Jiang Ting was going to summon merciless. He used the last human feelings to ask for advice again, but he stopped when he was about to summon, because he thought of the words before merciless And that sentence, is there another terrible explanation!

If he wants to control time, he has to bear the scour from time to death, so that he can control time?

Could it be so?

After hesitating for a long time, Jiang Ting felt a little irritable, and even more upset, he grabbed his own hair.

His two guesses now, no matter which one, all need him to bear the scour from time And the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about the right direction.

What is the most terrible thing about the rule of time to the enemy? It's not a reversal of the past and the future. When facing the enemy, the most terrible thing is to use the rule of time to wash away the enemy, so that the enemy can pass away countless years in an instant. Since then, the body, spirit and soul are all decayed and die.

And the most terrible sense of Jiang Ting's time rule now is that it comes from the scouring of time, which is extremely terrifying.

If he wants to control such means, he needs to sink into it first to realize.

Even if he is summoned for advice, I'm afraid ruthlessness will give him the same answer. It's useless to use it.

"Ah Think of here, Jiang Ting only feel more and more irritable, looking up to the sky is a burst of roar, sound waves rolling.

Fortunately, he is surrounded by prohibitions. If not, with Jiang Ting's strength, he will scream with the rules of time and space, not to mention turning the starry sky into powder, but At least it's not hard to let all the living things die.

Because he knew the answer, Jiang Ting never asked.

But also because of the guess to the answer, and the two possibilities can not bypass the threshold, even Jiang Ting at the moment can not help but extremely upset, irritable.

On the other hand, he was so surprised that he could not take the last step!


In Jiang Ting's irritability, it was about half a month later.

In the past half a month, Jiang Ting has not made any moves, and he has been thinking in his irritability. He just doesn't know if it is related to irritability. He has never thought that there are other possibilities.

It seems that there are only two roads in front of him, and no matter which one, he has to bear the scour from time.

It's been a while.

Jiang Ting quietly took out the hundred rosary beads, watching the spring and autumn cicada in the hundred rosary beads begin to be distracted.

At the beginning, he spent ten years collecting worldly thoughts, in order to avoid the erosion from time, so as not to damage his own foundation. But unexpectedly, around, he went back to the origin. Unexpectedly, he still needed to bear the erosion of time!

After a while, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "alas."

With a sigh, Jiang Ting took his eyes away from Bai Nianzhu. He had to think about it carefully It's very important to bear the scour of time.

Even if he succeeds, he will probably lose his foundation It's no joke.

If he goes to the front of the mature Europe, his body and even the spirit will decay rapidly under the erosion of time. Once he fails to succeed in a short time, even if he has become, he will grow old and lose his vigor.

The decay of his body and soul will greatly reduce his talent and combat power!

God King, the terrible thing is the rules.

And every God King controls the rules. When they can't help each other with the rules, if they want to win or lose, they have to rely on their strength.

If the foundation is greatly damaged, you will be promoted to the king of God He might as well choose to be promoted now. Even if there are future troubles, at least his foundation is still there.

However, can future troubles be repaired?

Thinking about it, Jiang Ting became more and more agitated Now promotion is extremely likely to leave a great hidden danger. I don't know if it can be repaired. Everything is extremely unknown.

Instead of being promoted immediately, he has to endure the erosion of time. He is likely to lose his foundation and be promoted at that time

No matter what, it seems that it is not a good strategy.

How to do it?

After a while.

Jiang Ting, still in distress, suddenly raises his head He sensed that there were rules coming.

It's just a rule, not a king coming He sensed that the rule was extremely active. If the rule was a living creature, the emotion at the moment should be cheering, right?

Cheers? No, soon Jiang Ting shook his head. He felt that the rule was full of indifference.

It's not a metaphor, but indifference in the true sense. He is familiar with that indifference. If he doesn't feel wrong, it belongs to the artistic conception of heaven.

Why does the way of heaven suddenly break out?

The way of heaven is also a rule, which maintains the normal operation of the endless galaxy. Without the intervention of external forces, the way of heaven will be eternal as one day! For no reason, it is impossible to suddenly break out, even let the river court at the moment extremely obvious aware.

You know, Jiang Ting is not aware of the existence of heaven!When he shuttles back and forth to the past, because he does not belong to the past, the way of heaven will show that the eye of the way of heaven has been staring at him, but at the moment, this is the present belonging to Jiangting! Unless there are special circumstances, the way of heaven will not appear at all.

Let alone let Jiang Ting find out Now, the way of heaven suddenly becomes active Because of this change, Jiang Tingben's restless mood gradually calmed down.

This activity In the past, Jiang Ting didn't know what it meant, but now he does.

Even if he hasn't completely controlled it, he is only a little short of it Therefore, he has realized more or less what he can know in the realm of the king of God, and only a few of them need to be thoroughly promoted before he can understand.

It's a bit far away.

In Jiangting's mind, the way of heaven between heaven and earth has become more and more active. Then in Jiangting's sight of the rules, we can see that the endless rules of the way of heaven slowly condense, and then begin to move towards a certain place.

He didn't know where it was, but he knew it was far away from him.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting got up in an instant and his pupils shrank: "suddenly active, suddenly condensed Who was promoted to the throne? "

Rules, just rules, almost never change, unless someone triggers them.

And now, this sudden change It's someone who completely controlled the rules and promoted the king!

Only when the person who controls the rules is promoted, can he integrate the rules of heaven and earth, and then the rules suddenly become so active.

However, because of the special rules of the way of heaven, only the God King and people like Jiang Ting who are in an embarrassing situation can notice this change.

After a moment's silence, Jiang Ting sat down again: "the way of heaven If there are other rules, I may not know who it will be, but the rules of heaven... "

Because of the special rules of the way of heaven, there should be very few practitioners. If there is no accident, they are probably from the way of heaven. The way of heaven, who has extraordinary talent and enough resources to impact the kingdom of God in a short time, happens to know one.

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