has also realized countless information.

Now he has understood why he can't remember the past, why the old friends of the past are beginning to blur in his memory It has nothing to do with his previous loss of heart.

It's because it comes from time.

When he was solving his obsession, he once went back and forth to the seven spirit world in the past, and even left a big seal in the seven spirit world According to reason, the seven Spirits world doesn't have that seal!

He changed the history of the seven Spirits world, so he suffered from the bite of time.

The past can be changed, but if it is changed, it will be backfired. This is what Jiang Ting learned after he deeply controlled the meaning of time and space.

And the backfire he encounters will be different because of the size of the influence. There is no strong one in the seven Spirits world, and no one can fly to the endless God realm. Therefore, the backfire he encounters is not big. It's just that the past is beginning to blur, and that's all.Thinking of this, Jiang Ting quietly shows some palpitations, and a little cold sweat appears on his forehead Before him, it's really meaningless not to know! How good it is to leave directly after solving the obsession. I have to try to see if history can change. As a result, I met with backfire!

And he didn't pit him!

Because of Jiang Ting, the mainland of Taiyu, which is the birthplace of ruthlessness, has changed However, because of the merciless cooperation and some other merciless means, after the Taiyu mainland was changed, the backfire did not come to his head, but fell to the merciless head.

Jiang Ting doesn't know the exact size of the backfire, but he knows that the backfire in the seven Spirits world is just a drizzle compared with that in the Taiyu continent. Maybe he will know more details of the backfire after he completely controls it.

About ten minutes later.

Jiang Ting suddenly shook his head again: "no, I couldn't have understood it so quickly before because of backfire. I was stuck in the end It should be, other reasons, but what else? "

After denying that it might be because of the bite of time, Jiang Ting began to meditate on other possibilities.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting whispered: "is it because I have already started to shuttle to the past before I control the rules?"

It is not without reason that Jiang Ting thinks so.

The king of God is the terrible one who controls the rules.

Rules, whether in the past or in the future, all exist. Therefore, after controlling the rules, the God King will not exist in the past and in the future, but only in the present!

In short, assuming that Jiang Ting is promoted to the realm of God and completely controls the rules, his past and future will disappear in an instant. If you want to find him, you have to be in the "present" period.

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