Although the old woman was happy, she was not aiming at Jiang Ting, just because of the return of the magic moon god King And when he learned the heartless rejection, his joy disappeared.

After all, because Chai Ying and Jiang Ting have a very special relationship at the moment, whether they are in love or reason or in the magic Moon Palace, the old woman doesn't want Jiang ting to have an accident.

"Time is too long. It's too special."

After a pause, the magic moon King whispered: "but there's no need to worry. Jiang Ting cultivates the rules of time. Whether he is trapped in the chaotic rules or involved in the long river of time, it's safe to protect himself for the time being. First, look at the news of the ghost clan. If the ghost clan can't get the whereabouts, he can only wait for the merciless exit. If he practices the rules of time, he must find Jiang It's not hard to find the court

Chai Ying sighed: "it can only be so."

It's not that she doesn't want to look around Instead, reason tells her that useless search is just a waste of effort.

However, this is not the end!

Chai Ying stood in the same place for a while, suddenly looked up and showed some confusion: "I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in my heart. My reason told me that this was the best way to deal with it, but my emotion told me that such inaction seemed cold-blooded I am. Do you like him? "

The magic moon god king was stunned at first, and then laughed in silence: "who can tell the right thing about feelings Don't mention it. Now that you have been promoted to the king of God, I will begin to take over the position of master of the magic Moon Palace. After I give it to you, I can also do my own business. "

The old woman frowned slightly: "is the palace chief going to find Dan Heng? He can't see through his obsession. It's useless for the palace master to look for it. Why

"You should try to get rid of what you look like at the moment. It's hard to say the word" love. "

With the light words, the magic moon God turned quietly: "I'll go to try, he may not be able to see through, but in any case, the situation will not be worse But I don't care. Then he has no chance to see through. It's hard to be idle now. Why waste it


It's a long time.

Jiang Ting stood on the water with red eyes: "failed again No, there is a chance, I still have a chance

He didn't know how long he tried in the long river of time, but he knew that he was a little tired.

And after that fatigue appeared, it never disappeared.

His attempt to enter the stars has not been successful, and he has failed every time. Under the constant attempts and failures, he has continued to this moment.

Looking at the calm water, looking at the countless stars that only he can see Jiang Ting hesitated.

He has another method that he has not tried. In his opinion, that method is highly feasible, but he has never tried it, because the risk is too high.

The way is to forcibly separate a piece of soul into the stars. At that time, although his real body is still trapped in the long river of time, as long as the soul can leave, then the soul will set up an array for receiving and guiding from the outside world, and then his real body will also try to break the situation in the long river. Under the internal and external attacks, the possibility of extricating himself is very high.

It's just that there's a lot of risk A little carelessness, his soul will be destroyed.

Just a wisp of soul, originally nothing, but for him now, it is very important.

It's not because the divided soul can't be recovered after being destroyed, but because if he wants to let the divided soul leave, he must rely on the rules of time. If the divided soul is really destroyed, it means that his control over the rules of time will be reduced.

The kind of reduction that can never be recovered!

Is that really the case?

A moment later, Jiang Ting shakes his head and smiles bitterly In the past few years, he has tried countless ways.

No matter trying to be violent, or trying to turn himself into a rule to enter the stars, he can't do it at all. To him, the stars are just like flowers in the water mirror.

In the case of no recovery at all, continue to try summer and autumn, once fatigue continues to increase, sooner or later there will be great changes.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting clenched his fist in an instant: "no, I can't wait for outside help. Even if someone outside wants to help me, I'm afraid I can't find myself involved in a long time Although I take risks, if I succeed, I will be able to get out of trouble. Even if I have less control over time, I will find a way to regain the meaning of time and space, and deepen my control over time with the help of the meaning of time and space! "

He decided to take the risk!

Anyway, he won't die. At most, his soul is destroyed and his control of time is reduced Although the consequences are serious, but relative to the harvest, it is worth the risk!

He doesn't want to be stuck in this long time! If he doesn't try, if no one comes to help, he will be trapped here forever!

A moment later, Jiang Ting frowned again: "what direction of stars are you going to try before..."

Jiang Ting, in the realm of the king of gods, forgot the direction It sounds ridiculous, but it's true.

There is only time in the long river of time. Besides, there is nothing else, no rules or concepts.Strictly speaking, there is no front, back, left, right, Southeast, Northwest Some people may say that as long as we fix ourselves at a distant point, there will certainly be southeast, northwest, around.

But this truth will not work in a long time.

Time, if not to talk about a direction, only two, upstream and downstream!

As for the front, back, left and right At first, Jiang Ting didn't find it, but after he was trapped here for a long time, he found that there was no so-called location difference.

If he is willing, even if he doesn't move, he will be able to see all directions. As long as he is willing, the front is the rear. This is the reason why Jiang Ting gave up after flying for a long time.

There is no division of direction, so no matter how to fly, it is impossible to fly for a long time!

If you want to leave, or as he tried before, try to shake the huge rules of time, and then come to any world.

Or, what marks and coordinates can let him pursue? After all, what he practices is the rule of time. If the outside world has coordinates and marks that can let him pursue, then he will not be completely lost. As long as he follows the marks and coordinates, he will leave sooner or later.

No matter what he does, he can't fight against the long river of time and come to the world by force. What he can do now is to venture to separate the soul into a certain world, and then leave the long river of time with the help of the soul.

And Jiang Ting is still thinking about which star represents the heaven and earth that he is going to come to.

Soon, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly, not thinking For him, there is no difference anywhere, as long as the soul can arrive safely, he can arrange a large array to lead the real body.

Just look for any star.

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