After Jiang Ting's thoughts were clear, his eyes became clear and clear, and he had some helplessness Because at this moment, he just understood the true meaning of heartless words. He had guessed half of the countless times before.

That sentence really means If you want to control the meaning of time and space, you must die! This is totally misunderstood by him But fortunately, in the end, he chose to die, so even if he was misunderstood, he never walked the road.

In fact, there are two kinds of interpretation of the sinking time, but Jiang Ting only interprets one.

One is very simple, the other is very difficult, that is, Jiang Ting's action, bearing the erosion of time.

As for the simple one To tell you the truth, after Jiang Ting understood, he would rather not understand.

Because, it's really simple The simplest way to sink into time is to reverse time, shuttle to the past, and then begin to understand the meaning of time.

Well, right, right! As long as he goes back and forth to the past, he doesn't need to bear the scouring from time at all. He just needs to hold a hundred rosary beads and shield the weak scouring from the feeling with spring and autumn cicada. He can easily control the last one percent of the understanding.

Rules of time Shuttling through the past and the future is the rule of time!

He was in this world before, how to control and comprehend thoroughly! Only when he is not in this world can he be completely controlled.

Suffer a big loss?

I'm not sure

The meaning of time and space controlled by Jiang Ting is not only time, but also another space.

Jiang Ting controlled 99% of the meaning of time and space before, but he only understood and understood time. He didn't know what the other rule was. Even though he controlled 99%, he still didn't understand it at all, or even couldn't urge it.

But now, he understood.

The meaning of time and space is not only the meaning of time, but also another rule.

And that rule is called reincarnation.

Reincarnation, linking the past and the future, is the ultimate destination of all living beings. No matter how living beings can't go through reincarnation, they will be obliterated. Consciousness will obliterate everything, and all the past will disappear into emptiness. Therefore, it is emptiness.

The meaning of time and space is time and samsara.

If Jiang Ting didn't die before, if he completely controlled the rules of time by shuttling to the past Then, he will miss the reincarnation rule.

The rule of reincarnation The living can't be understood, only the dead can be controlled. Therefore, even though Jiang Ting controlled 99% before, he still didn't know anything about the rules of reincarnation.

Until his death, he completely controlled the meaning of time and space.

Every carving, carving and drinking has its own fixed number.

Between blessing and disaster, how good or bad Jiang Ting's behavior was before? Who can tell?

Soon, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly, not thinking It's all over. It's useless to think about it.

He looked at himself Well, yes, it's himself. He's staring at the corpse on the ground, which is very old and rickets.

That's his body.

And Jiang Ting at the moment, although he is not dead, but he is not living.

According to the division of life, Jiang Ting is dead now, but he is not dead, right?

His present body is not a physical body, but a body condensed by the rules of time.

Staring at the corpse for a while, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and sighed: "merciless, merciless I'm the king of God now, but I find that I can't see you more and more clearly. "

Between sighs, Jiang Ting's body shape directly turns into fog, pours into the corpse.

After half a breath.

The corpse Ah bah, it's Jiang ting. Jiang Ting slowly opens his eyes, and then rises slowly from his lying posture.

Weird things happen.

As Jiang Ting got up, his body began to flow back at an extremely terrible speed, his bent body began to be straight, his white hair began to turn black, and his powerless appearance began to look energetic.

He got up and took a breath.

And when he got up The old rickets old man has disappeared, his body back to the juvenile appearance, the body, did not leave any hidden injury, but also because he got up, the rules of time between heaven and earth became active, began to boil, as if to celebrate something.

Unfortunately, the rules of time are not as vast as the moonlight, there is no vision, only a few qualified people can feel the clue.

He didn't leave any hidden damage to his body Well, I forgot to say that he is now the king of God.

When he died, he was a nine level God. After a breath, he came back to life, and then he was the God King.

It sounds like a joke, but it's true If you completely control the rules, you are the God King!

When he died, he completely controlled the rules of time, so he was the king of God.

What is terrible about the king of God is not the power of the hand, but the rules. Only the rules can resist the rules.I don't know if it's because he controlled the time. Jiang Ting found that he didn't seem to be very happy, but he was very calm, as if everything should be like this.

Soon, Jiang Ting closed his eyes slowly: "God King This is the power of the king of God. Whether it is the kingdom of God or the secret arts, ha ha. "

He is familiar, his power comes from the power of time.

As for reincarnation Well, let's not mention it. It's not lethal anyway.

At the moment, it really has no lethality. It can't even be used against the enemy The simple rule of reincarnation is useless. To be more specific, we will look at it later.

For example, Jiang Ting is now familiar with the power of the God King. After he is completely familiar with it, he may have other insights.

A trace of time was stirred by Jiang Ting, and then Jiang Ting's body began to accelerate.

With the rest of the outside world, Jiang Ting's thoughts have gone through the past few months.

Then Jiang Ting quietly opened his eyes and let time return to normal by waving his hand At the same time, he looked a little strange.

The rule of reincarnation If the reincarnation rules of the dead are manifested, strictly speaking, they are no different from the reincarnation channel of the nether world. Maybe he has not found the correct way to use the reincarnation rules at the moment, so let's not mention it for the moment.

It's the rule of time In fact, it took him a few months to see clearly how terrible his power was.

No matter how many opponents there are, as long as the rules of time to wash, one person can block all armies! Even if countless gods come, he is not afraid!

Of course, Jiang Ting also knows that this is just an illusion, the invincible illusion brought about by the complete control of the rules of time.

Compared with the previous one step short of complete control, there is not much improvement in pure power. The most important thing is He uses rules, no consumption!

As long as he does not use the rules of time beyond a certain limit, then there will be no consumption for him The meaning of time and space has been integrated with him, he is time!

As for the power of the hand, under the terrible power of the rule of time, it is the second. Even Jiang Ting just takes a rough step and pays attention to it.

What he is more interested in is whether he can shuttle back and forth to the past with the rule of time to kill his opponent.

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