Jiangting is far away from the battlefield between the ghost emperor and the sudden Pluto. It takes a few minutes to perceive Yunxi's position.

Then, without hesitation, he turned into moonlight and approached Yunxi quickly.

As for the fight between the ghost emperor and the underworld, he was not interested.

It should be of great benefit to him to watch the fighting between the two powerful gods But Jiang Ting is not stupid. He doesn't need to watch it now.

If he wants to watch the battle, he might as well wait until the end of the fight, and then reverse time and space with the help of the rules of time, looking for the picture of their battle in the rules of time. Then he can watch the battle as well. Why take the risk to get close at the moment?

Although the God King is not obvious in the past But Jiang Ting is not looking for them in the past, just looking for the pictures depicted in heaven and earth.

Between Jiang Ting's thoughts, tens of thousands of Li were soon crossed by him, and appeared in front of a mountain which seemed to be full of desolation.

But in fact From the outside, there is no place without desolation.

"Yunxi." With a whisper, the Jiangting path falls straight to the peak near the top of the mountain.

Not far in front of him was a figure full of black fog Although it's full of black fog, Jiangting is the realm of the God King at the moment. Except for ghosts like guyuqueling, the other ghosts can't resist Jiangting's sight.

Cloud Xi, shrouded in black fog, raised his head: "Jiangting."

Voice, some indifferent.

It was a familiar voice, but in Jiang Ting's ears, it was full of strange and distant taste.


Hesitating for a while, Jiang Ting said: "I'll take you away from the nether world."

Yunxi's eyes are more and more strange: "why should I leave the nether world?"

"Er..." Jiang Ting's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

Somehow, he suddenly thought of a few words.

The heart of ghosts.

He doesn't know what the ghost heart is, but now it seems Yunxi seems to have completely lost the feeling of belonging to the human race.

"Cluck Since you have been promoted to the king of gods, have you never heard of it A smile suddenly rang out.

That's the sound of bird feathers.

Jiang Ting did not look back: "what do you mean?"

His eyes, still staring at Yunxi.

Yunxi moved his eyes slightly and bowed to salute: "Queling God King."

The bird plume appeared three feet away from Jiang Ting's body: "literally."


If this is the case, Jiang Ting will know what he means just by a slight turn of his mind Desire, for desire, ghosts have no desire?

Love, for emotion, the underworld has no emotion?

Queling obviously saw Jiang Ting's idea, and his mouth rose slightly: "no matter the ghost or the underworld, they don't have the feelings of the human race. In the words of the human race, the ghost and the underworld have no desire."

Jiang Ting's face remained unchanged: "if there is no desire and no demand, it will be a little too much. If there is no desire and no demand, why does the ghost emperor bother to get back the meaning of time and space? If there is no desire, why does the master of the underworld want to rob time and space? "

As long as it is a living creature, as long as it has wisdom, it is impossible to have no desire and no desire!

If it is really heartless, can it really be called an intelligent creature?

Queling said with a smile: "it's not too much. Apart from the ghost emperor, the ghost family of nuota has no desire. Apart from the underworld master, thousands of underworld people have no love. Is this your beauty in front of you? As far as she is concerned, as long as she does not destroy all the spirits, she will devote all that belongs to herself to the ghost clan until she dies. "

After saying that, Queling said with inexplicable: "no one forced her, this is her own idea."

Jiang Ting frowned: "why tell me? What do you want to do? "

Queling said with a smile: "I don't want to do anything. I just want to see a good play. Queling has been in the nether world for countless years. How can I miss it

Heaven can see pity. The real body of Queling is just a skeleton of a bird. No matter she smiles or looks like other people, she is full of ferocity.

But Yunxi's face didn't change. It seemed that Queling didn't say anything about her, or what he said had nothing to do with her.

Jiang Ting slightly tilted his head: "what can you see?"

"Cluck I like to watch the drama of gratitude and resentment

With a smile, Queling tilted her head slightly: "I'm the most special one in this big ghost family, because I've been suppressing the heart of the ghost family, and I still have my own feelings Can I help you to suppress the ghost heart of your confidant for the time being? Do you need help? "

Jiang Ting did not agree: "what is the heart of the ghost family?"

"Why is it so troublesome to watch a good play?" Queling has a headache in her eyes There was no eye in her eyes, just a hollow hole. Heaven knows how Jiang Ting saw the change of her face.

Maybe that's the ability to belong to the kingdom of God? The horror of rules?Fortunately, although Queling had a headache, he still explained: "actually, I didn't fully understand In short, it is the root of her transformation into a ghost family. For the dead, the normal destination is either to go through reincarnation or to be destroyed by reincarnation If the dead get the heart of the ghost family, they can become the ghost family and never fall into reincarnation. Of course, death is the complete extinction of the spirits and no longer exists. "

Although Queling didn't explain clearly, Jiangting understood As for what he understood, he was not clear.

Just, what is the good play that Queling wants to see?

Although still want to ask, but Jiang Ting also know, too much is not enough.

Therefore, Jiang Ting slightly clasped his fist: "thank you for your help."

No matter what good play Queling wants to see, he is ready to persuade Yunxi first, and then try to leave the nether world as soon as possible.

"I'm looking forward to that." Queling's smile is full of innumerable oddities and amusements.

Then, the bird plume stirs up the skeleton and wings slightly, and ripples emerge. Before Jiang Ting can feel what the ripples are, the ripples directly enter Yunxi's body.

After that After that, there was no vision. The ripples disappeared.

About half a breath passed.

Yunxi, whose eyes have always been strange, quietly raised his head: "Jiangting You, you are the king of God? "

Or before that sentence, but now listen to Jiang Ting's ears, but no longer before the strange, but full of familiar.

However, Jiang Ting did not rashly confirm, but revealed his exploration: "have you recovered? Shall we leave the nether world

"Good." Yunxi was ecstatic for a moment, and then his eyes showed some sorrow: "you don't know, after I became a ghost, my emotion seems to be disappearing. The last time you didn't come, I could still vaguely feel my emotion, but after you left, I can no longer suppress it, and I can no longer feel the existence of emotion."

Jiang Ting has no interface: "let's leave the nether world first."

This nether world is not a safe place now Just leave, Jiang Ting's mood some light uneasiness, Queling want to see the good play have not seen, he can leave smoothly?

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